The executive power of the government of the Township of Upper Darby shall be vested in a Mayor, who shall be a qualified elector of the Township and shall have resided in the Township for a period of at least one year preceding the date on which he will assume office. The Mayor shall be nominated and elected by qualified electors of the Township-at-large, in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to serve for a term of four years in the manner hereinafter provided. The Mayor shall continue to reside within the Township during his term of office. No person shall be elected to the office of Mayor for more than three successive terms.
The Mayor shall not hold any other compensated position in the government of the Township of Upper Darby.
The Mayor, in addition to any other power and responsibilities provided in this Charter, shall:
Supervise and control, either directly or through subordinate employees, all the administrative departments and divisions of the Township.
Execute and enforce all laws, ordinances, and resolutions and see that they are faithfully obeyed.
Appoint, with the approval of six members of Council, a Chief Administrative Officer.
Have the right to be present at and to participate in all Council meetings and to recommend to Council such ordinances and resolutions as he deems necessary and desirable; provided, however, that he may not vote in Council meetings except in the case of a tie, as otherwise provided herein.
Submit to the Council an annual report describing the state of affairs of the Township.
Prepare and submit to the Council the annual budget and capital program of the Township.
Report to the public, at least once a year, on the state of affairs of the Township.
Execute, or cause to be executed on the Township's behalf, all deeds, contracts, and other instruments to which the Township is a party.
Have the power to approve or veto legislation as set forth in § C-404 of this Article.
Appoint, with the approval of six members of Council, all members of authorities, boards, and commissions except as otherwise provided in law.
Have the power to appoint and to dissolve from time to time voluntary committees of citizens to assist and advise him on issues and matters pertaining to his office.
Represent the Township in deliberations with other governmental bodies and shall have the authority to negotiate intergovernmental cooperative agreements, which shall be subject to the final ratification of Council.
The Mayor may appoint an appropriate delegate to perform the functions listed within this paragraph.
Have all necessary and incidental powers to perform and exercise any of the duties and functions of his office as set forth in this Charter or lawfully delegated to him.
Every ordinance and resolution passed by Council shall be sent to and received by the Mayor within three days from its adoption. The Mayor may approve such legislation by signing it within a period of 10 days after its passage by Council. The Mayor may disapprove (veto) such legislation by not signing it, but in such cases he shall return it to Council within 10 days after its adoption with a written statement of his objections. If the Mayor shall neither sign nor veto such legislation within the above specific time period, then it shall take effect in the same manner as if he had signed it on the last day of said ten-day period. Following the veto by the Mayor, Council may reconsider the legislation; and it shall take effect if it is approved by seven members of Council notwithstanding the veto of the Mayor.
Temporary Absence. During any period when the Mayor shall be absent, temporarily incapacitated, or unable for any cause to perform his duties, these duties shall be assumed by the President of Council, who shall become acting Mayor, and in the absence of the President of Council, by whomever Council shall appoint.
Vacancy. The office of Mayor shall become vacant upon his death, resignation, removal from office in any manner authorized by this Charter or by law, or forfeiture of his office.
Forfeiture of Office. The Mayor shall forfeit his office if he:
Lacks at any time during his term of office any qualification for the office as prescribed by this Charter or by law;
Willfully violates any express, substantive prohibition of this Charter;
[Amended 1-20-1988 by Ord. No. 2714]
Is convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude.
Filling of Vacancy. If the office of Mayor shall become vacant, the President of Council shall become Mayor and shall serve out the unexpired term of the Mayor. If the President of Council should be unable or unwilling to serve as Mayor, and so informs the Council in writing within 45 days of the occurrence of the vacancy in the office of Mayor, the Council shall choose, by majority vote of the members then serving (including the vote of the President of Council then serving as Mayor), another of its members to serve out the unexpired term of the Mayor, and the President of Council then serving as Mayor shall resume his office as a member and as President of Council. If the President of Council does not so inform the Council within such forty-five day period, the President of Council shall remain as Mayor until the earlier of the end of the unexpired term of the Mayor, his death, resignation, removal from office in any manner authorized by this Charter or by law, or forfeiture of office. Except as provided with respect to the forty-five-day notice period provided above, if the President or other member of Council becomes Mayor for longer than the foregoing forty-five-day period, his office as Council member shall become vacant.
[Amended 1-20-1988 by Ord. No. 2714]
[Amended 1-20-1988 by Ord. No. 2714[1]]
The Mayor's salary shall be $10,000 per annum. Such salary shall be increased by Council only when the salaries of Council members are increased. In this case, the Mayor's salary shall automatically increase by the same percent by which Council members' salaries have been increased. Salary increases for the Mayor shall become effective on the same date as those of Council members.
In addition to the salary provided to the Mayor pursuant to § C-406A, the Mayor shall be entitled to receive the same health care insurance, life insurance and pension benefits as are made available from time to time to the Chief Administrative Officer pursuant to § C-503.
Except as provided in § C-406A and B, the Mayor shall not receive from the Township other compensation, direct or indirect, except for reimbursement of actual out-of-pocket expenses incurred in the performance of his duties. Such reimbursement shall be pursuant to procedures established by resolution of Council.
Editor's Note: Approved at election held 4-26-1988.