The number of Councilpersons, their terms, elections and qualification and the filling of Council vacancies shall be as provided in The Home Rule Charter.
The day, time and place of the organization meeting of the Council shall be as provided in the Charter.
The first order of business shall be the election of a President and a Vice President of the Council and such other officers as the Council may deem appropriate. Until such election is accomplished, the Municipal Clerk shall preside.
In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall exercise the duties of the President. In the absence of both the President and the Vice President, the Council shall appoint a President Pro Tem, who shall have all the powers of the President.
Public notice: Provisions governing public notice of meetings shall be as provided by law.
Regular meetings: Provisions regarding the regular meetings of Council shall be as provided in The Home Rule Charter.
Rules of Procedure: All meetings of the Council shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order and such other rules as Council may, from time to time, establish.
Council shall have two publicly advertised voting meetings per month that are compliant with the Home Rule Charter, the Administrative Code of Upper Darby Township, all duly enacted Ordinances of Upper Darby Township, and Laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the United States.
[Added 7-15-2020 by Ord. No. 3079]
The first voting meeting shall be a workshop format in which Council Committees shall meet as a whole and discuss proposed ordinance(s) and resolution(s) and matters within the jurisdiction of their Committee. If a majority of the Committee members are satisfied with the proposed ordinance(s) and resolution(s) they may ask a quorum of Council assembled at the workshop meeting to vote to advertise the proposed ordinance and/or move forward the resolution for final action at a future Council meeting. The first voting meeting is intended to be a workshop format whereby final action on an ordinance or resolution is discouraged and reserved for emergency circumstances only.
[Added 7-15-2020 by Ord. No. 3079]
The second voting meeting shall be a public meeting whereby a quorum of Council may take action on the advertised ordinance(s) or the recommended resolution(s).
[Added 7-15-2020 by Ord. No. 3079]
Upper Darby Township Council and residents will maintain professional respect for each other. Council encourages free speech; however, civility is required which would prohibit threats, profanity, scandalous, impertinent, and redundant comment or any comment the discernible purpose of which is to disrupt or prevent the conduct of the business of the meeting.
[Added 7-15-2020 by Ord. No. 3079]
The Council may, at any time, provide for standing and ad hoc committees to assist with the carrying out of its function. The presiding officer shall appoint the chairperson for each such committee. Each committee so designated by the Council shall elect its officers and provide for rules governing its procedures. Any such committee appointed by the Council shall, thereafter, report to the Council at the regular stated meetings of that body.
[Added 12-20-1977 by Ord. No. 2532]
The Council shall appoint and fix the salary of the Municipal Clerk. The Municipal Clerk shall serve as Clerk of Council, keep its minutes and records of its proceedings, maintain and compile its ordinances and resolutions, and perform such other functions as may be required by law or by Township ordinance. The Municipal Clerk shall, prior to appointment, have been qualified by training or experience to perform the duties of the office.