No building or structure or any part thereof shall hereafter be built, enlarged, altered, repaired or demolished within the municipality or moved into or out of the municipality except as hereinafter provided, unless a permit thereof shall first be obtained by the owner or his agent from the Building Inspector. Permits required are as follows:
Air conditioning;
Wrecking or razing;
Moving of buildings;
Application for a building permit shall be made in writing upon a blank form to be furnished by the Building Inspector and shall state the name and address of owner of the building and the owner of the land on which it is to be erected, the name and address of the designer, and shall set forth a legal description of the land on which the building is to be located, the location of the building, the house number thereof and such other information as the Building Inspector may require. With such application, there shall be submitted to the Building Inspector two complete sets of plans, an erosion control plan, a water calculation sheet, an energy calculation sheet, specifications and two copies of a survey, as needed.
Survey. The survey shall be prepared and certified by a surveyor registered by the State of Wisconsin, shall be made in no case prior to one year prior to the issuance of a building permit, and shall bear the date of the survey. The certified survey shall also show the following:
Location and dimensions of all buildings on the lot, both existing and proposed;
Dimensions of the lot;
Dimensions showing all setbacks of all buildings on the lot;
Proposed grade of proposed structure, to City or village datum;
Grade of lot and of road opposite lot;
Grade and setback of adjacent buildings. If adjacent lot is vacant, submit elevation of nearest buildings on same side of road;
Type of monuments at each corner of lot;
Watercourses or existing drainage ditches;
Seal and signature of surveyor.
Plans and specifications.
All plans shall be drawn to a scale not less than 1/4 inch per foot, on paper or cloth in ink, or by some other process that will not fade or obliterate, and shall disclose the existing and proposed provisions for water supply, sanitary sewer connections and surface water drainage. All dimensions shall be accurately figured. Drawings that do not show all necessary detail shall be rejected. A complete set of plans for residential construction shall consist of:
All elevations;
All floor plans;
Complete construction details;
Fireplace details (3/4 inch per foot) showing cross section of fireplace and flues;
Plans of garage when garage is to be built immediately, or location of garage when it is to be built at a later date.
All plans shall remain on file in the office of the Building Inspector until the building permit is issued for the building, after which time the Building Inspector may return the same to owner and keep one on file.
At the option of the Building Inspector, the plans, data, specifications and survey need not be submitted with an application for permit to execute minor alterations and repairs to any building, structure or equipment, provided the proposed construction is sufficiently described in the application for permit.
All plans, data and specifications for the construction of any building or structure or for any construction in connection with existing buildings and structures, other than one- and two-family residences, containing more than 25,000 cubic feet, total volume, submitted with an application for permit shall bear the seal of the registered architect or registered engineer. The plans shall also be stamped as approved as required by the Department of Safety and Professional Services of the State of Wisconsin. Such building or structure shall be constructed under the supervision of an architect or engineer who shall be responsible for its erection in accordance with the approved plans. No permit shall be granted for such structure unless such construction will be under the supervision of an architect or engineer, as required by the Wisconsin Statutes. A written statement to this effect shall be filed with the Building Inspector by the architect or engineer along with the application for permit.
Grading of lots. The plans shall show the present and proposed grades of the lot on which it is proposed to erect the building for which a permit is sought and of the immediately adjoining property in sufficient detail to indicate the surface water drainage before and after the completion of grading. No permit shall be issued if the erection of the building and the proposed grades shall unreasonably obstruct the natural flow of water from the surface of adjoining property or obstruct the flow of any existing ravine, ditch, drain or stormwater sewer draining neighboring property, unless suitable provision is made for such flow by means of an adequate ditch or pipe, which shall be shown on the plans and shall be constructed so as to provide continuous drainage at all times.
Stormwater drainage. No dwelling shall be erected, nor shall existing provisions for conveyance of water from the roof of any dwelling be altered or replaced, unless provision is made to convey water from the roof of the dwelling in such a manner that such water will not, directly or indirectly, pass thence into the sanitary sewer system. No stormwater or surface water drains may be connected with the sanitary sewer system, whether installed above or below the surface of the ground.
No building shall be repaired, altered or moved within or into the municipality that has deteriorated or has been damaged, by any cause (including such moving and separation from its foundation and service connections in case of moved buildings), 50% or more of its equalized value, and no permit shall be granted to repair, alter or move such building within or into the municipality.
If the Building Inspector finds that the proposed building will comply in every respect with this chapter, other municipal ordinances, and all laws of the State of Wisconsin and lawful orders issued pursuant thereto, he shall issue a building permit. After being approved, the plans and specifications shall not be altered in any respect which involves any of the above-mentioned ordinances, laws or orders, or which involves the safety to the building, except with the written consent of the Building Inspector filed with such application.
In case adequate plans are presented, the Building Inspector, at his discretion, may issue a permit for a part of the building before receiving the plans and specifications of the entire building. It shall be unlawful to commence work on any building or alteration before the building permit has been issued. The issuance of a permit upon the plans and specifications shall not prevent the Building Inspector from thereafter requiring the correction of errors in said plans and specifications of from preventing building operations being carried on thereunder when in violation of any ordinances of the municipality or laws of the State of Wisconsin or lawful orders issued pursuant thereto.
For the construction of buildings requiring approval of the Department of Safety and Professional Services, no permit shall be issued until such approved plans are received by the Building Inspector.
The Building Inspector may revoke any permit, certificate of occupancy, or approval issued under the regulations of this chapter and may stop construction or use of approved new materials, equipment, methods of construction, devices, or appliances for any of the following reasons:
Whenever there is a violation of any regulation of this chapter or of any other ordinance, law, or lawful orders or Wisconsin statute relating to the same subject matter;
Whenever the continuance of any construction becomes dangerous to life or property;
Whenever there is any violation of any condition or provisions of the application for permit or of the permit;
Whenever, in the opinion of the Building Inspector, there is inadequate supervision provided on the job site;
Whenever any false statement or misrepresentation has been made in the application for permit, plans, drawings, data specifications, or certified lot or plot plan on which the issuance of the permit or approval was based;
Whenever there is a violation of any of the conditions of an approval or occupancy given by the Building Inspector for the use of any new materials, equipment, methods or construction devices, or appliances.
The notice revoking a permit, certificate of occupancy, or approval shall be in writing and may be served upon the applicant for the permit, owner of the premises, and his agent, if any, and on the person having charge of construction.
A revocation placard shall also be posted by the Building Inspector upon the building, structure, equipment, or premises in question.
After the notice is served upon the persons as aforesaid and posted, it shall be unlawful for any person to proceed thereafter with any construction operation whatsoever on the premises, and the permit which has been so revoked shall be null and void, and before any construction or operation is again resumed, a new permit, as required by this chapter, shall be procured and fees paid therefor, and thereafter the resumption of any construction or operation shall be in compliance with the regulation of this chapter.
A weatherproof card signed by the Building Inspector indicating the permit has been issued shall be posted at the job site during construction. After issuance of a building permit, the approved plans shall not be altered unless any proposed change is first approved by the Building Inspector as conforming to the provisions of this chapter.
The building permit shall become void unless operations are commenced within four months from the date thereof, or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended at any time after work is commenced for a period of 60 days.
Before any work is commenced or recommenced after the permit has lapsed, a new permit shall be issued at the regular fee rate. In any event, the work required to construct a one- or two-family residence shall be completed within 18 months of the date of issuance of the permit.