In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and articles of the former Municipal Codebook have been included in the 2019 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Repealed effective with adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, Art. I.
Not included in Code but saved from repeal.
New legislation is pending.
Chapter/Title from Former Municipal Codebook
Location in 2018 Code
Ch. 1, General Government
1.01, Form of Government
Ch. 9
1A.01-1A.04, Office of City Administrator
Ch. 115, Art. I
1.02, Mayor
Ch. 104, Art. I
1.03, Aldermen
Ch. 104, Art. II
1.04, City Wards
Ch. 9
1.05, Appointed City Officials
Ch. 115, Art. II
1.06, Comptroller
Ch. 115, Art. II
1.07, Bonds
Ch. 115, Art. II
1.08, Office of Chief of Police Established
Ch. 124, Art I
1.09, City Hall Office Hours
Ch. 9
1.101, Board of Review
Ch. 21, Art. I
1.102, Community Development Authority
Ch. 21, Art. II
1.103, Utility Commission
Ch. 21, Art. III
1.104, City Planning Commission
Ch. 21, Art. IV
1.105, Industrial Development Commission
Ch. 21, Art. V
1.106, Airport Commission
Ch. 21, Art. VI
1.107, Police and Fire Commission
Ch. 21, Art. VII
1.108, Library Board
Ch. 21, Art. VIII
1.109, Room Tax Commission
Ch. 21, Art. IX
1.110, Special/Advisory Bodies
Ch. 21, Art. X
1.111, Public Construction Without Bids
Ch. 9
1.112, Reserved for Future Use
1.113, Gift and Gratuity
Ch. 115, Art. III
1.114, Public Records
Ch. 138, Art. II
1.115, Fair and Open Housing
Ch. 63
1.116, Attendance at Closed Sessions
Ch. 115, Art. IV
1.17, Regulation of Alarm Systems
Ch. 192
1.18, Reserved for Future Use
1.19, Reserved for Future Use
1.20, City of Reedsburg Code of Ethics
Ch. 55
Ch. 2, The Governing Body
2.01-2.06, Common Council Committees
Ch. 104, Art. III
2.07, Council Meetings and Rules
Ch. 104, Art. IV
Ch. 3, Finance and Taxation
3.01 - 3.05, 3.07-3.09, Finance and Taxation
Ch. 72
3.06, Destruction of Records
Ch. 138, Art. I
3.10, Water Utility Impact Fees / Impact Fees for Capital Projects
Ch. 332
Ch. 4, Police Department
Ch. 124, Art. II
Ch. 5, Fire Department
5.01 - 5.06, 5.16, Fire Department; Rescue Fund
Ch. 79
5.07-5.15, Regulations
Ch. 290, Art. I
Ch. 6, Civil Defense
Ch. 48
Ch. 7, Traffic Code
7.01-7.18, 7.21-7.24, 7.26-7.33, 7.35, Regulations
Ch. 615
7.19, Number not used
7.20, Bicycles
Ch. 224
7.25, Snowmobiles
Ch. 509
7.34, All-Terrain Vehicles
Superseded by Ord. No. 1822-16; see Ch. 608
Ch. 8, Streets and Sidewalks
8.01, Official Map
Ch. 537, Art. I
8.02, Street and Sidewalk Grades
Ch. 537, Art. II
8.03, Excavations
Ch. 537, Art. III
8.04, Sidewalk Construction and Repair
Ch. 537, Art. IV
8.05, Curb and Gutter Construction
Ch. 537, Art. IV
8.06, Obstructions and Encroachments
Ch. 537, Art. V
8.07, Snow and Ice Control
Ch. 537, Art. VI
8.08, Coasting Prohibited
Ch. 537, Art. VII
8.09, Trees and Shrubs
Ch. 584
8.10, Penalty
Ch. 537, Art. VIII
Ch. 9, Orderly Conduct
9.01, General Provisions
Ch. 434
9.02, Offenses Against Bodily Security
Ch. 434
9.03, Offenses Against Public Safety and Welfare
Ch. 434
9.03(2) and (3), Firearms, Throwing Stones and Other Objects
Ch. 282
9.03(4), Fireworks
Ch. 297
9.03(5), Blasting
Ch. 231
9.04, Offenses Against Public and Private Property:
9.04(1), (2), (4), (5), (6)
Ch. 434
9.04(3), Littering
Ch. 374
9.05, Offenses Against Public Peace, Good Order and Other Public Interest:
9.05(1), (2), (4), (6)-(9), (11)-(21), (24), (25), Peace and Good Order
Ch. 434
9.05(3) and (5), Alcohol Offenses
Ch. 382, Art. III
9.05(10), Curfew
Ch. 382, Art. I
9.05(22), Parks and Playgrounds
Ch. 423
9.05(23), Number Not Used
9.06, Truancy
Ch. 382, Art. II
9.07, General Penalty Provision
Ch. 434
9.08, Reserved for Future Use
9.09, Reserved for Future Use
9.10, Bond Schedules
Ch. 434
Ch. 10, Public Nuisances
10.01, Public Nuisances Prohibited
Ch. 402
10.02, Public Nuisance Defined
Ch. 402
10.03, Public Nuisances Affecting Health
10.03(1)-(11), Nuisances
Ch. 402
10.03(12), Abandoned Vehicles
Repealed by Ord. No. 1879-18
10.03A, Commercial and Industrial Property Maintenance
Ch. 452, Art. I
10.04, Public Nuisances Offending Morals and Decency
Ch. 402
10.05, Public Nuisances Affecting Peace and Safety
Ch. 402
10.06, Dutch Elm Disease and Elm Bark Beetles Declared Public Nuisances
10.07-10.09, Abatement of Public Nuisances
Ch. 402
10.10, Chronic Nuisances
Ch. 452, Art. II
Ch. 11, Health and Sanitation
11.01, Health Officer: Duties and Powers
Ch. 315
11.02, Rules and Regulations
Ch. 315
11.03, Health Nuisances: Abatement of
Ch. 315
11.04, Communicable Diseases
Ch. 315
11.05, Regulation of Nuisance -Type Businesses
Ch. 315
11.06 Reserved for Future Use
11.07, Introduction of Fluorine into the City's Water System
Ch. 315
11.08, Littering Prohibited
Repealed by Ord. No. 1878-18
11.09, Garbage, Recycling and Refuse: Collection of
Ch. 518
11.10, 11.11, 11.12
Repealed 3-25-2002
11.13, Debris, Junk: Order to Remove and Penalties
Ch. 452, Art. III
11.14, Abandonment of Vehicles
Repealed by Ord. No. 1879-18; see now Ch. 402
11.15, Sewer and Water: Compulsory Connection to
Ch. 315
11.16, Private Well Abandonment
Ch. 628
11.17, Use of Tobacco Products Prohibited
Ch. 315
11.18, Reserved for Future Use
11.19, Reserved for Future Use
11.20, Penalty
Ch. 315
Ch. 12, Licenses and Permits
12.01, Intoxicating Liquor and Fermented Malt Beverages
Ch. 349
12.015, Improper Exhibitions
Ch. 349
12.017, Revocation & Suspension of Licenses
Ch. 349
12.02, Transient Merchants
Ch. 577
12.025, Garage Sales
Ch. 306
12.03, Cigarette Retailer License
Ch. 366, Art. I
12.04, Dances and Dance Halls
Ch. 199, Art. I
12.05, Amusements and Shows
Ch. 199, Art. II
12.06, Amusement Games
Ch. 199, Art. III
12.07, Golf, Miniature
Ch. 199, Art. IV
12.08, Tattoo Establishments
Ch. 366, Art. II
12.09, Pool Halls, Billiard Halls, Etc.
Ch. 199, Art. V
12.10, Mobile Homes and Mobile Home Parks
Ch. 390
12.11, Taxicabs and Drivers
Ch. 548, Art. I
12.12, Natural Gas Franchise
12.13, Weights and Measures Regulation
Ch. 366, Art. III
12.14, Garbage and Refuse; Licensing and Regulation of Collector
12.15, Electrical Inspector
Repealed by Ord. No. 1816-15
12.16-12.17, Penalty and Revocation of License
Ch. 366, Art. IV
Ch. 13, Municipal Utilities
Ch. 493
Ch. 14, Building Code
14.01 - 14.26
Ch. 242
14.27, Street Numbers Required
Ch. 452, Art. IV
Ch. 15, Electrical Code
Ch. 16, Plumbing Code
Ch. 441
Ch. 17, Zoning
Ch. 690
Ch. 18, Subdivision and Platting
Ch. 674
Ch. 19, Large Group Assemblies
Ch. 217
Ch. 20, Cable Television
Ch. 21, Airport Commission
Ch. 21, Art. VI
Ch. 22, Reedsburg Municipal Airport Minimum Standards
Superseded by Ord. No. 1836-16; see now Ch. 185
Ch. 23, Floodplain Zoning
Ch. 650
Ch. 24, Extraterritorial Zoning
Ch. 25, Construction and Effect of Ordinances
25.01, 25.03, 25.04, 25.08
Ch. 1, Art. I
25.02, 25.05-25.07
NLP; see Ch. 1, Art. II
Ch. 26, Fire Limits in the City of Reedsburg
Ch. 290, Art. II
Ch. 27, Enforcement by Citation
Ch. 30
Ch. 28, Bird Sanctuary
Ch. 210, Art. III
Ch. 29, Regulation and Control of Animals
29.01-29.22, 29.24
Ch. 210, Art. I
29.23, Feeding Wild Animals
Ch. 210, Art. II
Ch. 30, Taxicab Services
Ch. 548, Art. II
Ch. 31, Shoreland-Wetland Zoning Ordinance
Ch. 665
Ch. 32, Fees
Ch. 33, Historic Preservation
Ch. 324
Ch. 34, Parades & Special Events
Ch. 415
Ch. 35, Storm Water Management and Erosion Control
Ch. 530
Ch. 36, Municipal Court
Superseded by Ord. No. 1835-16; see now Ch. 37
Ch. 37, Adult-Oriented Business
Ch. 176
Ch. 38, Sexual Offender Residency Requirements
Ch. 501
Ch. 39, Regulation of Secondhand Dealers
Ch. 485
Ch. 40, Regulation of Storm Water Utility
Ch. 147
Ch. 41, Towing
Ch. 565