[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Lemoyne as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Property maintenance — See Ch. 370.
[Adopted 2-1-1990 by Ord. No. 589 (Ch. 2, Part 1, of the 1984 Code of Ordinances)]
The following definitions shall apply in the interpretation and enforcement of this article:
To be construed in a broad sense to include all species of living organisms not including plant organisms nor Homo sapiens, and including but not necessarily limited to mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians and insects.
Without interruption, or intermittently with interruptions equal to or less than five minutes.
Any person holding title (whether or not by bill of sale or other indicia of ownership) of an animal, or a person possessing, harboring or taking care of an animal.
Any individual, partnership, association, corporation, estate or trust, as well as any officer, agent, servant, employee or other acting for any of the same.
Any property owned or occupied by an animal owner in which an animal is maintained, kept or cared for.
[Amended 7-20-2023 by Ord. No. 780]
Any person is permitted to maintain, keep or possess within the Borough of Lemoyne, any of the following animals, which classification shall be strictly construed:
Cage birds (the term includes parakeets, parrots, canaries, finches, love birds, myna birds and other birds ordinarily sold in pet stores and kept in cages in households; it excludes wild birds captured or rescued and kept in cages).
Cats, domesticated.
Chickens, subject to the terms and conditions of Article II of this chapter.
Dogs, domesticated.
Frogs, nonpoisonous.
Goldfish and carp.
Guinea pigs.
Mice, white.
Rats, white.
Salamanders and other tailed amphibians.
Snakes, nonpoisonous and nonconstricting.
Toads, nonpoisonous.
Tropical fish, except piranha.
[Amended 7-20-2023 by Ord. No. 780]
No person shall maintain, keep or possess within the Borough of Lemoyne any animal not specifically enumerated in § 146-2.
Animals commonly kept only as farm animals, including but not limited to cows, goats, horses, poultry, sheep and swine are permitted only in zoning districts allowing agricultural uses.
An owner shall comply with the following regulations:
All animals and animal quarters shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition. Adequate ventilation for the animal shall be provided.
An owner shall not cause or allow an animal to be teased, abused, mistreated, annoyed, tormented or made to suffer.
An owner shall not cause or permit odors attributable to any animal to be perceptible beyond his premises.
An owner shall provide adequate provision and safeguards to control the animal to the extent that the animal does not cause injury to other property or another person. A showing that the animal was not under the control of the owner while said animal damages another's property or causes injury to another person shall be prima facie a violation of this provision by the owner.
Every person shall conform to all present and future laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the United States of America and other ordinances of the Borough of Lemoyne in any way connected with animals, specifically but not exclusively including anticruelty laws.
An owner shall not permit the animal to continuously bark, whine or howl to the extent that is perceptible beyond the owner's property for a period of more than 15 minutes between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., prevailing time, or a period of 30 minutes at other times.
No owner shall cause, suffer or allow the animal to soil, defecate or urinate on any sidewalk, play area, park or any place where people congregate or walk or on any public property whatsoever, or on any private property without the permission of the owner of said property. This restriction shall not apply to that portion of the street lying between the curblines in any common thoroughfare, passageway or alley, which shall be used to curb such animal under the following conditions:
The owner or person controlling such animal shall immediately remove all feces deposited by the animal by any sanitary and reasonable manner.
The person owning or controlling said animal shall dispose of said feces in a sanitary manner.
The police officers of the Borough of Lemoyne and officers who may enforce building codes in the Borough of Lemoyne are hereby authorized to enter upon any premises within the Borough for the purpose of investigating a possible violation of this article.
Any person who violates any provision of this article shall be liable for each offense, upon conviction, to a fine of not less than $25 nor more than $1,000, together with the costs of prosecution, or to imprisonment in the county jail for a period not to exceed 30 days, or both. Each day's failure to comply with any section or subsection of this article shall constitute a separate violation. Violation, enforcement and conviction of one provision of this article does not preclude violation, enforcement and conviction of another provision, except that no owner may be prosecuted twice for a single incident causing discrete damage to property under Subsection D of § 146-4.
In addition to other penalties provided in this article, the Borough of Lemoyne may institute any appropriate action or proceeding, whether by legal process or otherwise, to restrain, correct or abate a continuing violation of any provision of this chapter.
[Adopted 7-20-2023 by Ord. No. 780]
The following words and phrases when used in this article shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
The Borough Council of Lemoyne.
Female poultry of the gallus domesticus species, sometimes referred to as hens.
An official designated to process permit applications, inspect locations to ensure compliance with this article, issue citations to violators, and enforce penalties for violations of this article on behalf of the Borough of Lemoyne.
An enclosed structure, either portable or permanent, to shelter chickens.
A fenced area sometimes called a run, that is designed to contain animals to a restricted area and prevent animals from roaming at large.
The person to whom a permit under this article is issued.
The premises for which a permit is being requested under this article.
The person who owns the land where the keeping is being performed and for which the permit is being requested. This person bears responsibility for any legal action in this article.
The typical time for a letter to arrive by mail. For this article the typical time is three days of mail delivery from the day the letter was mailed. Notice in person is receipt of notice.
Male poultry.
A veterinarian who cares for the specific animal type.
The natural waste produced by keeping activity, which may include feces, soiled hay or bedding. It does not include the carcass of any animal.
General rule. The restrictions on the keeping of animals set forth in Chapter 146, Article I, notwithstanding, the keeping of chickens for personal use shall be permitted in suburban and urban residential zones when in compliance with the provisions of this article.
Commercial uses prohibited. The keeping of chickens for commercial purposes is not permitted. A permittee may not engage in commercial:
Chicken breeding;
Sale of chickens;
Egg producing;
Fertilizer production; or
Any other chicken product or by-product sale.
Number. The maximum number of chickens allowed is four per residential lot.
Chickens must be hens.
Roosters are not permitted in the Borough.
Coops shall at all times:
Provide at least two square feet of area of horizontal footprint space per chicken.
Be well-maintained and made of weather-resistant material.
Not be made of fabric, junk, or deteriorated material.
Have a solid waterproof roof.
Be solid on all sides.
Have adequate ventilation.
Provide the chickens protection from predators.
Be designed to secure the chickens.
Be readily accessible for cleaning.
Not be greater than eight feet in height.
Coops may be either:
Commercially built/designed; or
Custom built.
Pens shall at all times:
Provide at least eight square feet of area per chicken.
Be well-maintained and made of weather-resistant material.
Not be made of fabric, junk, or deteriorated material.
Be constructed in a way to prevent chickens from roaming free and keep predators from getting into the pen.
Be accessible by the hens from their coop when they are not secured in the coop.
Not be greater than eight feet in height.
Coops and pens shall at all times:
Be located in the backyard of the property only.
Be located at least 25 feet from any street.
Be further than five feet from any property line.
Provide screening using closed fencing or solid hedge if any side of the coop or pen is within 10 feet of a property line.
Be further than 15 feet from any dwelling. This does not include sheds, garages, or any other detached structure which is not intended for occupied living purposes.
Living conditions.
Chickens shall have access to feed and clean water.
Feed shall be secured to prevent rodents or other pests from accessing the feed.
Chickens shall have adequate bedding.
Coops shall be cleaned, and bedding added in adequate intervals to avoid unsanitary conditions or noxious odors.
Pens shall be cleaned at regular intervals to avoid unsanitary conditions or noxious odors.
A veterinarian shall be identified and used for any necessary medical care.
Deceased chickens. Chicken carcasses shall be disposed of in strict compliance with Pennsylvania law, 3 Pa.C.S.A. § 2352, and no person shall slaughter a chicken in a residential zone.
Persons owning or possessing chickens they know or have reason to believe to have died of dangerous transmissible disease shall report the occurrence of the disease to the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture and dispose of the chicken under the supervision and instruction of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture and shall follow all applicable related statutes.
General rule. Permits for keeping animals in suburban or urban residential zones under § 146-10 shall be issued in accordance with this section. The keeping of any chickens in a suburban or urban residential area without a valid permit is a violation under § 146-14 (Violation) of this article.
An applicant must complete and submit an application provided by the Code Enforcement Officer and pay all associated fees, as listed in the then-current Lemoyne Borough fee schedule.
A complete application shall include:
Proof that the applicant is the property owner or has express written permission from the property owner to file the application on the property owner's behalf.
Verification by the Codes Enforcement Officer that the activity complies with the requirements of § 146-10 of this article.
Proof that all fees associated with the application are paid in full;
Affirmation that the land contains at least one residential dwelling;
Signed affirmation by the applicant that they understand and will abide by the requirements of this article.
Access to educational resources related to noncommercial keeping of chickens.
Contact information for the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture (PDA) emergency number, with the extension for the veterinarian on call.
Contact information for the applicant, property owner, and their chosen veterinarian.
Issuance of permit.
A permit application will not be approved unless the applicant affirmatively demonstrates that the following conditions are met:
The information contained in the application is correct;
The requirements for a permit have been met; and
The proposed location is consistent with § 146-10 upon inspection by the Code Enforcement Officer.
If all conditions are met, the Code Enforcement Officer shall issue the permit within 14 days from the date of receipt by the Borough Office.
If any one or more conditions are not met, the permit will be denied by the Code Enforcement Officer, in writing, within 14 days from the date of receipt by the Borough Office.
Suspension and revocation and nontransferability of permit.
The Code Enforcement Officer may suspend or revoke any permit issued for any of the following reasons:
False statements made on the application or other misinformation provided to the Code Enforcement Officer by the applicant;
Failure to pay any penalty, reinspection or reinstatement fee required by this section;
Failure to correct deficiencies noted during inspections in the time specified by the Code Enforcement Officer;
Failure to comply with the provisions of an approved mitigation/remediation plan issued by the Code Enforcement Officer; or
Failure to comply with any provision of this article.
Revocation, suspension, or denial of a permit shall be in writing and delivered:
By first-class mail;
In person to the address indicated on the application; or
Presented by hand delivery to the property owner.
The notification shall specify reasons for the action.
Effect of revocation.
When a permit is revoked for a property, the property owner, or anybody on his behalf, may not reapply for or renew a new permit for that property for a period of 12 months from the date of revocation.
Upon expiration of the appeal period specified under Subsection F(1), all animals related to the permit revocation shall be removed from the Property within 10 business days after the final day of the appeal period.
Any property not in compliance shall be subject to the violations and penalties specified in § 146-14 (Violations) of this article.
Any cost incurred to remove, place or dispose of animals by the borough shall be paid by the property owner.
Where a permit has been denied, revoked, or suspended, the applicant or holder of the permit may appeal the decision in writing to the Borough Council within 10 business days of receipt of notice of the denial, revocation, or suspension.
The applicant or holder of the permit shall be given an opportunity for a hearing within 30 days, before the Borough Council.
The decision of Borough Council hearing the appeal, or any decision by the Code Enforcement Officer which is not appealed in accordance with Subsection F(1) shall be deemed final action.
Nontransferability. A permit shall not be transferable and is only valid to those named on the application as the applicant and owner of the property where the activity takes place.
Duration and renewal of permit.
A permit shall be valid for a three-year period of time from the date of issuance.
If there are no Subsection D violations on record for the permittee at the time of renewal, the permit shall be renewed when the applicable renewal fee is paid pursuant to § 146-15 (Permit fees) of this article.
If a violation under Subsection D is found, the Code Enforcement Officer shall inspect the property to ensure continued compliance with the ordinance when the permittee submits the applicable renewal fee under section 7 (Permit fees). Noncompliance shall result in action under Subsection E.
All waste shall be disposed of in a proper manner as follows:
Appropriate waste disposal may be any of the following:
Waste is to be double bagged and placed into municipal waste; or
Waste is to be placed into a designated container to be taken to a municipal compost facility.
The permittee may compost the waste themselves.
The permittee may give the waste to another person who composts.
Where the waste is composted, the permittee shall:
Notify any person using the material to compost that the waste contains chicken waste.
Notify any person given compost that the compost was made from chicken waste.
Waste may not be disposed of by dumping in any location.
Waste may not be intentionally or unintentionally washed into any stormwater system, wastewater system, storm sewer system, sanitary sewer system, or similar waterways.
General rule. A nuisance may be either:
A health hazard; or
Activity that interferes with the use or enjoyment of neighboring property due to excessive noise, odor, insects, vermin or blight.
Duty of the Code Enforcement Officer. The Code Enforcement Officer shall inspect the property for the alleged nuisance and advise the permittee on the property ways of abating the nuisance and the timeframe within which the nuisance must be abated.
Suspension of permit. If the nuisance is not corrected within the timeframe provided by the Code Enforcement Officer, the Code Enforcement Officer shall suspend the permit in compliance with § 146-11D(1)(c).
Amount of fine. Violation of this article which results in a suspension or revocation of permit under § 146-11D(1) is a summary offense and the property owner shall be subject to a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $250.
Costs. All costs incurred to abate the issue shall be assessed against the property owner separate from the fine specified in Subsection A.
Use. All permit fees collected in the permit process shall be used to pay for the salary of the Code Enforcement Officer and any other costs associated with inspection by the Code Enforcement Officer, or the Borough.
Amount. The initial and renewal fees for permits requested under this article shall be listed in the Lemoyne Borough fee schedule.