[Added 11-12-2015 by Ord. No. 735]
This article shall be known and cited as the "Borough of Lemoyne Handicapped Parking Ordinance."
Any resident of the Borough of Lemoyne may make an application to Lemoyne Borough Council for a handicapped parking space after acquiring a handicapped license plate, placard, or a disabled veteran's license plate. The Borough is not required to grant the request for a handicapped parking space.
All applications for new permits and renewal permits shall be submitted to the Lemoyne Borough Office and be accompanied by a copy of the placard or license plate and a copy of a completed form MV-145A.
First-time applications for new permits shall be reviewed and investigated by the Codes and Zoning Administrator, who shall make the final determination regarding the granting of a handicapped parking space.
[Amended 7-19-2018 by Ord. No. 750]
The Codes and Zoning Administrator shall review all applications for renewal permits and make the final determinations regarding the renewal of all existing spaces.
[Amended 7-19-2018 by Ord. No. 750]
Each applicant, for either a new permit or a renewal permit, shall complete an application form and provide all of the information requested in order for the application to be considered by the Codes and Zoning Administrator.
[Amended 7-19-2018 by Ord. No. 750]
An incomplete permit application form may be cause for the Codes and Zoning Administrator to deny said application for a handicapped parking space.
[Amended 7-19-2018 by Ord. No. 750]
Each new permit for a handicapped parking space granted by Lemoyne Borough must be renewed on an annual basis.
Applications for renewal permits shall be submitted to the Lemoyne Borough Office between January 2 and January 31.
In making final determinations regarding renewals of previously approved permits for handicapped parking spaces, Lemoyne Borough shall apply the criteria contained in this policy.
Once a permit is not renewed for any reason, any application by the same applicant shall be considered as an application for a new permit and shall be governed by all provisions of this policy pertaining to such new permit applications.
No more than two handicapped parking spaces shall be located on each side of any block.
All handicapped parking spaces permitted prior to the effective date of this policy shall be allowed to remain as located but must be renewed annually beginning January 1, 2016.
No applications for handicapped parking space permits shall be granted where adequate handicapped accessible off-street parking is available to the applicant.
In the event that previously approved and permitted handicapped parking spaces exceed the maximum number of such handicapped parking spaces allowed per block, as specified above, Lemoyne Borough will not grant any such additional handicapped parking space permit applications in that block until the number of handicapped parking spaces falls below the maximum number of handicapped parking spaces allowed.
Any permit issued pursuant to the terms and provisions of this article shall be nontransferable, subject to all present and future Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Code, municipal traffic and street cleaning and snow removal regulations and ordinances of the Borough of Lemoyne.
The handicapped parking spaces provided pursuant to the terms and provisions of this article shall be nonexclusive; and the holder of a permit therefor may not exclude or prohibit parking in such space by another vehicle to which a handicapped motor vehicle registration plate or placard has been issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Bureau of Motor Vehicles.
The Codes and Zoning Administrator reserves the right to revoke any handicapped parking space permit at any time for any reason, including but not limited to any violation of the terms or provisions hereof.
[Amended 7-19-2018 by Ord. No. 750]
Within 30 days after the death of a person to whom a handicapped parking permit has been issued, the personal representative of the deceased shall inform the Borough of Lemoyne of the death. If there is no personal representative, the spouse or, if there is no spouse, the next of kin of the deceased shall inform the Borough of the death. Upon receipt of the notification, the handicapped parking sign shall be removed by the Borough of Lemoyne at the Borough's expense if there is an excess number of handicapped parking spaces on that side of the block.
If a Permit application is denied or revoked, the applicant shall be notified of the decision in writing. The applicant shall have 30 days from receipt of such notice to appeal the decision to the Council of the Borough of Lemoyne.
The form for application for a handicapped parking space shall be in the form as attached hereto and as may from time to time be revised and approved by Council.[1]
Editor's Note: Said form is on file in the Borough offices.