Water Feature
Minimum Corridor Width
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Mapped streams:
As mapped on the adopted "Cheltenham Township Riparian Corridor
Conservation District Map," (Attachment A, as amended), including
any adjacent wetlands and/or water bodies
Zone 1: Minimum width of 25 feet from each defined edge of the
stream at bank full flow, measured perpendicular to the edge of the
Zone 2: Minimum width of 75 feet from the outer edge of Zone
1, measured perpendicular to the edge of Zone 1, or equal to the extent
of the one-hundred-year floodplain1, or
25 feet beyond the outer edge of a wetland along the stream, whichever
is greater
Unmapped streams:
Any perennial stream2, located on
a property survey by a design professional licensed in the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, including any adjacent wetlands and/or water bodies
draining into the identified stream
Zones 1: Minimum width of 25 feet from each defined edge of
the stream at bank full flow, measured perpendicular to the edge of
the stream
Zone 2: Minimum width of 75 feet from the outer edge of Zone
1, or equal to the extent of the one-hundred-year floodplain, or 25
feet beyond the outer edge of a wetland along the stream, whichever
is greater
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One-hundred-year floodplain shall be defined according to the criteria of Article XIX, Floodplain Conservation Overlay District
A "perennial stream" shall mean any waterway that has continuous
flow in parts of its bed all year round