The limits of the Town of North Brentwood shall be as they existed immediately prior to the date of this Charter, subject to all rights, reservations, limitations and conditions as may be set forth in all prior resolutions of annexation and in the Charter of the Town in effect immediately prior to this Charter, and as may be hereafter amended as provided by law.
The boundaries of the said Town shall be as follows: beginning at the most northerly corner of lot no. 9 of block 1 of Holladay Company's addition to Brentwood, as shown on the plat of same recorded among the land records of Prince George's County, Maryland in liber J.W.B. 5 at folio 646, said point being also on the southwest side of Allison Street at a distance of 200 feet northwest from the northwest side of 39th Place, and running thence in a southwesterly direction parallel to and 200 feet distant from the northwest side of 39th Place, a distance of 600 feet more or less to a point on the prolongation of the back or east side of the lots numbered 2, 3, 4 and 5, fronting on 39th Street of the aforementioned subdivision, and running thence in a southerly direction along said line to the center of Moyer's Mill Race, which is also one of the boundaries of the Town of Brentwood, Maryland, as set forth in Chapter 153 of the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland, session of 1922,[1] and continuing thence with the boundary of said Town of Brentwood along the Mill Race in a southeasterly direction to the center line of Wallace Road; thence in a southerly direction along the center line of Wallace Road to the center line of an alley, which is parallel to and 130 feet southwest from the southwest side of Webster Street; and running thence with the center line of said alley southeasterly 440 feet to the southeast side of 40th Street; thence with the southeast side of 40th Street southwesterly 60 feet to the center line of a second alley parallel to and 190 feet southwest from the southwest side of Webster Street; thence with the center line of said alley southeasterly 991 feet more or less to the center line of Rhode Island Avenue; thence in a northeasterly direction along the center line of Rhode Island Avenue approximately 214 feet to the center line of Webster Street; thence along the center line of Webster Street in a southeasterly direction approximately 250 feet; thence running to include lots 11 and 12 of block 12 of aforementioned Holladay Company's addition to Brentwood in a southwesterly direction 100 feet; thence in a southeasterly direction to the westerly edge of the right of way of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company's tracks; thence leaving the boundary of the said Town of Brentwood and following along the said edge of the right of way in a northeasterly direction 1400 feet more or less to the center line of northwest branch of the Anacostia River, and then up said branch to a point where the northwest line of lot 22, block h, of aforementioned subdivision produced would intersect the center line of the said branch, and running thence along the said northwest line of lot 22 produced to the point of beginning. (P.L.L., 1930, Art. 17, Sec. 806; 1943 Code, Sec. 1085; 1953 Code, Sec. 1206; 1924, Ch. 508, Sec. 2; Res. 1983-1, 8-24-1983)
Note: Resolution Number 01-2011 purportedly amended Section 4.5 of the Charter. However, the language of the section amended in the resolution is found in Section 405 of the Charter and there is no Section 4.5. Accordingly, the changes have been made to Section 405.