[Adopted as Sec. 12.05 of the former Municipal Codebook]
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Includes any exhibition within the City of animals, wax or other figures, feats or circus riding, rope or wire dancing, sleight-of-hand performance or any circus, carnival, shooting gallery, carousel, roller-skating rinks, or any other exhibition or the carrying on or operation within the City of any such show, exhibition or business.
This article shall not require a license for permanent theater establishments.
No person shall operate within the City any show or amusement without first having obtained a license from the City for that purpose and without having paid the necessary fee as hereinafter provided and prescribed.
Any person desiring to transfer the business as aforesaid shall obtain a license application form from the City Clerk-Treasurer. He shall fill out this application form stating the nature and place or places where his business is to be carried on, the length of time for which license is desired, a general description of the things intended to be exhibited, the name and permanent address of the applicant of the firm, person or corporation which he represents and the place or places of residence of the applicant of the firm, person or corporation which he represents and the place or places of residence of the applicant for two years previous. Such application shall be accompanied by the fee hereinafter required, and no license shall be granted until the provisions of this section have been complied with.
Upon approval of the license committee and the payment of the required license fee, the City Clerk-Treasurer shall issue a license for the time specified in the application.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
The fee for any such license shall be as set from time to time by Common Council for the following:
For all circus or animal shows or any combination thereof having one ring, for each additional ring, and for each side show or other stand or concession traveling therewith.
For all merry-go-rounds on revolving wheels carrying passengers and for all slides, swings, bird shows, lifting machines, blowing and striking machines, lunch counters, and refreshment stands and other similar exhibitions and devices for each stand or show.
For any show or entertainment given in a tent depending on the seating capacity.
For any roller-skating rink.
The Mayor or Chief of Police may at any time revoke any license for a violation of this article or any ordinance of the City or any law of the state or of the United States. When a license shall be revoked, no refund of any unearned portion of the license fee shall be made. Notice of such revocation and the reason or reasons therefor, in writing, shall be served personally upon the person named in the application or upon the person actively in charge of said show, exhibition or business.