[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Lyme effective 11-25-2006 by Ord. No. 2006-2. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Amended 12-10-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-4]
The purpose of this chapter is to promote the public safety, health and welfare, specifically to facilitate the timely arrival of fire protection, emergency medical service and police protection to all residences and businesses in the Town of Lyme.
The owners of each residential or business building, except accessory structures such as barns, garages or outbuildings which are located on the same premises as the numbered structure, shall display address identifying numbers as are assigned by the Lyme Assessor conforming to the specifications within this chapter.
Each number shall be a minimum height of three inches, of a color contrasting with its background, in block style, and, whenever possible, reflective. Buildings within a historic district shall comply with the Historic District Commission regulations, if necessary.
Individual mailboxes. Numbers shall be affixed to both sides, unobstructed by the flag of the mailbox, newspaper tubes, shrubbery, snow accumulation, or any other object. Where mailboxes are grouped, the outside boxes shall be numbered on the exposed side. Those mailboxes within the group shall be numbered on the front.
Private roads and/or shared driveways shall display a range of numbers at the intersection of that road and/or shared driveway with the nearest state or Town highway. Each individual residence shall display the individual number of that residence at the beginning of that residence's driveway with the private road or shared driveway.
Residences and businesses that are not more than 10 feet from a state or Town highway may display a number affixed to the building. Residences and businesses that do not have mailboxes and are more than 10 feet from a state or Town highway shall display a number affixed to a post or other structure not more than 10 feet from the intersection of the driveway to the residence or business at its intersection with a state or Town highway. Numbers shall be placed not less than three feet nor more than eight feet above ground level and shall be visible and unobstructed from either direction of the state or Town highway.
All existing residences and businesses shall be in compliance within six months of the effective date of this chapter. Residences and businesses under construction will not be issued a certificate of occupancy until full compliance with this chapter has been met.
This chapter shall be enforced by the Lyme Building Official, or his designee, who is authorized to inspect and examine any residence or business for compliance. Any owner in violation shall be notified of the violation by certified mail, with return receipt, designating a date of compliance within 30 days of the date of the notice.
Any owner of a residence or business who fails to comply with the written notice of the Building Official, or his designee, shall be fined $50 for the first violation and be fined $100 for failure to comply for each subsequent thirty-day period. Each and every thirty-day period of refusal or neglect to comply with the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed a separate offense.