No outdoor storage area shall be located within:
Ten feet of any adjoining property line;
Two hundred feet of any public park, church, educational facility, nursing home, public building or other place of public gathering;
One hundred feet of any stream, lake, pond, wetland or other body of water; or
Twenty-five feet from the right-of-way of any public highway.
Outdoor storage upon any parcel or property shall only be permitted when it is not conducted in violation of the Property Maintenance Code or when it is conducted pursuant to a junkyard permit.
For all residential uses, and for all uses in all residentially zoned and lake-shore zoned areas, all outdoor storage shall, to the extent practical, be located:
In areas where natural or artificial screening is provided; and
Behind buildings and structures and land features as cause the stored items and materials to not be significantly visible from public areas and neighboring inhabited structures.
For all commercial, institutional, business, and industrial uses, and for all uses in all business, commercial, and industrially zoned areas, all outdoor storage shall be:
Screened by natural or artificial barriers, including fencing if necessary; and
Located, to the extent practical for the business or commercial endeavor operating upon the land, behind buildings and structures and land features as to cause the stored items and materials to not be significantly visible from public areas and neighboring inhabited structures.