[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town of West Stockbridge 6-22-2020 ATM by Art. 13. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Street acceptances. Any article in a Town Meeting warrant for the acceptance of a public way shall first be submitted to the Planning Board at least four weeks prior to the Town Meeting. The Planning Board shall make its recommendation on said article, but its failure to do so shall not invalidate the article.
Construction of sidewalks. Any article in a Town Meeting warrant providing for the construction of a sidewalk along or on public property shall first be submitted to the Planning Board at least four weeks prior to the Town Meeting. The Planning Board shall make its recommendation on said article, but its failure to do so shall not invalidate the article.
No accepted Town way or public sidewalk shall be dug into without prior written approval of the Select Board and Highway Superintendent. Said approval shall be in the form prescribed by the Select Board.
The Chief of Police shall have the authority to remove or cause to be removed from public ways any vehicle parked thereon, after reasonable effort to contact the owner thereof, which interferes with the normal functions of removing snow or ice therefrom, or normal cleaning/maintenance of the roadways. Any vehicle so removed shall be taken into a public garage and stored. The owner of such vehicle shall be liable for payment of charges incurred in removing the vehicle and storing the same in accordance with the provisions of MGL c. 40, § 22D, as amended.
The owner of premises, and his tenant or licensee, shall, as soon as practical after any snowfall or ice storm, cause all public sidewalks abutting said premises to be cleared reasonably of such snow and/or ice, and said sidewalk to be made usable by the public with as much safety as is possible under the circumstances.
No person other than an employee in the service of the Town or an employee in the service of an independent contractor acting for the Town shall pile, push or plow snow or ice onto a Town way so as to impede the flow of traffic on such way. Whoever violates this section shall be punished by a fine of not more than $100.
No person shall construct or cause to be constructed a driveway to any public way until such time as the following conditions have been met and approved by the Highway Superintendent or Massachusetts Department of Transportation:
Driveways with a maximum grade of 10% or less.
A driveway permit shall be issued by the Road Superintendent before access to a property can begin.
Entrances onto state highways shall conform to Massachusetts Department of Transportation standards and regulations.
No driveway shall be approved at an intersection.
Driveways with a maximum grade of more than 10% and any common driveways servicing up to a maximum of two lots.
All requirements of Subsection A, if applicable, shall be satisfied.
Common driveways may not be used to satisfy zoning frontage requirements. Each lot shall have frontage on ways which serve to satisfy frontage requirements.
Common driveways shall provide access to the lots from the way on which the lots served have their frontage and must observe a twenty-five-foot setback from the sideline which the lot of origin shares with a lot not served by the common driveway.
No common driveway shall be located within 100 feet of an intersection of public ways.
The design of any driveway shall, in the opinion of the Planning Board, assure adequate safety for emergency vehicles, including fire and police vehicles.
Driveways shall be located to the best advantage with regard to alignments with the public way, profile sight distance conditions and the like. In no instance shall the driveway intersect the public way at less than a 60° angle.
Culverts taking the place of roadside ditches shall have a diameter of not less than 15 inches. A larger diameter may be required. All culverts under any driveway shall become the property owner's responsibility for cleaning, maintenance, and replacement as determined by the Highway Superintendent.
The elevation of driveways at the point of entry into the public right-of-way shall not be more than the elevation of the shoulder of the roadway.
Driveways shall be so constructed that the water runoff from the driveway shall not drain onto the crown of the road.
In no instance shall the edge of the driveway entering onto the public way conflict with the flow of surface water runoff.
Individual driveways shall not be less than 12 feet nor more than 20 feet in width within the Town right-of-way. Any curb at the entrance shall be rounded off with a radius of three feet.
Wherever possible, as determined by the Highway Superintendent, driveways shall be pitched downward from the public way. However, where the topography prevents the driveway from being pitched in its entirety, the driveway shall be constructed on a downgrade from the road surface to the sideline of the Town right-of-way with a pitch of at least 1/4 inch per foot. From the sideline, the driveway may pitched toward the roadway; however, in no instance shall a driveway have a pitch toward the roadway of greater than one inch per foot, unless adequate provisions have been made and approved by the Highway Superintendent for the diversion of driveway surface runoff away from the roadway. The Highway Superintendent may require methods of diversion for driveways having a pitch of less than one inch per foot if the proposed driveway construction will result in excess accumulation of surface water in the right-of-way.
Driveways entering a paved way shall have a paved apron installed extending the width of the right-of-way or 15 feet, whichever is greater. Maintenance of said apron shall become the property owner's responsibility.
Where any contractor or other person(s) is performing construction work or any other activity on or near a public way in the Town of West Stockbridge, and where the passage or flow of pedestrians or vehicular traffic will be impeded or rerouted, and where, in the opinion of the Chief of Police, the safety, health and welfare of the general public is jeopardized., said contractor or other person(s) shall procure, at his own expense, sufficient police detail furnished and approved by the Chief of Police.
The Select Board and constables shall enforce the law against running or using bicycles and wagons upon the sidewalks in the Town. The Select Board may offer a small reward for the detection of any person placing tacks, glass or other substances on the sidewalks and highways which may puncture rubber tires.