At the hearing upon the application, the applicant, or any other party, shall appear in person, or may be represented by an attorney-at-law of New Jersey. Every corporation other than a sole proprietor shall be represented by an attorney-at-law of New Jersey in accordance with the rules of the Superior Court of New Jersey.
At the hearing, the applicant and all witnesses shall be sworn by the chairperson or his designee before giving testimony.
When the hearing is called to order, the Secretary shall state the relief sought by the application.
The applicant shall then present, by his or her testimony and the testimony of his or her witnesses, or by such documentary evidence or exhibits as he or she may submit, proof of all facts upon which he or she relies to establish his or her right to the relief sought in the application.
Any other persons interested in the action shall then be heard and may present any relevant testimony or evidence in support of the application.
Any other persons interested in the action shall then be heard and may present any relevant testimony or evidence tending to show why the relief sought by the applicant should not be granted.
Rebuttal testimony or evidence shall then be admitted in such order as the Chairperson shall designate.
All witnesses may be cross-examined by any member of the Board, the Board Attorney, or any interested person.
The applicant and every other person appearing and presenting testimony at any hearing may be examined by any member of the Board and the Board Attorney for the purpose of eliciting any relevant information which may assist the Board in deciding the issue. Any member of the Board may testify as to any relevant matter of which he or she has personal or official knowledge for the purpose of amplifying the record, including facts ascertained from a viewing of the premises in question and the general area.
When the applicant and all other interested persons have had an opportunity to be heard, the Chairperson may declare the hearing to be closed. Thereafter, no further evidence will be received in the action unless the matter is reopened in accordance with these rules.
The applicant or any other interested person, prior to the closing of the hearing, may move the Board for a continuance of the hearing for the purpose of presenting further relevant evidence, which the Board, acting in its sound discretion, may either grant or deny.
In cases where the Board feels that testimony or other evidence should be received in the public interest from any municipal, county, or state official or from any other persons to assist in rendering a just decision, the Board may, on its own motion, continue the hearing to another day certain for such purposes.