Prior to the construction or placement of an accessory building or structure, a zoning permit shall be issued by the Zoning Officer.
No accessory structure may be built upon any lot on which there is no principal building or structure.
On through lots, no accessory structure erected in the rear yard shall be nearer to the "rear" street line than the minimum front yard setback for the zone in which such lot is located.
Setback. Any accessory building attached to a principal building is part of the principal building and shall adhere to the yard requirements for the principal building. Detached accessory structures that are accessory to a one- or two-family structure shall be located not less than three feet from any side and rear property line and shall be located in the rear yard.
Accessory structures associated with nonresidential uses shall be located within the required setbacks for principal structures, except that refuse enclosures may encroach into the rear or side yard setback by 1/2 the setback requirement if enclosed on three sides by a masonry wall and not located within a required buffer. Refuse enclosures shall not be located in the front yard.
Area. Provided adherence with lot coverage requirements of the prevailing zone, the maximum gross floor area of an accessory building, excluding utility sheds, shall be 450 square feet for parcels of less than 1/2 acre, 600 square feet for parcels of between 1/2 and two acres, and 1,000 square feet for parcels larger than two acres. A utility shed shall have a maximum gross floor area of 144 square feet, and no one wall length shall exceed 12 feet.
Height. The maximum height of a detached garage shall be 16 feet, and the maximum height of a utility shed shall be 10 feet.
One utility shed shall be permitted per property.
Utility sheds and garages shall be anchored in such a manner to resist toppling from wind and flotation from floodwaters. Garages shall be secured to a poured concrete foundation and shall be constructed of durable, permanent materials, and shall be surrounded on all sides with nonmetal building walls, one which should contain a garage door for the entry of motor vehicles. Garages and utility sheds shall be architecturally consistent with the principal structure including building materials, colors and roof pitch.
Number. One accessory structure, excluding pools, fences, patios and decks less than two feet in height, in addition to a detached garage shall be permitted on any parcel zoned or used for residential use provided a principal residential structure is situated thereon.
Prior to the construction of a fence or wall, a zoning permit shall be issued by the Zoning Officer.
Plans and detailed information shall be submitted with each application for a fence or wall permit, setting forth the dimensions and materials incorporated in construction and the exact location on the premises. All plans shall comply with the Uniform Construction Code.
Fences and walls shall be located within the property lines and shall not be located in any required sight triangle, nor shall they be located within any public right-of-way or drainage, utility or conservation easement.
Fences and walls located between the street line and the required front yard setback line in residential zoning districts shall not exceed four feet in height. This regulation shall apply to all street frontages on corner lots. Fences located in the front yard shall have a minimum of 50% of their surface area open to permit visible penetration allowing for light and air to pass through. This regulation shall not apply to reverse frontage lots and lots fronting along alleys where the portion of the lot fronting along said public right-of-way serves as a back yard.
Fences and walls accessory to residential uses and located along side and rear yards shall not exceed six feet above the finished grade.
The maximum height for fences in commercial and industrial zoning districts shall be six feet. Fences shall not be permitted in a front yard in a nonresidential district unless otherwise required by this chapter.
Fences and walls shall surround all swimming pools as required by state code.
General regulations.
Applicability. The standards and regulations herein set forth shall apply to all fences and walls hereinafter erected, altered or reconstructed, or which are presently existing and are not considered a preexisting nonconforming use under any present or former ordinance of the Township.
Height. No fence or wall, except as provided herein, shall exceed six feet in height at the highest point above ground level, except that fences or walls located within 25 feet of any dedicated street line shall not exceed four feet at the highest point. At least 50% of the surface area of any fence or wall located within 25 feet of any dedicated street line shall have a minimum of 50% of their surface area open to permit visible penetration allowing for light and air to pass through.
Fences and walls, rear yard; height; location. Fences and walls in the rear yard of any property shall be no higher than six feet, except that no six-foot high fence or wall shall be closer than 40 feet to a right-of-way.
Recreational area fences and walls; height. Fences or walls enclosing athletic and recreational areas shall not exceed 12 feet in height above ground level. All such fences in excess of six feet in height shall be of wire mesh construction. Baseball backstops shall not exceed 17 feet in height.
Material. No fence or wall shall be fabricated, constructed or built of any material other than wood, wire, vinyl, metal, brick, stone or masonry.
Fences shall be installed with the unfinished side facing inward toward the interior of the lot on which it is installed.
Prohibited fences and walls. The following fences, fencing materials and walls are specifically prohibited:
Barbed- or razor-wire fences.
Sharp-pointed fences or walls.
Electrically charged fences, except in relation to the keeping of horses or other permitted livestock.
Temporary fences, except snow fences for the purpose of controlling snow drifting and construction fences that are temporary in function and intent.
Expandable fences.
Collapsible fences, except collapsible temporary fences which shall be permitted on municipal and school-owned properties and recreation areas in general where required for safety reasons.
Decks, patios and swimming pools shall not be permitted in the front yard. Swimming pools shall be permitted only in the rear yard, and in no case may a pool be located closer to the street than the principal building.
Decks and patios shall be set back in accordance with the side and rear yard setback requirements of the respective zoning district in which the premises is located. Swimming pools may be set back up to five feet from the side or rear property line. For swimming pools, the setback shall be measured from the lot line to the nearest inside wall of the pool.
Decks attached to the principal building shall be no higher than the floor elevation of the uppermost habitable floor. Unattached decks not associated with an aboveground swimming pool shall not exceed two feet in height, measured from original grade. Decks surrounding aboveground pools shall be no higher than the top rim of the pool.
Swimming pools shall be set back at least 10 feet from any principal or accessory structure.
No person shall erect, alter or relocate any deck, patio or swimming pool without a zoning permit and, when applicable, a building permit. Decks, patios and swimming pools shall conform to the Uniform Construction Code of the State of New Jersey.
No private swimming pool shall be used other than as accessory to the principal use of the premises upon which it is located.
Elevated lights over four feet in height used or maintained in connection with a private swimming pool shall be so located and shielded that the illumination therefrom is not directed upon any adjacent property and shall be turned off by 10:00 p.m.
The yard area or portion of the yard area in which the pool is located shall be completely enclosed with a fence that is in compliance with the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code.
The pool may be lighted by either underwater or exterior lights provided all exterior lights are located so that the light is neither directed or reflected upon adjacent properties. All freestanding standards used for exterior lighting shall be no closer to the edge of the pool than its height. All lighting shall be in compliance with the applicable State Uniform Construction Code.
Rooftop units and structures, such as those associated with heating, ventilation, air conditioning, elevation, power regulation and communications, and similar purposes shall be screened from the view of residential uses or public rights-of-way by parapets or other architectural features consistent with the design of the primary structure.
No trailer, auto trailer, trailer coach, travel trailer, camper or boat shall be used for dwelling purposes, sleeping quarters or the permanent conduct of any business, profession, occupation.
Trailer, camper and boat equipment may be used for a temporary construction office located on a construction site, provided that the approving authority has specifically authorized the temporary construction office and approved its location as part of its approval of a subdivision or site plan. Prior to use for a temporary construction office, a temporary permit shall be issued by the Construction Official.
No trailer or other storage vehicle may be used for temporary storage in commercial districts unless a permit is issued by the Planning Board. Said permit shall be limited to storage associated with repair or remodeling of a commercial space, shall provide for substitute parking arrangements to replace parking area consumed by storage, shall be screened from the street and neighboring residential uses where feasible, and shall not exceed 30 days in duration.
This section shall not be construed to prohibit the parking or storage of such equipment on private premises only. Such equipment shall not be parked on a public street in a residential zoning district for a period exceeding 24 hours.
Residential driveways. One driveway and curb cut or street access point shall be permitted per single-family dwelling, provided conformance with the following standards:
A minimum setback of five feet from any property line other than that over which ingress/egress is necessary, except that shared driveways are permitted on collector or arterial roadways.
Driveways are to be a minimum of nine feet in width.
On corner lots, driveways shall be set back a minimum of 30 feet from an intersecting roadway. Driveways on corner lots at the intersection of roadways of different classifications as defined under the New Jersey Residential Site Improvement Standards (N.J.A.C. 5:21-1 et seq.) are to be situated on the lower-order street.
Off-street parking requirements.
The required parking shall be measured exclusive of interior driving lanes and maneuvering areas. All required parking shall be provided off the street and on-site.
When the computation of the number of required parking spaces results in a fraction, such fractions shall be rounded to the next highest whole number.
All parking areas shall be paved, curbed and provided stormwater management drainage improvements and appurtenances in accordance with sound engineering practice.
Dimensions. Off-street parking spaces shall be a minimum of nine feet wide and 18 feet long, except parallel parking spaces shall be 25 feet long.
Americans with Disabilities Act. The number, design, and signage of parking spaces designed for the disabled shall comply with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Public Law 101-336, and all subsequent amendments.
Required parking spaces. The number of parking spaces required for each nonresidential use shall be determined by the amount of gross floor area as defined in this chapter or such other measure indicated below further providing the number of stalls provided shall not exceed 105% of the stated requirement. Where a particular site or facility contains more than one use, the total parking requirements shall be the sum of the component parts, unless indicated otherwise. Where specific parking requirements are not specified, the parking requirement shall be determined by the Board, taking into consideration the standards established herein.
Parking Spaces Required
Adult and trade school
[Added 12-7-2010 by Ord. No. 2010-11]
1 space for every instructor and staff member at the highest shift plus 1 space for every student at the peak instructional period
Adult day care
[Added 12-7-2010 by Ord. No. 2010-11]
1 space per employee plus 1 space for facility transport vehicle plus 1 space per 10 visitors
Assisted-living residence
0.25 parking space per resident plus 1 space per employee on maximum shift
Automotive dealership
1 space for each employee during peak shift; plus 1 space per 300 square feet of building floor area; plus 1 space per every 20 outdoor vehicle display/storage spaces
Automotive repair service and garage and body repair shop
1 space per employee on maximum shift plus 3 spaces per service bay
Bowling alley
4 spaces per alley
Commercial recreation
1 space per employee at peak shift and 1 space per 100 square feet of gross floor area, and in the case of outdoor facilities, 1 space per 100 square feet of area in which patrons use (e.g., golf driving range: area used by patrons is the tee area from which golf balls are driven; and batting cage: area used by patrons is the entire cage)
Community swimming pool
1 space per 15 square feet of surface area
Child-care center
In a freestanding building: 1 space per 250 square feet of gross floor area.
In a mixed-use complex: The parking requirement shall be per the Municipal Land Use Law.
Financial institution, bank and office
1 space per 250 square feet of gross floor area
Gasoline service station
1 parking space for each employee during peak shift. If a convenience store is proposed, the convenience store shall use the retail parking standard.
Manufacturing, assembly and fabrication
1 space per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area
Medical professional
1 space per 150 square feet of gross floor area
Mortuary and funeral home
10 spaces per viewing room and chapel
1 space per 60 square feet of gross floor area
Places of assembly
1 space per 3 seats where seats are fixed. 1 space per 250 square feet of gross floor area where seats are not fixed.
Professional and general office
[Added 12-7-2010 by Ord. No. 2010-11]
1 space per 200 square feet
Retail sales and service
1 space per 200 square feet of gross floor area
Research facility
1 space per 800 square feet of gross floor area
1 space per 3 seats plus 1 space for each employee on maximum shift
School, grades Kindergarten through 10
1 space for every instructor and staff member
School, grades 11 through 12
1 space for every instructor and staff member, plus 1 space for every 5 students in grades 11 through 12
Surgical and ambulatory center
[Added 12-7-2010 by Ord. No. 2010-11]
1 space for each employee during the largest shift and 1 space for every bed
Veterinary hospital
2 spaces per examination room plus 1 space per employee on maximum shift
Warehouse, shipping and receiving
1 space per 5,000 square feet of gross floor area
Off-street parking requirements for residential uses shall be as specified within the New Jersey Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS) adopted by the State of New Jersey under N.J.A.C. 5:21-1 et seq., Table 4.4.
Parking spaces shall be located on the same lot as the use being served. No off-street parking space shall have direct access from a street.
No parking space shall be located in any required landscape buffer area.
Parking spaces for residential uses shall be located within a reasonable distance to a residential dwelling.
No commercial motor vehicle, school bus, dump truck, walk-in van or construction equipment shall be parked or stored anywhere in a residential zoning district or on any residential parcel, except when the vehicle is being used in the transaction of business with the owner or occupant of the property. Commercial motor vehicles shall include all commercially licensed vehicles and all trucks or vans with a gross registered weight in excess of 8,000 pounds. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to the parking or storage of school buses and school vans on public school, private school or parochial school property.
Landscape buffer areas are required between residential and nonresidential development as provided herein, unless specified otherwise in this chapter.
Landscape buffer areas shall be maintained and kept clean of all debris, rubbish, weeds and tall grass by the owner. Any screen planting shall be maintained permanently, and any plant material which does not survive shall be replaced within one year or one growing season.
No structure, activity, storage of materials or parking or loading of vehicles shall be permitted in a landscape buffer area.
Landscape buffer areas shall extend along the full length of the respective yards in which they are required.
Buffer areas, as defined in this chapter, shall be developed in an aesthetic manner for the primary purpose of screening views, providing physical separation and reducing noise and glare beyond the buffer area. Buffer area widths shall be measured horizontally and perpendicularly to lot and street lines. The preservation of all desirable existing vegetation in a buffer area shall be assured through sensitive grading and development practices. The standards for the location and design of buffer areas are intended to provide flexibility in order to provide effective buffers. The location and design of buffers shall consider the use of the portion of property being screened; the distance between the use and the adjoining property or street; differences in elevation; the type of buffer, such as planting, berming, preservation of existing vegetation, a wall, hedge or fence; buffer height; buffer width; and other combinations of man-made and natural features. The buffer shall be designed, planted, graded or developed with the general guideline that the closer a use or activity is to a property line or the more intense the use, the more effective the buffer must be in obscuring light, vision and reducing noise beyond the lot.
Required landscape buffer areas. Requirements for conditional uses set forth in this chapter provide for required landscape buffer areas. In the event that no landscape buffer area is specifically provided in Article 14, Conditional Uses, the landscape buffer area required for the zoning district in which such conditional use is conditionally permitted shall apply. Further, in the event a use is permitted by the granting of a use variance, the landscape buffer area shall be determined as a result of the use variance approval process, while applying the landscape buffer area required for the zoning district in which the use variance is sought.
In residential subdivisions or site plans, a fifteen-foot buffer shall be maintained along all tract boundary lines that directly abut existing residential uses or zones.
Additional requirements.
In the C-1 Zone, landscaping shall be provided in all yards, and a ten-foot-wide buffer shall be provided along side and rear yards. When commercial use abuts a residential use or zone, a solid fence at least six-feet-high shall also be provided in addition to the landscaping to enhance the buffer and provide an effective screen. A minimum five-foot-wide landscaped area shall be provided along the front property line.
In the C-2 Zone, landscaping shall be provided in all yards and a ten-foot-wide buffer shall be provided along side and rear yards where a commercial use abuts a residential use or zone. A ten-foot-wide landscaped area shall be provided along the front property line.
In the C-3, C-LI and I Zones, landscaping shall be provided in all yards, with minimum planted areas of at least 20 feet wide in the front yard and 15 feet wide in side and rear yards when abutting nonresidential uses or zones; and 30 feet wide along side and rear yards when abutting residential uses or zones.
In the Cemetery Zone, a fifteen-foot-wide perimeter buffer shall be provided from all property lines.