Any application for development shall demonstrate conformity to design standards that will encourage sound development patterns within the Township. Where either an Official Map or Master Plan have been adopted, the development shall conform to the proposals and conditions shown thereon. The streets, drainage rights-of-way, school sites, public parks and playgrounds, scenic sites, historic sites, and flood control basins shown on the officially adopted Master Plan or Official Map shall be considered in the approval of plats. In accordance with good design practices, extreme deviations from rectangular lot shapes and straight lot lines shall not be allowed unless made necessary by special topographical conditions or other special conditions acceptable to the approving authority. All improvements shall be installed and connected with existing facilities or installed in required locations to enable future connections with approved systems or contemplated systems, and shall be adequate to handle all present and probable future development.
Land which the approving authority finds to be unsuitable for the intended lot(s) and its use due to flooding, improper drainage, steep slopes, soil conditions, adverse topography, utility easements, or other features which can reasonably be expected to be harmful to the health, safety and general welfare of the present or future inhabitants of the developments and/or its surrounding areas, shall not be subdivided and site plans shall not be approved unless adequate and acceptable methods are formulated by the developer to solve the problems by methods meeting this title and all other requirements.
Whenever a development abuts or crosses a municipal boundary, access to those lots within the Township shall be from within the Township as the general rule. Wherever access to a development is required across land in an adjoining community as the exception, the approving authority may require documentation that such access is legally established, and that the access road is adequately improved.
The proposed name of the development shall not duplicate, or too closely approximate, the name of any other development in the municipality. The approving authority shall have final authority to designate the name of the development which shall be determined prior to preliminary approval.