The Township encourages the appropriate and efficient use of land, the development of appropriate transportation systems, and the promotion of a desirable, visual environment through creative development techniques, and establishes the policy that a coordinated bikeway and pedestrian path system be developed within the community.
Bikeways or pedestrianways shall be required at the reviewing board's discretion depending on the probable volume of bicycle and foot traffic, the development's location in relation to other populated areas, or its location with respect to any overall bike or pedestrian route plan adopted by the Township. Bicycle traffic shall be separated from motor vehicle and pedestrian traffic as much as possible. Bikeways and pedestrian paths shall generally not exceed a grade of 3%, except for short distances, and they should be a minimum of five feet wide for one-way and eight feet wide for two-way travel. Bikeways shall have a minimum four-inch base of crushed stone on the subgrade and a two-inch FABC-1 surface course. Where separate bike paths intersect streets, the curbing shall be ramped for bicycle access to the street grade. Bikeways designated for one-way travel shall only be located along streets. Minimum width for bikeways built in locations other than along streets is eight feet. The reviewing board may, where promotion of proper design would suggest, modify the construction standards set forth above to require less stringent requirements, to provide for the harmonious development of a project.