It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to provide for the adequate disposal of wastewater emanating from a proposal for which approval is sought. The reviewing board shall determine both the method and the effect which the proposed solution to the requirement presents both to those who will be utilizing the applicant's tract and to those who may be affected by the recommended solution.
If a sewage treatment and distribution system is accessible, the developer shall construct facilities in such a manner as to provide adequate sewerage within the development to transport all sewage from each lot and the total development to said treatment and distribution system. Where a treatment and distribution system is part of the adopted Township capital improvements program or master sewer plan and said system will be reasonably accessible to the proposed development, the developer shall install dry sewers designed to tie into the proposed facility upon its completion.
Any sanitary sewer collection system shall be adequate to handle all present and probable future development. Alignments outside streets shall require easements or rights-of-way in accordance with Article 29, Easements, of this chapter.
Any treatment plant and collection system, including individual on-lot septic systems, shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of the State Department of Environmental Protection and Township ordinances.
Each applicant proposing to utilize on-site disposal shall comply with Public Law 199 as administered by the State Department of Environmental Protection.
Each applicant proposing on-site sewage disposal shall demonstrate that the area is suitable for septic treatment and in this regard, each applicant is required to cause two percolation tests to be undertaken in the immediate area where the septic field is proposed to be constructed which demonstrates compliance with the Township ordinances dealing with on-site wastewater disposal. Where, due to the nature of soil conditions as set forth within plans prepared by Edgewater Park Township, there is a question concerning the suitability of the lands for septic system construction, the reviewing board may require that the applicant produce soil logs in addition to the percolation tests suggested above to demonstrate the suitability of the land in question for the use proposed. In making this determination, the reviewing board shall require one soil log per three acres of ground proposed for development. The applicant shall be required subsequent to taking the soil log to cover up all soil log pits to eliminate the potential of a nuisance. Each applicant proposing to utilize on-site disposal of wastewater shall demonstrate in his application that his proposal will not contaminate both surface water and subsurface water quality to the extent that they will become injurious to the health, safety and welfare of the community at large or detrimental to the ecological balance in existence prior to construction.
Sanitary sewer pipe shall be sized for full flow from the tract. The Township Engineer may require larger pipe sized to accommodate future extensions.
Minimum grades at terminal runs of all sanitary sewer lines shall be 1%.
Manholes shall be placed at every point where the sanitary sewer line changes direction. In no instance shall the spacing exceed 400 feet.
Prior to the final approval, the Township Engineer shall approve all sanitary sewer designs which will become a part of the Township facilities.