Bituminous stabilized base course. Materials shall conform to the requirements specified therefor in the Standard Specifications of the New Jersey Highway Department for Bituminous Stabilized Base Course, Article 3.2A, as amended, and shall be Mix No. 1 in Table 3 of the revised mixtures, outlined in Addenda A, Stone Mix, except that the minimum bitumen content shall be 5%.
Surface course. The paving materials shall be FABC Mix No. 5 stone mix, complying with the amended Specifications of the New Jersey State Highway Department Standard Specifications, Article 3.10, revised Table 3, except that the minimum percentage of bitumen shall be 6%.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. III]
Before construction of the pavement, the subgrade shall be in a properly finished condition conforming to the proper line and grade and free of any soft spots or other deficiencies. Not more than 24 hours prior to commencing of operations on any subgrade, the subgrade shall be tested by running a roller of a weight at least equal to that to be used in the paving operation over the entire subgrade area. When permitted by the engineer, testing may be performed by other equipment such as loaded trucks. When in the opinion of the engineer or his representative, the deformation of the subgrade under such test is excessive, the subdivider will be required to stabilize the subgrade in a manner satisfactory to the engineer. The subgrade shall not be prepared during freezing weather or when frozen or when it is unstable.
The method of construction shall conform to the same specification indicated for materials in § 310-53-1 above. The base course shall be laid on a properly prepared subgrade and shall consist of two equal courses. Upon completion of base course construction, the contractor shall cut samples from the pavement with a jackhammer, coring machine, or other means suitable to the engineer. The sample shall be intact for the full thickness of the base course and shall be of a size suitable to the engineer. At least one sample shall be cut for every 1,000 square yards of base course. Where deficiencies in the required minimum thickness are noted, at least two additional cores will be required to determine the extent of such deficiency. The average thickness of the base course as determined by any five or more samples, representing contiguous areas of pavement, shall be not less than five inches or six inches and the minimum thickness permitted at any location will be 4 1/2 inches or 5 1/2 inches. In the event that the average thickness is less than five inches or six inches or the minimum thickness 4 1/2 inches or 5 1/2 inches, the deficiency shall be made up by increasing the thickness of the surface course.
Prior to placing of the surface course, the contractor shall repair any defects in the base course. Where cracking or any other type of failure has occurred in the base course, the contractor shall completely remove the base course, stabilize the subgrade if necessary and construct new base course. Where the deficiency involves depressions or raveling in the surface of the base course, the repair may be made by skin patching with a suitable bituminous material. For checking of gutter drainage, the subdivider shall supply sufficient water at the high points of the streets and shall run said water into the gutters in order to determine whether or not gutter grades are satisfactory. Wherever puddles occur, he shall skin patch the base course to achieve proper grades in the gutters. After repair of the base course, a tack coat shall be applied as specified in Section 3.10 of the New Jersey State Department Standard Specifications. In the event of any deficiency in the surface course such as raveling, depressions, cracking, etc., such deficiencies shall be repaired by removing the surface course and replacing with new material.
All equipment and methods of construction shall conform to the New Jersey State Highway Department Standard Specifications of 1961, except that only one roller may be used where the area to be paved is sufficiently small, in the opinion of the engineer, to make the second roller unnecessary.
[Added 11-6-2001 by Ord. No. 21-2001]
In case of any development street which is to be dedicated to the Township, the development shall employ the services of a testing laboratory to obtain cores of the street pavement, to test said cores for thickness, composition and density for each pavement material present and to provide a certified report of the results to the Township Engineer. The testing laboratory employed and the number and location of the cores shall be approved by the Township Engineer.