[Adopted 10-5-2017 STM by Art. 3]
[Amended 10-18-2018 STM by Art. 2; 5-2-2019 ATM by Art. 11; 6-20-2020 ATM by Art. 11; 5-22-2021 ATM by Art. 12; 5-5-2022 ATM by Art. 11; 5-4-2023 ATM by Art. 11]
There are hereby established in the Town of Hadley, pursuant to the provisions of MGL c. 44, § 53E 1/2, the following revolving funds:
Revolving Fund
Responsible Department
Source of Funds
Annual Expenses Allowed
Cemetery Committee or Public Works Department
Wages and expenses of interment specialists and Department of Public Works expenses associated with services related to burials
Interment fees
Tax Title
Collector and Treasurer
Expenses associated with initiating and managing tax title processes
Tax title fees and charges
Select Board
Contracted recycling vendor costs
State recycling payments
Dog Control
Dog Officer
Expenses associated with controlling dogs
50% of fines, fees, and reimbursements associated with dog control, but excluding dog license fees
Park and Recreation
Park and Recreation Commission
Wages and expenses associated with Park and Recreation programs
Program fees
Lost Books
Trustees of the Library
Replace lost or damaged library materials
Fines and fees associated with lost or damaged library materials
Tax Liens
Underwrite legal expenses associated with collecting tax liens
Fines and fees associated with collecting tax liens
Conservation Administration
Conservation Commission
Support operations in the Conservation Commission
Fees associated with plan review
Council on Aging Van
Council on Aging
Underwrite expenses associated with operating the COA van
Fees collected from riders
Inspections Permit Software Fees
Building Inspections
Payment of permit software fees for permits issued by the Building Inspector, Electrical Inspector, and Plumbing and Gas Inspector
Surcharge received per permit issued
Expenditures from each revolving fund set forth herein shall be subject to the limitation established annually by Town Meeting or any increase therein as may be authorized in accordance with MGL c. 44, § 53E1/2.