Town employees are expected to perform their work responsibilities in a thorough and conscientious manner. They are required to comply with:
All of the policies and operating procedures of the department in which employed; and
All of the directives of their supervisors.
Each person employed by the Town occupies a position of public trust. As a result, Town employees must always be mindful of their ethical responsibilities. An employee must avoid taking any action that might result in or create the reasonable basis for the impression that he/she was:
Using public office for private gain;
Giving preferential treatment to any person or entity; or
Conducting Town business in other than an impartial manner.
Chapter 268A of the Massachusetts General Laws governs the conduct of public officials and employees, and provides a comprehensive set of guidelines for the performance of a municipal employee's duties. In general, those guidelines may be reduced to the following principles:
An employee may not ask for or accept anything (regardless of its value) which is offered in exchange for the employee agreeing to perform or not perform an official act.
An employee may not ask for anything nor accept anything of more than nominal value from anyone with whom the employee has official dealings.
Unless an employee makes a proper public disclosure, including all of the relevant facts, to the appropriate municipal official(s), the employee may not take any action that could create an appearance of impropriety, or could cause an impartial observer to believe that the employee's official actions were tainted with bias or favoritism.
An employee may not use his/her official position to obtain unwarranted privileges, or any type of special treatment, for himself/herself or anyone else. For example, an employee may not use public resources (e.g., Town offices, supplies or equipment, staff labor, sick time) for personal purposes.
Unless an employee qualifies for an exemption (see MGL c. 268A, § 20), the employee may not have a financial interest in a Town contract or hold more than one position with the Town.
An employee may not hire, promote or supervise members of the employee's or his/her spouse's immediate family, or take any other type of official action which would affect such relative's financial interests.
An employee may not take any official action affecting the employee's own financial interest, or the financial interest of a business partner, private employer, or any organization for which the employee serves as an officer, director or trustee.
Consistent with the prohibitions contained in Chapter 268A, Town employees are expected to abide by conduct requirements, including but not limited to the following:
No employee shall engage in any business other than his/her official Town duties during regular working hours.
No employee shall engage in any form of outside employment that interferes with the employee's proper and effective performance of his/her position with the Town, nor shall an employee engage in any form of outside employment that would create the appearance of a conflict of interest with the employee's position with the Town.
No employee shall use confidential information obtained in his/her official capacity as a Town employee for his/her own financial advantage, nor shall he/she provide relatives, friends, business associates, or others with such confidential information.
No employee shall use, or allow the use of, Town property (of any kind) for other than official Town business.
Also in accordance with the Civil Rights Act of 1964[1] and MGL c. 151B, § 4(16A), the Town has a clearly established policy regarding sexual harassment in the workplace by managers, supervisors, employees, vendors and contractors. See Appendix C, current policy as amended.[2]
Editor's Note: See 42 U.S.C. § 2000a et seq.
Editor's Note: Appendix C is included as an attachment to this chapter.
The Town is committed to providing a professional environment that is free of violence in any form. The Town's policy regarding workplace violence is detailed in Appendix D, current policy as amended.[3]
Editor's Note: Appendix D is included as an attachment to this chapter.
The Town has established policy guidelines for the use of social media communication. See Appendix E, current policy as amended.[4]
Editor's Note: Appendix E is included as an attachment to this chapter.
The Town has established policies regarding both the use of Town electronic communication and related technology. See Appendix F, current policy as amended.[5]
Editor's Note: Appendix F is included as an attachment to this chapter.
All public employees have whistleblower protections under MGL c. 149, § 185. Retaliation against employees reporting violations of law or risks to public health, safety or environment are prohibited. See Whistleblower Retaliation Policy, Appendix G, current policy as amended.[6]
Editor's Note: Appendix G is included as an attachment to this chapter.