In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and articles of the Town Bylaws have been included in the 2016 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Repealed effective with adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, Art. I.
Not included in Code but saved from repeal.
Chapter/Title From Town Bylaws
Location in 2016 Code
Ch. 1, Town Meeting Regulations
Ch. 45, Art. III
Ch. 2, Financial and Administrative
A. Financial
Persons Eligible for Appointment to Finance Committee
Para. 1
Ch. 7, Art. I
Compensation for Town Officials, Agents and Employees
Para. 2
Para. 3
Ch. 22, Art. V
Purchase and Sale of Property
Para. 4
Ch. 22, Art. I
Para. 5
B. Administrative
Legal Affairs
Para. 1
Ch. 40, § 40-1
Para. 2
Para. 3
Ch. 40, § 40-2
Para. 4
Para. 5
Ch. 22, Art. III
Division of Finance and Administrative Services
Para. 6, Town Clerk
Ch. 22, Art. VI
Para. 7-9, Town Treasurer
Ch. 22, Art. II
Para. 10-11
Ch. 22, Art. IV
Para. 12, Town Warrant
Ch. 45, Art. I
Para. 19, Wire Inspector
Ch. 51, Art. I
Para. 20-22, Gas Inspector
Ch. 51, Art. II
Para. 23, Civil Defense
Ch. 16
Para. 24, Council on Aging
Ch. 7, Art. II
Para. 25, Committee Reporting
Ch. 45, Art. II
Ch. 143, Art. I
Denial, Revocation, Suspension of Licenses and/or Permits for Failure to Pay Municipal Charges
Ch. 168, Art. I
Board of Health Fees
Ch. 143, Art. II
Ch. 3, Classification of Employment
Part I, Classification and Pay Plans
Part II, Consolidated Personnel Bylaw
Ch. 62
Ch. 4, Regulations Governing Streets and Ways
Sec. A, Breaking, Obstruction, Digging Up of Streets
Ch. 217, Art. II
Sec. B, C, D
Ch. 217, Art. I
Sec. E, Private Ways - Access for Fire Apparatus
Ch. 230, Art. II
Sec. F
Ch. 217, Art. III
Sec. G, H
Ch. 217, Art. IV
Sec. I, Temporary Repairs to Private Ways
Para. 1-10
Ch. 217, Art. V
Para. 11, Town Flag
Ch. 67, Art. II
Sec. J, Excessive Noise from Compression Brakes Prohibited
Ch. 179, Art. I
Ch. 4A, Stormwater Management By-Law
Ch. 213
Ch. 5, Regulations Governing Persons and Property
Sec. 1, Junk and Junk Motor Vehicles
Ch. 161, Art. I
Sec. 2, Rude and Disorderly Behavior
Ch. 188, § 188-1
Sec. 3, Obstruction on Sidewalks and Street Crossings
Ch. 188, § 188-2
Sec. 4, Obstruction of Sidewalks with Teams or Merchandise
Ch. 188, § 188-3
Sec. 5, Fast Driving Prohibited
Ch. 230, Art. I
Sec. 6, Cattle Not to Go at Large
Ch. 115, Art. I
Sec. 7, Filth and Rubbish Not to be Deposited in the Streets
Ch. 204, Art. I
Sec. 8, Bill Posting Upon Fences, Walls, and Buildings
Ch. 103, § 103-1
Sec. 9, Bill Posting in Public Places, Etc.
Ch. 103, § 103-2
Sec. 10, Regulations in Regard to Public Buildings
Ch. 67, Art. I
Sec. 11, Discharge of Firearms, Rifles, Shotguns or Explosives
Ch. 147
Sec. 12, Regulations Governing Hawkers and Peddlers of Fruit, Vegetables, Fish, Etc.
Ch. 192, Art. I
Sec. 13, Collection of Junk
Ch. 161, Art. II
Sec. 14, Excavated Land
Ch. 138
Sec. 15, Wells
Ch. 236
Sec. 16, Rules and Regulations Adopted by the Board of Selectmen Regarding Pillings Pond Under Chapter 656, Acts of 1956
Ch. 184, Art. I
Sec. 17, Dog Control Law
Ch. 115, Art. II, §§ 115-1 through 115-6
Sec. 17A, Dog Licensing and Fees
Ch. 115, Art. II, § 115-7
Sec. 18, Garbage Disposal
Repealed 4-28-1975 ATM
Sec. 19, Swimming Pools
Ch. 221
Sec. 20, Discarded Appliances, Etc.
Ch. 204, Art. II
Sec. 21, Alcohol
Ch. 111
Sec. 22, Regulation of Underground Storage of Flammable Liquids
Ch. 209
Sec. 23, Regulation of Solicitors and Canvassers
Ch. 192, Art. II
Sec. 24, Regulation of Fire and Intrusion Alarms
Ch. 107
Sec. 25, Regulation of News Racks
Ch. 175
Sec. 26, Clean Indoor Air By-Law
Ch. 200
Sec. 27, Diesel Fuel By-Law
Ch. 132
Sec. 28, Overnight Parking of Commercial Vehicles in Residential Areas
Ch. 230, Art. III
Sec. 29, Preservation of Historically or Architecturally Significant Structures (2008)
Ch. 154
Sec. 29, Fingerprint-Based Criminal Record Background Checks (2012)
Ch. 126
Ch. 6, Zoning Bylaw
Ch. 260
Ch. 7, Building Laws
Ch. 120
Ch. 8, Penalties Under Bylaws
Ch. 58
Ch. 9, Environmental Laws
Ch. 240