It shall be unlawful for any person, persons, firm or corporation to sell or possess any slung shot, metallic knuckles, or blackjack. (See RSA 159:16.)
No person shall display or possess any dangerous weapon in a threatening manner or under any circumstances which are designed or likely to cause alarm or concern where no legitimate purpose for such a display exists.
Any weapon or device seized by the Police Department pursuant to a violation of this section shall be forfeited to the use of or disposed of by the Police Department as is deemed appropriate by the Chief of Police.
Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a violation.
Safe storage required.
Any person leaving or storing a loaded firearm on a premises knowing, or where he/she should have known, that a minor is able to gain access to the firearm without the lawful permission of the minor's parent or guardian shall engage in practices constituting the safe storage of firearms.
Any person violating the requirements of this section shall be guilty of a violation only if any minor gains access to the firearm and possesses or exhibits it and any one of the following conditions exists:
The firearm is displayed or brought into any public place, except where the firearm is being used for legitimate hunting purposes consistent with state law.
The firearm is used or displayed in a reckless or threatening manner.
The firearm is used during the commission of any misdemeanor or felony.
When the firearm is negligently or recklessly discharged.
This subsection does not apply if the minor obtains the firearm as a result of an unlawful entry by any person.
Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be subject to a fine as provided in the City Fine Schedule.
[Amended 2-12-2020 by Ord. No. 2020.01.08-001]
All firearms seized by the Police Department pursuant to a violation of this section shall, upon conviction, be ordered forfeited by the court and turned over to the Police Department for destruction.
[Added 10-8-2014 by Ord. No. 2014.09.10-17; amended 2-12-2020 by Ord. No. 2020.01.08-001; 4-14-2021 by Ord. No. 2021.03.24-002]
No person shall hunt wildlife or engage in target shooting with firearms in or on the following properties:
All Dover public school facilities and adjacent parks.
Willand Pond Recreation Area.
Dover Community Trail.
Tolend Landfill.
Pine Hill Cemetery.
Guppey Park.
Dover Community Services facilities on Mast Road.
Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Bellamy Park.
Maglaras Park.
Garrison Hill Park.
The Dover Community Services (Facilities, Grounds and Cemeteries) facility at 145 Court street.
Sullivan Field and Playground, inclusive of all of the surrounding City-owned parcel comprising Tax Map D-5.
[Added 12-14-2022 by Ord. No. 2022.11.09-013]
[Added 11-8-2023 by Ord. No. 2023.10.11-14[1]]
During any archery hunting season allowed by applicable authorities, the use of bows and arrows to hunt (also known as “bowhunting”) is permitted within the City-owned parcel comprising Tax Map D-5, a mostly wooded area adjacent to the Spaulding Turnpike and Sullivan Field, provided bowhunters have any required licenses from the State of New Hampshire Fish and Game Department; and further provided such archery hunting is not conducted on, or anywhere within 300 feet of, any playground, field, or open space contained within said property.
Editor's Note: This ordinance also redesignated former Subsections B and C as Subsections C and D, respectively.
The City Manager may provide for the posting of these City-owned properties against hunting and target shooting with firearms pursuant to RSA 635:4. The City Manager or designee shall post a notice at the Sullivan Drive entrance to the Sullivan Field and Playground warning the public that bow and arrow hunting (also known as “bowhunting”) is allowed during archery hunting seasons and reminding such hunters of the conditions set forth in this section.
[Amended 11-8-2023 by Ord. No. 2023.10.11-14]
Penalties. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be subject to a fine as provided in the City Fine Schedule per offense.