The purpose of the Multiple Housing Zone is to permit, where appropriate, the construction and development of multiple dwelling residences in the Village and to establish standards by which development in these areas shall occur while protecting and preserving the character of the adjoining Residence Zone.
No building shall be erected or extended and no land or building shall be used in the Multiple Housing Zone for other than any of the following purposes:
Any principal use permitted in the Residence Zone;
Any of the following uses:
Buildings containing three or more dwelling units, with:
[Amended 6-18-2018 by L.L. No. 3-2018]
Any dwelling unit to contain no more than four bedrooms; and
Any dwelling unit to be occupied by:
One family; or
In the case of any dwelling unit in such buildings that contains one bedroom, up to two unrelated occupants; or
In the case of any dwelling unit in such buildings that contains two bedrooms, up to four unrelated occupants; or
In the case of any dwelling unit in such buildings that contains three bedrooms, up to six unrelated occupants; or
In the case of any dwelling unit in such buildings that contains four bedrooms, up to eight unrelated occupants.
Convent, parish house, religious school building;
Public library or public museum, parochial school, nursery school, school operated under the Education Law of New York State, but not a school operated by a for-profit company;
The following uses subject to the approval of a special use permit by the Village's Planning Board, in accordance with the procedures set forth in Article XIX:
[Amended 1-18-2023 by L.L. No. 2-2023]
Fraternity, sorority, student cooperative, and college residence hall, but not any of the following: a rooming house, lodging house, or boardinghouse, bed-and-breakfast, hotel, motel, or inn;
Adult home.
The following accessory buildings or uses are permitted in the Multiple Housing Zone:
Accessory buildings and uses permitted in the Residence Zone;
Automobile parking and garages, subject to the further requirements of this article and meeting the requirements set forth in Article XII;
Such uses as may be necessary for housekeeping activities, such as structures in which laundry facilities are maintained, but any such use must be limited to residents of the multiple dwelling on that lot;
Storage buildings for storage of belongings of the residents of the multiple dwelling on that lot;
Maintenance buildings and one central office, all of which must be utilized solely in connection with the operation of the multiple dwelling on that lot;
Community building for use by the residents of the multiple dwelling on that lot and their guests;
Solar energy collectors in accordance with the requirements of this article and the requirements of Article XV.
No building or structure in the Multiple Housing Zone shall exceed 30 feet in height.
The height of a building shall be measured from the lowest point of the existing grade at the building foundation to the average height between eaves and ridge for pitched roofs and to the highest part of the parapet for flat roofs.
In cases where the proposed finished grade is higher than the existing grade, the change must be approved by the Code Enforcement Officer at the time of issuance of the building permit.
The height limitations of § 305-27 shall not apply to chimneys, ventilators, skylights, or other necessary features ordinarily extending above roofs nor to spires of churches or other buildings if such features are in no way used or usable for living purposes, and these features will not be considered in determining the height of a building.
Buildings in the Multiple Housing Zone shall be set back from property lines the following minimum dimensions, said dimensions to be measured at right angles to the property lines:
Front yard: 25 feet or the height of the building as calculated in § 305-27, whichever is greater.
Side and rear yards: 15 feet.
The front yard in each case shall be measured from the front lot line.
For any yard that abuts a public or private street, the front yard requirement shall apply.
Yard requirements specified above shall be the same in the case of swimming pools.
No automobile parking area shall be permitted in any required front yard, except in the case of a front yard of a residence housing not more than two families.
No building or buildings shall be erected or extended so as to exceed coverage of 15% of the area of a lot.
In computing the lot coverage, the following shall be included:
The area of any accessory buildings;
Carports, open at the sides and roofed;
Unroofed porches or decks, the surface of which is over two feet above the surface of the underlying ground as finally graded;
Areas covered by building eaves extending in excess of three feet.
In computing the lot coverage, the following shall not be included:
Areas covered by overhanging building eaves of three feet or less;
Unroofed swimming pools;
Unroofed parking areas.
Lots shall have a minimum average width of 125 feet and a minimum average depth of 150 feet.
Each lot shall have a minimum frontage on a public street of 75 feet, with the exception of lots in a cul-de-sac in a subdivision approved by the Planning Board, in which case lots may have such frontage as shown on the approved subdivision plan.
Parking requirements shall be as set forth in Article XII.