The following words and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall, for the purposes of this chapter, have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this section, except as hereinafter specifically provided:
Any portion of a street between the curbline, or the lateral lines of a roadway where there is no curb, and the adjacent property line intended for the use of pedestrians.
Includes public avenues, boulevards, highways, roads, alleys, lanes, viaducts, bridges and the approaches thereto and all other thoroughfares in the City and shall mean the entire width thereof between abutting property lines. It shall be construed to include a sidewalk or footpath, unless the contrary is expressed or unless such construction would be inconsistent with the manifest intent of the Council.
It shall be unlawful for any person to cast, throw or sweep into any of the streets, public alleys or sidewalks within the corporate limits of the City any trash, refuse, leaves or sweepings.
It shall be unlawful for the owner or tenant of any building or lot in the City to permit any wastewater, slop or liquid substance of any kind, except rainwater, to run or flow from any building or lot into the streets, gutters or sidewalks of the City. It shall be unlawful in business and industrially zoned districts to permit any wastewater, including rainwater, to run or flow from any building across any sidewalk of the City.
No person shall place or allow to remain in or upon or over any sidewalk or street within the City any box, crate, barrel, carton, bricks, logs, lumber, lime, cement or other building material or anything else which might obstruct the free passage along and upon the sidewalk or street or which may make the street or sidewalk unsightly or dangerous to the public health or safety without first obtaining from the Council a permit to place and maintain the obstruction.
No person shall burn any paper or other refuse matter or place coal ashes or any waste materials on any sidewalk or street bed of the City.
No person shall move, remove, tear down, destroy or carry away any barricade or obstruction that has been placed upon or across any street or sidewalk under or at the direction of the City Manager or Council for the purpose of preventing or regulating traffic on such street or sidewalk.
It shall be unlawful for any person to molest, destroy, damage, mutilate or carry away any stake, post, stone or pin placed in any street or sidewalk for the purpose of indicating the grade thereof or any lantern, street designation, road marker or any part of any public lamp.
It shall be unlawful for any person to permit or cause any sign or board to project over any sidewalk or any flag, banner or any other manner of display to be stretched across any of the streets of the City without first securing a permit therefor from the City Manager.
It shall be unlawful for any person, without the permission, in writing, of the Council, to pave or cover with any material any parking space or the space between the sidewalk and curb, or any part thereof, or place upon any sidewalk in any manner whatever any letters or advertising device.
As an aid to freer, safe movement of vehicles at and near street intersections and in order to promote more adequate protection for the safety of children, pedestrians and operators of vehicles and for property, for proposed construction hereafter:
There shall be limitations on the height of fences, walls, gateways, ornamental structures, hedges, shrubbery and other fixtures, construction and plantings in all districts where front yards are required on corner lots.
Such barriers to clear, unobstructed vision at corners of intersecting streets shall be limited to a height of not over three feet above the established elevation of the nearest curb for a distance of 30 feet along both the front and side lot lines measured from the point of intersection of said intersecting lot lines.
[Amended 6-2-1997 by Ord. No. 349]
Within the isosceles triangle formed as required in Subsection B hereof by connecting the ends of the respective thirty-foot distances, all the fixtures, construction, hedges, shrubbery and other plantings shall be limited to a height not over three feet above the elevation of the curb level at said intersecting streets.
[Amended 6-2-1997 by Ord. No. 349]
Within said triangle, the ground elevation of such front yards shall not exceed three feet above established curb elevation at said intersecting streets.
Any barriers to clear, unobstructed vision within said triangle validly existing before the effective date of this § 201-10 may be removed by use of the condemnation power provided in § C-94 of the City Charter or by any other lawful means selected by the Council.
It shall be unlawful for any person to suffer or permit the limbs or foliage of any shade tree on his or her property to extend over any of the streets, alleys or sidewalks of the City at a height less than 10 feet from the ground.
All owners of property abutting upon a street, alley or other public way of the City which is about to be constructed, paved or re-paved, made, changed or repaired, to which property water, gas and sewer and any and all necessary underground conduits, pipes and connections have not been made, shall lay or place such water, gas, sewer and any and all necessary conduits, pipes and connections within 30 days after having received written notice from the Superintendent of Public Works to do so.
Upon failure to comply with the written notice within 30 days from the receipt thereof, the Superintendent of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to perform such work and charge the cost of the same to the property. Such costs shall constitute a lien on the property, shall draw interest after 30 days at the rate of 1/2 of 1% per month or fraction thereof and shall be collectible in the same manner as are other City taxes.
It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to ride a bicycle or skate upon any sidewalk in any business or industrial district in the City.
It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to ride any horse or pony upon any sidewalk in the City.
It shall be unlawful for the owner or tenant of any building to erect or allow to remain on the building over any sidewalk any awning or covering of any description, whether movable or immovable, the bottom or lowest part of which is less than seven feet above the sidewalk.
It shall be unlawful for any person to throw or play with a ball or missile of any description in any street of the City.
[Amended 6-2-1997 by Ord. No. 349]
Any person who violates any provision of this article for which a penalty is not otherwise specified shall, upon conviction thereof, be guilty of a municipal infraction and subject to a fine as set forth in the Fees, Charges and Rates Schedule, adopted by resolution of the City Council from time to time.[1]
Editor's Note: The current Fees, Charges and Rates Schedule is on file in the City Clerk's office.
[Added 11-20-1989 by Ord. No. 305]
No person shall abandon any shopping cart within the City, and no person shall leave any shopping cart at any place within the City for such time and under such circumstances as to cause such shopping cart reasonably to appear to have been abandoned.
No person shall remove any shopping cart from the store owner's premises or parking lot within the City without the store owner's written permission.
A store owner having shopping carts within the City for the use of his or her customers shall conspicuously post such signs as may be required by the City Manager to advise his or her customers that it is unlawful to remove the shopping carts from the store owner's premises and parking lot and of the penalties therefor.
Any violation of this section shall constitute a municipal infraction, subject to a fine as set forth in the Fees, Charges and Rates Schedule, adopted by resolution of the City Council from time to time.[1]
[Amended 6-2-1997 by Ord. No. 349]
Editor's Note: The current Fees, Charges and Rates Schedule is on file in the City Clerk's office.