[CC 1986 § 42.300]
The City of Edgerton is hereby divided into the following districts, the respective symbol for each type of district being set forth opposite its title:
Agricultural District
Residential District - Single-family
Residential District - Multifamily
Planned Industrial District
General Business District
Planned Development District
[CC 1986 § 42.310]
The areas and boundaries of such districts are hereby established as shown on a map entitled "Zoning Map of Edgerton, Missouri," revised February 24, 1986. Such map, referred to herein as the "Zoning Map," together with everything shown thereon, is hereby made a part of this Chapter.
[CC 1986 § 42.320]
Where a district boundary is shown following a street, highway, road, right-of-way, any parkway, a public utility right-of-way, a railroad, or a stream or watercourse, the boundary is respectively the center line of such street, highway, road, right-of-way, parkway, public utility right-of-way, main channel of a stream or watercourse, or a line located midway between the main track of said railroad and such boundary shall be deemed to be changed automatically whenever the center line or the main railroad tracks are changed by natural or artificial means.
In an area not subdivided into lots and blocks, wherever a district is indicated as a strip adjacent to and paralleling a street or highway, the depths of such strips shall be in accordance with dimensions shown on the map, the distance shall be determined by using the map scale.
Where a street, highway, railroad or other physical monument or marker on the ground, by which a boundary is determined, varies from that shown on the Zoning Map, the on-the-ground physical monument or marker shall control.