[CC 1986 § 42.400]
The general regulations affecting the use of the buildings, structures and land and the bulk and arrangement of buildings and structures, and of materials and equipment occupying land in connection with non-building use thereof for each of the districts established by Article III, are hereby established as set forth in this Section.
The accompanying table entitled "Table of General Use Regulations" shall be deemed as part of this Section and is referred to herein as "Use Table."
The accompanying table entitled "Table of General Bulk Regulations" shall be deemed as part of this Section and is referred to herein as "Bulk Table."[1]
Editor's Note: Said tables are included as attachments to this Chapter.
[CC 1986 § 42.410]
In general, all regulations for each district are exclusive and non-cumulative except where the regulations for a district expressly incorporate regulations from another district.