The purposes of this article are to provide for signs as a means of effective visual communication, regulate existing and proposed outdoor signs, promote comprehensive planning policies, promote the safety of pedestrians and vehicle traffic, protect property values, create a more attractive and harmonious economic and business climate and protect the physical appearance of the community. It is further intended to reduce unnecessary visual distractions and obstructions in order to promote the public health, safety, and welfare. Special attention is focused on the potential for visual obstructions and hazards at intersections and driveways.
Area. The area of a sign shall be calculated as described below. For the purposes of applying the provisions of this article, parcels which are comprised of one or more individual lots of record or which are parts of a combined group of businesses operating under one corporation or association, or are part of a single land use, shall be regarded as a single parcel or lot.
When the sign is a separate unit, the area shall include any borders, framing, trim, decorative attachments, background, and space between elements; it shall not include any supporting structure unless the structure is illuminated, is in the form of a symbol, or contains advertising elements.
When the sign is applied to a wall or otherwise has no definite edges, the area shall include all color, artwork, or other means used to differentiate the sign from the surface upon which it is applied.
When a single sign structure has more than one face with the same message, and no two faces are more than three feet apart at any point, the area shall be computed by determining the greatest total area of all sign faces visible from any single location.
When a sign is required to display a street address, such area shall not be counted towards calculating the sign area.
Dimensions and permit requirements. Maximum sign dimensions and permit requirements are shown in the Table of Sign Requirements.[1] Signs used internally on a lot that provide directions, price information, building identification, and similar types of information that do not primarily involve advertising shall be exempted from these regulations.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Editor's Note: The Table of Sign Requirements is included as an attachment to this chapter.
General regulations. The following regulations shall apply to all signs, in addition to any specific regulations in other parts of this article.
Character of the neighborhood to be reflected. All signs shall reflect the general character of their neighborhoods, and shall be constructed of durable materials and be maintained in good repair.
Address required. All signs shall clearly display the street name and number.
No floodplain signs. No permanent signs are permitted within the one-hundred-year floodplain.
Illumination. All illuminated signs or lighting devices shall employ only lights emitting a constant intensity, and no sign shall be illuminated by, or contain flashing, intermittent, rotating, or moving light or lights, except to show the time and/or temperature. In no event shall an illuminated sign or lighting device be so placed or directed as to permit light or illumination to be directed towards a public roadway so as to create glare or reflection that may constitute a traffic hazard or nuisance. Signs shall be lighted only when the activity is open for business or in operation. The Township may require the applicant to provide "catalog cuts" of lighting fixtures and mounting equipment, location, spacing and aiming angles of fixtures, plots of proposed illumination intensities, nuisance and disabling glare control methods and devices, illumination on-off cycles, and anticipated light levels on adjacent parcels. Sign lights shall be pointed downwards.
Projecting signs. No sign shall project more than 18 inches beyond the face of any building. No sign shall obstruct access to any window or door, or ventilation to any building.
Damaged signs. Dilapidated or damaged signs shall be promptly repaired. Signs constituting a hazard shall be repaired or removed within 24 hours of notice by the Township.
Animated signs. Signs or devices that are moving, fluttering, rotating, spinning, audible or are otherwise animated (except for clocks and thermometers) are prohibited.
Pedestrian traffic. No sign shall be placed in any position that may present a hazard to vehicular or pedestrian traffic, and no sign suspended above areas where pedestrians may walk shall provide a clearance of less than eight feet.
Signs prohibited in the right-of-way. No sign or supporting structure, including temporary signs or sandwich-type or wheeled signs, except for official traffic or public utility signs, shall be permitted within any public right-of-way.
Confusion with official signs. No sign shall imitate any traffic control or other official sign by containing the words "stop," "yield," "danger," etc., or by using red, amber, or green lights in such a way as to cause confusion by pedestrians or motorists.
Religious signs. Religious signs, symbols and devices shall comply with all applicable provisions of this article.
No utility pole or tree placement. No sign shall be placed on any utility pole or tree.
Government signs. Signs of any government or public utility shall comply with these regulations except when exempted due to a superseding government regulation.
Nonconforming signs that lawfully existed and were continuously maintained prior to the effective date of this chapter may continue to be utilized. However, notwithstanding the provisions of Article XI of this chapter, such signs shall not be expanded and shall comply with the provisions of this article upon their removal or damage to an extent of more than 50% of their value as established prior to such damage.
No person shall place or cause to be placed or maintained, in such a location as can be viewed by persons on any public street, any sign, photograph, picture, image or other graphic representation which depicts in whole or in part any illustration pertaining to any activity determined to be pornographic by any court of applicable jurisdiction.
No sign exceeding two feet above surrounding grade may be placed in the sight triangles as determined by Chapter 185, Subdivision and Land Development, or the area as determined below, whichever is greater.
Near driveways. No sign exceeding 30 inches in height shall be located within a triangle formed by an unobstructed line of sight between points not less than 50 feet from the intersection of the center line of the street and the driveway, nor in any position where it may endanger vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
Near intersections. No sign exceeding 30 inches in height shall be located within a triangle formed by an unobstructed line of sight between points not less than 100 feet from the center line of each intersecting street, nor in any position where it may endanger vehicular or pedestrian traffic.