[Adopted 2-13-2008 by Ord. No. 5578; amended in its entirety 12-5-2018 by Ord. No. 5735]
Unless otherwise expressly stated, the following words and phrases,
wherever used in these rules and regulations, shall be construed to
have the meaning indicated herein:
Any individual who applies in writing to the Board in response
to a legally advertised notice of vacancy and/or examination for any
position in the Police Department.
The Civil Service Board of the City of Altoona, Blair County,
An individual appointed by the City Council to serve as an
alternate member of the Civil Service Board. Properly appointed alternate
Board member shall have all the same powers and duties as a primary
appointed Board member set forth in the Third Class City Code and
as outlined in these rules and regulations.
An individual appointed by the City Council to serve as an
primary Board member of the Civil Service Board with traditional duties
as set forth in the Third Class City Code and as outlined in these civil service rules and regulations.
The submission to the City Manager, pursuant to his/her request
for three names taken from the police officer's eligibility lists
developed by the Civil Service Board.
The Chairperson of the Civil Service Board of the City of
Altoona, Pennsylvania.
A sworn officer who is appointed by the City Manager and
not appointed under the provisions of these civil service rules and
The City Council of the City of Altoona, Pennsylvania.
The appointing authority, as hereby appointed by the City
Council of the City of Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania, pursuant
to the act of July 15, 1957, P.L. 901, No. 399, Cl. 11, the Optional
Third Class City Charter Law, of the City of Altoona, shall have the
authority to appoint, suspend, remove and reduce in rank, any member
of the Altoona Police Department.
A police officer who is appointed by the City Manager and
not appointed under the provisions of these civil service rules and
regulations to serve as a second in command to the Chief of Police
and who will assume the duties of the Chief of Police at any time
that the Chief of Police is away from the City of Altoona or otherwise
unable to perform his/her duties and shall possess the same authority,
powers and responsibilities of the Chief of Police when performing
the duties of the Chief of Police.
[Added 6-10-2020 by Ord.
No. 5766]
The list of names of persons who have passed all examinations
for a particular position in the Police Department.
A person whose name is recorded on a current eligibility
list or furlough list.
The series of tests given to applicants to determine their
qualifications for a position in the Police Department.
A qualified police officer hired under the provisions of
these civil service rules and regulations.
The list containing the names of persons temporarily laid
off from positions in the Police Department because of a reduction
in the number of personnel.
Any examination, procedure, inquiry or test designed to obtain
information about medical history or a physical or mental condition
which might disqualify an applicant if it would prevent the applicant
from performing, with or without a reasonable accommodation, all of
the essential functions of the position.
The Pennsylvania Municipal Police Officers Education and
Training Commission.
Shall have the meaning given to it in 1 Pa.C.S.A. § 1991
that relates to definitions.
Any sworn qualified police officer serving in the Police
Department, except as specifically noted.
A police officer who has been promotionally appointed from
their respective eligibility list, but who has not yet completed the
work-test period.
A qualified full-time police officer appointed to a "ranking
position" in the Police Department, under the provisions of these
civil service rules and regulations.
An individual, in collaboration with or under the supervision
or direction of a physician, as may be required by law, who is licensed:
as a physician assistant pursuant to the act of December 20, 1985
(P.L. 457, No. 112), known as the "Medical Practice Act of 1985" ; or the act of October 5, 1978 (P.L. 1109, No. 261), known
as the "Osteopathic Medical Practice Act"; or as a certified registered nurse practitioner pursuant
to the act of May 22, 1951 (P.L. 317, No. 69), known as "The Professional
Nursing Law."
A change to a different position or rank where the employee
fulfilled all of the requirements of these rules and regulations for
both the prior and current positions or rank. However, a decrease
in salary without a change to a different position or rank shall not
necessarily constitute a reduction in rank.
The permanent separation of a police officer from the Police
The Secretary of the Civil Service Board of the City of Altoona,
Person or City Department appointed by the Board, not a member
of the Civil Service Board, to provide additional administrative assistance.
The temporary separation without pay of a police officer
from the Police Department.
The Vice Chairperson of the Civil Service Board of the City
of Altoona.
The words "he," "his," "him," and "men" when used in these rules
and regulations represent both the masculine and feminine genders.
No City officer, official or employee shall be eligible for
appointment to the Civil Service Board.
The Board Chairperson shall preside at all meetings and hearings
of the Board, decide all points of order or procedure and perform
all duties required by law including these rules and regulations and
shall be a voting member.
The Board Vice Chairperson shall act in the absence of the Board
Chairperson in carrying out the duties of the Board Chairperson and
shall be a voting member.
The Board Secretary, under the direction of the Board, shall work in conjunction with the compensated secretary (§
105-9) in handling all official correspondence of the Board, including the recording of votes cast by the Board, send out all notices required by law including these rules and regulations, keeping a record of each examination or other official action of the Board, and perform all other duties required by law including these rules and regulations and shall be a voting member.
The Board shall appoint a compensated secretary or designated
City department, who is not a member of the Board, and prescribe the
duties, and shall have the power to change these duties. The compensated
secretary or designated City department shall be subject to removal
at any time by the Board. The Council shall establish the compensation,
if any, to be paid to the compensated secretary or City department,
and all necessary stationery and supplies for use of the Board shall
be supplied by the City.
The City shall furnish to the Board, on its requisition, clerical
assistance that may be necessary for the work of the Board. The City
shall provide a suitable and convenient room for the use of the Board.
The Board shall order from the City the necessary stationery, postage,
printing and supplies. The City shall also provide the services of
a solicitor for the Board to be appointed by the Board and paid by
the City. The City shall have the authority to place a reasonable
limit on the amount allowed each year for the services of the Board
Solicitor. The elected and appointed officials of the City shall aid
the Board in all proper ways in carrying out the provisions of these
civil service rules and regulations.
[Amended 6-10-2020 by Ord. No. 5766]
No person or persons shall be appointed to any uniformed position
in the Police Department, excluding the Chief of Police and Deputy
Chief of Police, without having first passed all the examinations
herein provided for and without having been appointed in the manner
and according to the terms and provisions and conditions provided
herein. The Board shall prepare and adopt rules and regulations, subject
to approval of Council, which in the Board's discretion are best adapted
to securing and maintaining the best services for the public for the
selection, appointment and promotion of persons who are qualified
to perform the work which is subject to the civil service examinations,
as provided herein, and who are to be employed, appointed or promoted
by the City. The rules and regulations adopted by the Board shall
provide for ascertaining and determining, so far as possible, the
knowledge, skills, aptitude, mental and physical abilities, experience,
education and character of all applicants as these criteria would
reasonably apply to the respective positions; and the rules and regulations
shall provide for examinations upon any and all subjects deemed proper
or necessary by the Board for the purpose of determining the qualifications
of applicants for the respective positions sought and for which application
is made.
The Board shall appoint experienced and qualified written, oral
and physical agility examination administrators to conduct appropriate
examinations required by these rules and regulations. The Board shall
reserve the right to accept or reject, for cause in whole or in part
the recommendations of the appointed examining agency provided the
reason(s) for doing so is not arbitrary and is consistent with these
rules and regulations. The City Manager shall have the responsibility
to appoint the physical and psychological examiner, as outlined in
Section 3.20 of these rules and regulations.
The Board, either itself or upon recommendation by the City,
may amend, revise, void or replace these rules and regulations for
any reason by action of a majority of the Board. Before any changes
to these rules and regulations become effective, those changes must
be approved by the City Council. These rules and regulations, and
any amendments thereto, once approved by the City Council, shall be
made available to the public for distribution or inspection, as amended.
The Board shall keep minutes of its proceedings and records
of examinations and other official actions. All records of the Commission
shall be preserved and disposed of according to the Retention and
Disposition Schedule for Records of Pennsylvania Municipalities issued
by the Local Governments Committee under the authority of the Municipal
Records Act, 53 Pa.C.S.A. § 1381 et seq.
The Board shall have the power to make investigations concerning
all matters relating to the administration and enforcement of these
rules and regulations. The chairperson of the Board is authorized
to administer oaths and affirmations in connection with such investigations.
The Board shall have the power to issue subpoenas over the signature
of the Chairperson or designee and to require the attendance of witnesses
and the production of records and papers pertaining to matters before
the Board, including any background investigations conducted pursuant
to any applicable rules and regulations. The fees of such witnesses
for attendance and travel shall be the same as for witnesses appearing
in the courts and shall be paid from appropriations for the incidental
expenses of the Board. All officers in public service and employees
of the City shall attend and testify when required to do so by the
Board. If any person shall refuse or neglect to obey any subpoena
issued by the Board, upon conviction of such refusal or neglect in
a summary proceeding, that person shall be sentenced to pay a fine
not to exceed $100, and if in default of the payment of such fine
and costs shall be imprisoned, not to exceed 30 days. If any person
shall refuse or neglect to obey any subpoena, the Board may apply
by petition to the Court of Common Pleas of Blair County, Pennsylvania,
for its subpoena, requiring the attendance of such persons before
the Board or the court to testify and to produce any records and papers
as necessary, and in default, shall be held in contempt of Court.