[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Westbrook. Amendments are noted in the schedule.]
This schedule is subject to amendment by Council order.
Code Chapter/Section
Amendment Dates
Chapter 36 - Fire & Rescue Department
2-6-2023 (2023-16)
§ 36-29
Fire Department Cost Recovery
False alarm: third and subsequent false fire and/or sprinkler alarm for the same physical location
$100 per occurrence following the third alarm in the calendar year
Operational, standby, and special assessment fees
Firefighter, per hour or any portion of an hour
Fire officer, per hour or any portion of an hour
Equipment: small equipment such as generators, pumps, lights, etc.
$25 each
Light duty vehicles such as pick up truck or UTV, per hour or any portion of an hour
Ambulance, UTV, or heavy rescue, per hour or any portion of an hour
Pumper 1,000 GPM or over, per hour or any portion of an hour
Hazmat apparatus, ladder truck, per hour or any portion of an hour
Minimum fees: If a scheduled standby crew is canceled after arriving at an event, there shall be a fee assessed equal to two hours for personnel and one hour for the apparatus
If a scheduled event runs short of the original scheduled time, there shall be a minimum charge of two hours for each crew member or the actual time of the event, whichever is greater. The apparatus will be billed for the actual time of the event.
The Fire Chief may waive, decrease, or increase fees and costs depending on the use and/or activity and Fire code requirements.
Automobile and Equipment Accidents/Extrication Fees
The Westbrook Fire Department may charge vehicle extrication fees for motor vehicle accidents involving private personal vehicles and large commercial vehicles. These fees shall be billed to the automobile insurance companies on behalf of the accident victim
Fire suppression
Removal of the roof
Rolling of the dash or cutting structural posts
Tunneling or cutting of the floor pan
Removal of each door, steering column, or pedals
Stabilization and cribbing of the vehicle
Battery disconnect
Hazardous substance cleanup, to include damming, diking, or stopping flow
Creating a helicopter landing zone
Haz-mat response
Level 1 - Basic response: Claim will include engine response, first responder assignment, perimeter establishment, evacuations and setup and command.
Level 2 - Intermediate Response: Claim will include engine response, first responder assignments, hazmat certified team and appropriate equipment, perimeter establishment, evacuations, set-up and command of the incident, Level A or B suit donning, breathing air and detection equipment, setup and removal of decon center. Consumable items are an additional cost
Level 3 - Advanced Response: Claim will include engine response, first responder assignments, hazmat certified team and appropriate equipment, perimeter establishment, evacuations, set-up and command of the incident, Level A or B suit donning, breathing air and detection equipment, setup and removal of decon center, detection equipment, recovery and identification of material, disposal and environment clean up of materials used at the scene. Includes three hours of scene time, each additional hour or any portion of hour will be billed at $500 per hour. Consumable items are an additional cost
EMS Billing Rates
Current rates
Specialty care
No transport
Medical intercept
Lift assist, no injuries
Chapter 110 - Animals
§§ 110-10 and 110-19
Impoundment fees
12-21-2020 (2020-153)
For each animal, first impoundment
For each animal, second impoundment
For each animal, third and subsequent impoundment
Chapter 123 - Building Construction[2]
§ 123-12, § 123-15
Building permits (inclusive of demolition of a building, swimming pools or any structure construction/alteration/demolition)
$50 + $15/$1,000 construction costs
4-5-2010; 8-15-2011; 7-6-2015; 4-30-2018 (2018-58); 6-7-2021 (2021-54)
Reinspection fee
4-5-2010; 1-26-2015
Installation of ventilation, refrigeration, sprinkler system, and automatic fire alarm and detection system
$5/1,000 square feet
1 to 10 square feet
11 to 50 square feet
51 + square feet
Heating installation (flat fee) per appliance
Temporary stands, booths or platforms for sale of merchandise or other business purpose
Belated permits (permits not applied for until after the work has been started)
Double the amount of the fee as set forth above
Explosives, blasting (expires December 31) - extractive industries
Explosives, blasting - all other activity
$25/shot, daily maximum of $250 ("shot" is defined as all explosives detonated in a single cycle.)
New mobile home (on an existing pad) building application fee
3-18-2019 (2019-54); 6-7-2021 (2021-54)
Chapter 131 - Cable Television
§ 131-3
Filing fee for franchise contract (nonrefundable)
§ 131-5
Performance bond
Chapter 135 - Cemeteries
4-1-2019 (2019-57)
Sale of lot at Highland Lake, Saccarappa or Woodlawn Cemeteries
Standard interment – adult (13+ years of age)
Monday to Friday (7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.)
Monday to Friday (2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.)
Saturday (7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.)
Standard interment – child (0 to 12 years of age)
Monday to Friday (7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.)
Monday to Friday (2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.)
Saturday (7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.)
Standard interment winter surcharge (added to all standard interment fees from November 1 to April 1)
Cremation interment - with service
Monday to Friday (7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.)
Monday to Friday (2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.)
Saturday (7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.)
Cremation interment - without service
Monday to Friday (7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.)
Saturday (7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.)
Cremation interment winter surcharge (added to all cremation interment fees from November 1 to April 1)
Standard disinterment - adult (13+ years of age)
Disinterment with recommittal within cemetery
Disinterment only
Standard disinterment - child (0 to 12 years of age)
Disinterment with recommittal within cemetery
Disinterment only
Cremation disinterment
Disinterment with recommittal within cemetery
Disinterment only
Cremation vault
Actual cost of vault
Gravestone installation
§ 135-11
Transfer of lot deed
Chapter 153 - Electrical Standards[3]
§ 153-9
Application fee
6-7-2021 (2021-54)
New 100 - 200 AMP service
6-7-2021 (2021-54)
New 200 - 400 AMP service
6-7-2021 (2021-54)
New >400 AMP service
$15/$1,000 construction costs
6-7-2021 (2021-54)
Replacement service 100 - 200 AMP
6-7-2021 (2021-54)
Replacement service 200 - 400 AMP
6-7-2021 (2021-54)
Replacement service > 400 AMP
$15/$1,000 construction costs
6-7-2021 (2021-54)
New commercial wiring and existing commercial alterations
$0.10/square foot per floor
6-7-2021 (2021-54)
Per meter and/or subpanel
6-7-2021 (2021-54)
Per generator/motors
6-7-2021 (2021-54)
Solar panels
$1.25 per KW
6-7-2021 (2021-54)
Heat pump
$50 per condenser
6-7-2021 (2021-54)
Reinspection fee
New mobile home (on an existing pad)
3-18-2019 (2019-54); 6-7-2021 (2021-54)
Chapter 157 - Events and Mass Gatherings
3-18-2019 (2019-52)
Application fee
Use of electricity
Portable restroom user fee for event with 150+ attendees
City services (police, fire, public services and ambulance support)
Actual expenses incurred
Chapter 162 - Fire Protection and Prevention
§ 162-26
Application fee for solid fuel appliance permit
Chapter 205 - Licenses and Permits[4]
Application fee for all licenses except games of chance and state liquor licenses (only 1 fee charged per business when multiple licenses are applied for at the same time)
Background investigation fee (only 1 fee charged per person when multiple licenses are applied for at the same time)
3-18-2019 (2019-54)
Reinspection fee
§ 205-13
Food service establishments (annually)
3-3-2014; 4-23-2018 (2018-52)
No food preparation on premises
Food preparation on premises - no alcohol
Food preparation with malt beverages and wine for consumption on the premises
Food preparation with liquor for consumption on the premises
Caterer - food preparation on premises
Temporary food service license (sale or service of food up to 3 consecutive days)
$50 license and application fee
5-7-2018 (2018-66)
Outdoor dining as an accessory to a primary indoor restaurant
$50 application fee + $2 per square foot into public way
11-19-2012; 8-29-2016 (2016-104)
§ 205-20
Mobile vending unit and ice cream trucks, per unit
§ 205-21
Pushcart/portable vending unit
§ 205-24
Amusement permit
§ 205-26
Tobacco vendors (annually)
3-3-2014; 4-23-2018 (2018-52)
§ 205-35
Theaters (annually)
3-3-2014; 4-23-2018 (2018-52)
Seating capacity of up to 999 (price per screen)
Seating capacity 999 and over (price per screen)
§ 205-37
Games of chance (biannually, as requested)
Beano/bingo (annually)
3-3-2014; 4-23-2018 (2018-52)
§ 205-45
Transient sales
Sales from a fixed location on private property (good for 30 days - only 2 permits allowed per year)
Sales from other than a fixed location (annual)
§ 205-49
Taxicab and livery (all taxicab and livery licenses expire annually)
4-23-2018 (2018-52)
Business (license needed for each vehicle, fee to be paid for each)
§ 205-60
Transfer of taxicab or livery vehicle license
§ 205-63
Massage licenses (all massage licenses expire annually
4-23-2018 (2018-52)
Massage establishment
Massage therapist
Combined massage therapist/establishment (sole practitioner)
§ 205-68
Automobile graveyards/junkyards (expires December 31)
§ 205-69
Commercial hauler (expires December 31)
§ 205-74
Towing (expires December 31)
$125/company (for 1 wrecker) + $50 for each additional wrecker
§ 205-84
Towing fees
Per non-accident tow
2-25-2019 (2019-33)
Per accident tow
2-25-2019 (2019-33)
Per tow of any vehicle with dual tires on the rear axle
Vehicle storage (per 24-hour period or fraction after the first 24 hours)
2-25-2019 (2019-33)
Release fee (7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., weekends and holidays)
Release impact fee (when vehicle owner/operator fails to appear at scheduled appointment time for release of their vehicle; towing operator must have proof of scheduled appointment.)
Difficult extraction or cleanup (to be charged in 15-minute increments)
§ 205-87
Farmers' market - price per stall (annual license)
§ 205-95
Tattoo establishment - expires annually
6-3-2013; 3-3-2014; 4-23-2018 (2018-52)
§ 205-96
State liquor license (new, renewals and caterers, per event)
Fireworks license fee (to sell fireworks)
Use of consumer fireworks fee (per day)
Pawnshops and pawnbrokers - expires annually
11-4-2013; 3-3-2014; 4-23-2018 (2018-52)
Secondhand dealers - expires annually
11-14-2013; 3-3-2014; 4-23-2018 (2018-52)
Chapter 216 - Mobile Homes and Mobile Home Parks
§ 216-4
Annual permit fee (renewable January 1)
§ 216-5
Definitive plan
Per each boundary monument shown on the plan as required by the regulations
Security for the later submissions to the Planning Board of an accurate record plan and profile
Chapter 241 - Plumbing
4-5-2010, 3-28-2011
§ 241-2
Minimum permit fee includes up to 4 fixtures
Fixture fee - per fixture
Plumbing surcharge
6-7-2021 (2021-54)
Reinspection fee (charged by the City Plumbing Inspector in those instances when work has not been completed upon an inspection or when work was not in compliance with the State Plumbing Code)
Transfer fee
Piping relocation with no new fixtures
Hookup to public sewer
Permit transfer
§ 241-3
Complete systems:
Engineered system (includes one disposal area)
Nonengineered system
$250 + $15 (state fee)
Primitive system (includes one alternative toilet)
Separated laundry disposal field
Seasonal conversion permit
System components (installed separately):
Alternative toilet (only)
Disposal field
$150 (non-engineered); $150 (engineered)
Treatment tank
$150 (non-engineered); $80 (engineered)
Holding tank
Variance (is added to permit fee)
Other system component (complete pump station, piping)
Hookup to existing subsurface system
3-18-2019 (2019-54)
New mobile home (on an existing pad) sewer hookup
Chapter 260 - Sewers and Wastewater Treatment
§ 260-41
Conveyance of easement for sewer line construction and maintenance (unless greater diminution of value is shown)
Greater of $0.05/square foot or $1/linear foot
§ 260-67
Industrial pretreatment permit
Industrial pretreatment BMP permit
Chapter 272- Solid Waste
§ 272-18
Annual residential demolition debris permit
$10 ($5 after July 1 of current year)
Residential one-day permits for demolition debris
$1 ($5 max)
Additional residential fee for refrigerators, air conditioners, and humidifiers, and other appliances containing HFCs
Annual commercial hauler permit
Per load commercial operator fees, per admittance
1/2-, 3/4-ton pickups, vans and trailers (1 cubic yard or less)
1/2-, 3/4-ton pickups, vans, trailers (exceeding 1 yard as estimated by landfill attendant)
Vans, trucks, trailers, 1-ton dump trucks, with capacity of 3 or more cubic yards
6-wheel single-axle dump truck (rack body truck, over 1-ton dump truck)
10 wheel dual axle dump truck
20 cubic yard dumpster (capacity 20 yards or less)
Any other dumpster, roll-off truck
$15/cubic yard of disposal material
Tractor trailer
Additional unit charges, per each unit
Auto tires
Truck tires
Truck tires 800 and above and loader tires
White goods, including stoves, water heaters, washing machines and clothes dryers
All other materials
$15/cubic yard
§ 272-28
Solid waste application fee
Chapter 281 - Streets and Sidewalks
§ 281-44
Application fee for each issuance renewal of excavation permit
Newly constructed or reconstructed and newly paved streets
Bituminous concrete pavement, 4 inches or more in depth, per square yard
$70 (first 25 square yards)
$65 (over 25 square yards)
Bituminous concrete pavement, 4 inches or less in depth, per square yard
$60 (first 25 square yards)
$55 (over 25 square yards)
All other streets
Bituminous concrete over concreted base, granite block base, or bituminous concrete base (total bituminous concrete 4 inches or more)
$50 (first 25 square yards)
$45 (over 25 square yards)
Portland cement concrete or granite block
$29 (first 25 square yards)
$26 (over 25 square yards)
Bituminous concrete over macadam base, or bituminous concrete (less than 4 inches) over gravel base
$30 (first 25 square yards)
$27 (over 25 square yards)
Bituminous macadam surface
$45 (first 25 square yards)
$40 (over 25 square yards)
Bituminous treated surface or shoulder
$25 (first 25 square yards)
$23 (over 25 square yards)
Plain gravel surface
$6 (first 25 square yards)
$5 (over 25 square yards)
Sidewalk opening charges
Brick sidewalk
$25 (first 25 square yards)
$25 (over 25 square yards)
Brick sidewalk on concrete base
$48 (first 25 square yards)
$48 (over 25 square yards)
Bituminous concrete sidewalk
$20 (first 25 square yards)
$20 (over 25 square yards)
Portland cement sidewalk
$27 (first 25 square yards)
$27 (over 25 square yards)
Gravel sidewalk
$8 (first 25 square yards)
$8 (over 25 square yards)
Esplanade (grass)
$8 (first 25 square yards)
$8 (over 25 square yards)
Other charges
Bituminous concrete curbing, per linear foot
Granite curbing removal or realignment, per linear foot
Removing and replacing parking meters, each
Removing and replacing street name and traffic control signs, each
Replacement and installation of lost or damaged granite curb
Nonemergency street or sidewalk opening within a 5-year period of any major paving project
§ 281-45
Minimum fee for any street or sidewalk excavation
Inspection fees
Excavator's license
$500 annually
Banner sign permit fee
5-7-2018 (2018-65)
Chapter 307 - Vehicles, All-Terrain
§ 307-5
Impoundment fee
$5 per day
At time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)
Chapter 310 - Vehicles and Traffic
Scofflaw impound or boot removal fee
Chapter 335 – Land Use: Site Plan Review
Extension of site plan approval
3-1-2010; 6-7-2021 (2021-54)
Preapplication meeting
3-1-2010; 3-18-2019 (2019-54); 9-11-2023
Sketch plan
3-1-2010; 3-18-2019 (2019-54); 9-11-2023
Application fee for site plan review, plus advertising
10,000 square feet or less, $750; 10,000 to 49,999 square feet, $1,000; 50,000 to 99,999 square feet, $1,500; 100,000 square feet and up, $2,000; double for after-the-fact approval plus $50 admin fee
3-1-2010; 9-11-2023
Publication and notice fee
$1/letter + legal + postage
Application fee for site plan review - administrative review
4-5-2010; 3-18-2019 (2019-54); 5-15-2023 (2023-57)
Site improvement inspection fee
2% of estimated improvement costs
Where a project includes a site plan and a subdivision then this fee shall only apply once.
Acceptance of a City street
Plan amendment(s)
Half of original fee
4-5-2010; 9-11-2023
Staff review time: City Engineer and City Planner
City Engineer: after first 2 hours: hourly rate based on then current salary + benefits. City Planner: after first 4 hours: hourly rate based on then current salary + benefits
§ 355-5.9
Fee in lieu of landscaping in the Gateway Commercial District (GCC). Calculated by multiplying the landscaping percentage deficit under § 335-5.9C(15) by 1/2 of the average assessed value of 1 acre of land in the GCC, determined as of June 2012
1/2 of average assessed value of 1 acre of land in the GCC as of June 2012 = $73,000
Chapter 335 - Land Use: Subdivisions
Application fee for subdivision
$300 per lot or dwelling unit + $50 admin fee
5-24-2010; 3-18-2019 (2019-54); 9-11-2023
Sketch plan
3-18-2019 (2019-54); 9-11-2023
Publication and notice
$1/letter + legal + postage
Public street acceptance
Site improvement inspection fee
2% of estimated improvement costs
Where a project includes a site plan and a subdivision, then this fee shall only apply once.
Plan amendment(s)
$300 per lot or dwelling unit amended
5-24-2010; 3-18-2019 (2019-54); 9-11-2023
Staff review time: City Engineer and City Planner
City Engineer: After first 2 hours: hourly rate based on then current salary + benefits. City Planner: After first 4 hours: hourly rate based on then current salary + benefits
Chapter 335 - Land Use: Conditional Uses
Application fee for conditional use review
6-7-2021 (2021-54); 9-11-2023
Chapter 335 - Land Use: Village Review Overlay Zone
Application fee for review of proposed work in the Village Review Overlay Zone
Publication and notice: $1/letter + legal + postage
Chapter 335 - Land Use: Private Ways
9-10-2018 (2018-121)
Application fee
Publication and notice: $1/letter + legal + postage
Plan amendment(s)
Site improvement inspection fee
2% of estimated improvement costs
Staff review time: City Engineer and City Planner
City Engineer (after first 2 hours): hourly rate based on then current salary + benefits. City Planner (after first 4 hours): hourly rate based on then current salary + benefits
Chapter 335 - Land Use: Paper Street Development
Application fee
$100 for each 50 feet of street to be constructed or improved
Fee in lieu of provision of open space
$1,500 for every 50 feet of paper street that is constructed or improved, excluding the first 150 feet
Chapter 335 - Land Use: Shoreland Zoning Permit
At time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)
Application fee for administrative/CEO level review
Publication and notice: $1/letter + legal + postage
Application fee for Planning Board level review
Publication and notice: $1/letter + legal + postage
Miscellaneous Fees
Building Permits
Fill permit
Cubic yards: 0 to 250 = $15
251 to 500 = $25
501 to 1,000 = $35
Over 1,000 = $50
Reinspection fee
Flood hazard development permit - application fee
$50, plus expert fees
4-5-2010; 3-18-2019 (Ord. No. 2019-54)
Maps - Zoning (24" x 36")/full size (5' 6" x 3')
Maps - Ward Map (24" x 36")
Variance - disability
No charge
Variance - practical difficulty
Changes to the Land Use Ordinance, Contract Zoning and/or Zoning Map
At time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)
Blueprint copy and parcel maps black and white/color (24" x 36" maximum)
Sewer connection
City Clerk
6-28-2010; 7-12-2010; 3-18-2019 (2019-54)
Notary fee
Resident: $5 per signature; nonresident: $10 per signature
Dedimus Justice services
Resident: free; nonresident: $10
Genealogy research
$5 per name search after first half hour
Perform marriage ceremony at City Hall
Utility pole permit
$25 for first hour; after first hour, hourly rate based on then current salary + benefits
Rescue Collection
Certified letters pre turnover to collection agency
Cost of certified mail
Returned check fee
Miscellaneous paper copies - Freedom of Access Act[5] requests only
Electronic record storage medium or device (i.e., CD, DVD, USB drive) - Freedom of Access Act requests only
Actual cost of medium or device
Trash/recycling toters (2 per residential unit)
EMS Billing Rates
3-28-2022 (2022-33)
Basic life support
Advanced life support - 1
Advanced life support - 2
Specialty care
No transport
Paramedic intercept
Editor's Note: The original entries for Ch. 5, Bicycles, and Ch. 25, Police, of the 2007 City Code were repealed 3-18-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-54.
Editor's Note: The former entries for demolishing a building, as amended, installations not otherwise listed and aboveground and in-ground swimming pools were repealed 6-7-2021 by Order No. 2021-54.
Editor's Note: The former entries for alteration for three or more units/per unit and alteration of commercial were repealed 6-7-2021 by Order No. 2021-54.
Editor's Note: The former entries for pinball/video machines, billiard and poolroom and bowling alley were repealed 3-18-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-54.
Editor's Note: See 1 M.R.S.A. § 400 et seq.