The general management and control of the public schools and of the school property, buildings and grounds, including insurance and repairs on buildings, shall be vested in a School Committee of seven (7), the members, one member elected by the legal voters from each of the five wards of the City plus two at large members elected by the legal voters of the entire City.
The School Committee elected as provided herein shall, in addition to the powers conferred upon them by this act, be held to perform all the duties and be invested with all the rights and powers of school committees under the general laws of the state.
The School Committee shall be led by a Chair who shall be elected by majority vote by the members of the School Committee and shall preside over meetings of the School Committee.
The School Committee shall appoint a qualified person, not a member of the School Committee, to be Superintendent of Schools, and may adopt such rules and regulations for the management of the schools as are not inconsistent with the laws of the state.
The Superintendent of Schools need not be an inhabitant of the City. The Superintendent shall be secretary and executive agent of the School Committee which Committee shall fix the Superintendent's salary, to be paid from the city treasury as salaries of teachers are paid.
The members of the School Committee shall receive such compensation for their services as shall be established by a Council ordinance.
Any appropriation or expenditure of money by the School Department which exceeds three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) shall, except in cases of emergency, require the affirmative votes of a majority of all of the members of the School Committee for its final passage, which shall be taken by a roll call vote. Every such appropriation or expenditure shall be read twice, with an interval of a least seventy-two (72) hours between the first and second reading, before it is an order for final passage; but if such a matter is amended after its first reading, it shall be tabled for a period of at least seventy-two (72) hours before it may be voted upon for final passage.