[G.O. No. 1611, § I]
No person shall ride or use any skateboard or similar device, or ride a bicycle, tricycle or similar vehicle or device upon any sidewalk within the central business district of the Town as defined in the Municipal Land Use Ordinance; provided that this section shall not apply to the use of skateboards, or bicycles by persons under 18 years of age on any sidewalk within any residence district, as designated in the Municipal Land Use Law, nor shall it apply to the use of velocipedes or other similar vehicles used by children under 10 years of age, nor to children's carriers, nor to the vehicles used or occupied by persons with disabilities.
[1932 Revision, Title 4, Ch. 1, § 12]
No post, store window, areaway or cellar opening shall be constructed or placed in any way so as to encroach upon the sidewalk or street, except by permission of the Town Engineer. No awning shall be maintained or constructed at a height of less than seven feet above the sidewalk. No bay window shall be less than 10 feet above the sidewalk.
The Town Engineer shall remove all posts, awnings, signs or other obstructions which may be erected or maintained by any person in violation of the provisions of this section, unless such awnings, signs or other obstructions shall be removed within five days after written notice shall have been served under direction of the Chief of Police upon the person who shall have erected or who shall maintain such awning, sign or other obstruction to remove the same.
The Chief of Police shall enforce this section, except as regards the actual removal of the posts, awnings, signs or other obstructions by the Town Engineer.
[1932 Revision, Title 4, Ch. 1, § 17]
No person shall negligently or willfully break, injure or destroy any curb or sidewalk upon any public street.
[G.O. No. 958 § 1]
It shall be unlawful for any person to:
Loiter or assemble on any public street or public place or quasi public place or on any public conveyance within the Town so as to obstruct the free passage of pedestrians or vehicles or obstruct or molest or interfere with any person lawfully thereon or cause a disturbance thereon.
Utter loud or offensive or profane or indecent language on any public street or public place or quasi public place or in any public conveyance within the Town or to make any audible and offensive or indecent remark to or concerning any person lawfully thereon.
[G.O. No. 1010, § 1; G.O. No. 1462, § II; amended 12-16-2008 by G.O. No. 1931; 6-3-2014 by G.O. No. 2019]
No sidewalk, curb or retaining wall located in the public right-of-way shall be constructed, altered, repaired, replaced or removed except pursuant to a permit issued by the Town engineer or application and payment of an application fee of $1. Such application shall contain the name and address of the applicant and a plan showing the location, width and construction of the sidewalk, curb or retaining wall.
Repairs of a minor nature shall be exempt from the requirement for the filing of a plan and from the fee requirement.
No sidewalk, curb or retaining wall removal permits shall be issued by the Town Engineer if the location is such that the sidewalk or curb would be required under any other provision of this Code, other ordinances or determinations by the Planning Board or Board of Adjustment or if such sidewalks or curbs could not be removed without creating a safety hazard.
[G.O. No. 1010, § 1, G.O. No. 1462, § III; G.O. No. 1748; § I; amended 6-3-2014 by G.O. No. 2019]
All sidewalks, curbs and retaining walls in the public right-of-way shall be constructed, repaired or altered in accordance with the standard specifications on file in the office of the Town Engineer, entitled "Town of Westfield - Standard Specifications Pavement, Sewer, Curb, Sidewalk and Retaining Wall Construction."
All new sidewalks shall be constructed or replaced with portland cement concrete of natural color to lines and grades approved by the Town Engineer and in the manner and under the conditions hereinafter specified in this division.
All repairs or alterations to existing sidewalks may be constructed of the same material used in the existing sidewalk.
All new curbs shall be constructed or replaced with granite block curb or portland cement concrete to lines and grades approved by the Town Engineer and in the manner and under the conditions hereinafter specified in this division.
All repairs or alterations to existing curbs may be constructed of the same material used in the existing curbing.
Upon the approval of the Town Engineer, the retaining walls may be constructed of portland cement concrete, brick or stone or a combination of the above.
[G.O. No. 1010, § 1; G.O. No. 1462, § IV; amended 6-3-2014 by G.O. No. 2019]
Sidewalks, curbs and retaining walls located in the public right-of-way shall be constructed, altered, repaired, replaced or removed at the expense of the abutting landowner.
The Town Engineer may, from time to time, inform the Town Council that there is need for particular sidewalks, curbs or retaining walls to be constructed, altered, repaired, replaced or removed.
The Town Council may, by ordinance, designate the sidewalks, curbs or retaining walls to be constructed, altered, repaired, replaced or removed and the specific work to be performed. Such ordinance shall direct the Town Engineer to serve notice on the owner or owners of all abutting land, which notice shall contain a description of the work to be done and a statement that unless the owner or owners complete the same within 90 days after service thereof, the Town will do the work and the cost thereof will be assessed against the owners. Such notice shall be served in accordance with law.
In the event the owner or owners of the abutting land shall not comply with the requirements of such notice, such ordinance shall provide that the Town shall cause the required work to be done and paid for out of money of the Town available for that purpose, and the entire cost thereof assessed upon the property of the abutting owner or owners as provided by law.
Nothing herein contained shall be construed to relieve any property owner from the obligation of inspecting and maintaining any sidewalks, curbs or retaining walls located in the public right-of-way abutting his property, nor be construed as an assumption by the Town of any responsibility to inspect sidewalks, curbs or retaining walls.
[G.O. No. 1010 § 1]
Sidewalks shall be required on any lot where a building or structure is being installed or erected along such portion of the lot as abuts the following:
An arterial street, as defined in Section 25-1.
A collector street, as defined in Section 25-1, when an existing sidewalk has already been installed on the same side, within the same block and within a distance in either direction of 300 feet.
Neither of the above if, on application to the Planning Board for site plan or subdivision approval, the board determines that sidewalk installation is a necessary condition for such approval.
[G.O. No. 1010, § 1]
No certificate of occupancy for any building or structure shall be granted by the building official unless and until construction of the sidewalk, where required by Section 24-29, shall have been completed and approved by the building official or until cash or a performance bond in an amount specified by the Town Engineer as sufficient to cover the cost of such installation has been deposited with the Town. Cash or a performance bond shall be acceptable only where it is impractical to install such sidewalk due to seasonal weather conditions or other temporary physical factors. Any bond shall be conditioned on completion of the sidewalk within a period of six months and any cash shall be held as a guarantee of performance within such period If the sidewalk is not installed within such six-month period, the funds shall be used by the Town for the completion of such sidewalk, and any unused portion shall be returned to the depositor.