[1932 Revision, Title 8, Ch. 3, § 1]
For the purposes of this article, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section:
Such term shall not apply to exhibitions or performances in which persons paying for admission do not participate.
Any room, place or space in the Town in which dancing is carried on and to which admission can be had by payment of a fee or by the purchase of a ticket or token or by payment of a charge for caring for clothing or other property or by remuneration in any other form whatsoever.
[1932 Revision, Title 8, Ch. 3, § 2]
No public dance hall shall be conducted, nor shall dancing be taught or permitted in any public dance hall, unless it shall be licensed pursuant to this article and the license therefor be in force and unsuspended.
[1932 Revision, Title 8, Ch. 3, § 3]
The application for a license under this article shall be made in writing to the Town Clerk, designating the location of such dance hall and the name of the person intending to conduct the same, accompanied by the license fee, which is hereby fixed at $50. Upon receipt of such application, the Clerk shall submit the same to the Town Council at the next meeting. The Council may, at its discretion, grant or refuse a license. If refused, the fee of $50 shall be returned to the applicant. If the license is granted, it shall be signed by the Mayor and attested by the Town Clerk, and shall designate the name of the person to whom it is issued, the place where the dancing is to be carried on and the time for which such license is issued.
[1932 Revision, Title 8, Ch. 3, § 5]
The term of each license issued under this article shall be for one year from the date of its issue. Such license shall be posted at the main entrance of such dance hall.
[1932 Revision, Title 8, Ch. 3, § 7]
Any license issued under this article may be revoked for disorderly or immoral conduct permitted on the licensed premises, or for the violation of any of the provisions of this article or any other ordinance of the Town or of any statute. Such license may be temporarily suspended for any of the above reasons by the Mayor, until the next ensuing regular meeting of the Town Council, at which meeting the suspension may be continued for such time as the Council shall designate, or the license may be revoked.
[1932 Revision, Title 8, Ch. 3, § 5]
Dancing in a place licensed under this article shall not be permitted between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. The licensee shall provide, throughout the whole period of dancing, an adequate supply of pure cold water in an accessible place.
[1932 Revision, Title 8, Ch. 3, § 6]
No intoxicating liquors shall be sold, served or given away in any public dance hall or in any place in which dancing is advertised to be taught, in which classes in dancing are advertised to be maintained, in which instruction in dancing is given for hire or in any room connected with such dance hall.
[1932 Revision, Title 8, Ch. 3, § 4]
No license under this article shall be issued or renewed unless the place designated in such license or application for license complies with all laws, ordinances, rules and provisions of any building, fire or health ordinance or code applicable thereto, and is a safe and proper place for the purpose for which it shall be used, properly ventilated and supplied with sufficient toilet conveniences.
[1932 Revision, Title 8, Ch. 3, § 8]
The Mayor and all members of the Town Council, the chief and all members of the Police Department, the chief or other officers of the Fire Department and health department and the building inspector shall have access to any premises licensed under this article at all reasonable times and whenever they are open for dancing, instruction in dancing or for any other purpose.
[1932 Revision, Title 8, Ch. 3, § 10]
This article shall not apply to annual or special balls or dances held by any fraternal or other accredited society or bona fide branch or division thereof, duly organized or incorporated in the Town, nor to any entertainment held for a public charity, the net proceeds of which shall go to such charity, nor to any dance given by the pupils of any of the public schools under the auspices or with the permission of the school authorities.