[1932 Revision, Title 4, Ch. 1, § 14; amended 6-3-2014 by G.O. No. 2020]
No person shall, without permission of the Town Engineer, cut down, destroy or in any manner injure any tree in any public right-of-way, unless by direction of the Town Engineer for the purpose of regulating or improving such public right-of-way.
[1932 Revision, Title 4, Ch. 1, § 14; amended 6-3-2014 by G.O. No. 2020]
All trees standing along or upon private property near any public street of the Town, the branches of which extend over the streets or sidewalks, shall be trimmed under supervision of the Town Engineer so as to prevent impediment to travel or obstruction to streetlights, street signs, or appurtenances used by the Town.