Borough Council shall establish the salary for the position
of Borough Secretary.
The Borough Secretary shall possess and exercise the following
powers and have the following duties:
A. The Borough Secretary shall be responsible for meeting the requirements
of the appointed public officer position of Borough Secretary as set
forth in Section 1111 of the Borough Code, 8 Pa.C.S.A. § 1111,
(1) Attending all meetings of the Borough Council; keeping full meeting
minutes of its proceedings; transcribing the bylaws, rules, regulations,
and ordinances adopted into a book kept for that purpose; preserving
the records and documents of the Borough and having custody of the
corporate seal;
(2) Certifying copies of any books, papers, records, bylaws, rules, regulations,
resolutions ordinances, or proceedings of the Borough, under the seal
thereof which copies, when so certified, shall be admissible in evidence
in any court of the commonwealth;
(3) Attesting the execution of all instruments, recording all ordinances
and attesting the same by signature;
(4) Filing of record proof of service of all notices required by law,
and the Secretary's certificate thereof shall be good evidence of
such notice.
B. The Borough Secretary shall also be responsible for the following:
(1) Providing to the Authority Board of the wastewater treatment plant
professional management and coordinating efforts with Borough Council;
(2) Providing Council with professional management of the municipal water
C. Perform any other duties as directed by Borough Council.
When properly appointed and directed to do so by Borough Council
through ordinance, the individual appointed to serve as Borough Secretary
may simultaneously serve as and perform the duties of the office of
Borough Treasurer.