[Adopted 12-8-2020 by Ord. No. 565[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also superseded former Art. III, Compensation, Costs and Expenses of Tax Collector, adopted 2-12-2013 by Ord. No. 5132013.
The per annum compensation of the Tax Collector of the Borough of Danville for the collection of taxes commencing calendar year 2022 shall be 2.25% on taxes collected for the Borough of Danville; provided, however, said salary paid shall not exceed 5% of the amount of taxes collected in any calendar year.
The following cost and expenses associated with the Tax Collector's collection of Borough taxes shall be paid by the Borough of Danville.
Tax Collector's bond as a prorated share attributable to the collection of Borough taxes;
Tax bills and tax duplicates;
Envelopes and postage.
All prior ordinances and resolutions are hereby repealed in whole or in part to the extent inconsistent herewith.
This resolution shall take effect upon the date of enactment and shall apply to calendar year 2022 and subsequent years.