[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Wild Rose. Amendments noted where applicable.]
All persons who receive refuse service (removal of garbage, debris, rubbish, etc.) from the Village of Wild Rose shall be considered as having agreed to be bound by rules and practices as herein stated or amended.
The provisions of this chapter revision shall take effect immediately.
Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the meaning of terms used in this chapter shall be as follows:
A container for carbonated or malt beverages that are made primarily of a combination of steel and aluminum.
Corrugated paperboard used in the manufacture of shipping containers and related products.
Packaging made primarily from foam polystyrene that satisfies one of the following criteria:
Is designed for serving food or beverages.
Consists of loose particles intended to fill space and cushion the packaged article in a shipping container.
Consists of rigid materials shaped to hold and cushion the packaged article in a shipping container.
Any solid waste of a substance identified as hazardous or the container in which the hazardous substance is contained.
High-density polyethylene, labeled by the SPI code No. 2.
Low-density polyethylene, labeled by the SPI code No. 4.
Magazines and other materials printed on similar paper.
A residential or commercial air conditioner, clothes dryer, clothes washer, dishwasher, freezer, microwave oven, oven, refrigerator or stove, a residential or commercial furnace, boiler, dehumidifier or water heater.
A property containing three or more residential units, including those which are occupied seasonally.
A newspaper and other materials printed on newsprint.
Commercial, retail, industrial, institutional and governmental facilities and properties. This term does not include multiple-family dwellings.
High-grade printing and writing papers from offices in nonresidential facilities and properties. Printed white ledger and computer printout are examples of office paper generally accepted as high-grade. This term does not include industrial process waste.
Plastic resins labeled by the SPI code No. 7.
Any individual, owner, operator, corporation, partnership, association, firm, company, society, or group.
Any substance or mixture of substances labeled or designed or intended for use in preventing, destroying, repelling or mitigating any pest, or as a plant regulator, defoliant or desiccant.
A pesticide material that has served its originally intended purpose and is to be discarded. Cancellation of material for its intended purpose creates a pesticide waste. Pesticide containers are also wastes.
Polyethylene terephthalate, labeled by the SPI code No. 1.
Solid waste other than solid waste generated in the production of goods, and hazardous waste.
Polypropylene, labeled by the SPI code No. 5.
Polystyrene, labeled by the SPI code No. 6.
Polyvinyl chloride, labeled by the SPI code No. 3.
Includes lead acid batteries; major appliances; waste oil; yard waste; aluminum containers; corrugated paper or other containerboard; foam polystyrene packaging; glass containers; magazines; newspaper; office paper; rigid plastic containers, including those made of PETE, HDPE, PVC, LDPE, PP, PS, and other resins or multiple resins; steel containers; waste tires; and bimetal containers.
Includes all property whose boundary lines are within 300 feet of the Village of Wild Rose.
Is mandatory.
A tire that is no longer suitable for its original purpose because of wear, damage or defect.
Leaves, grass clippings, yard and garden debris and brush, including clean woody vegetative material no greater than six inches in diameter. This term does not include stumps, roots or shrubs with intact root balls.
The Village Board of the Village of Wild Rose hereby establishes a resource recovery and recycling program to promote the reduction of solid waste by any person within the Village. The program requires separate recovery and disposition of recyclable materials. Each person disposing of garbage or refuse must participate in the resource recovery and recycling program.
Owners, or designated agents of said owners, of commercial, retail, institutional and industrial facilities, are responsible for recycling activities on their property. They will provide occupants with a collection system and adequate storage containers for recyclables, notify occupants how and what to recycle, and ensure that the recyclables are transported to a recycling center, or ensure that all trash generated (including recyclables) is collected and transported to a processing facility that separates and recycles banned items.
Owners, or designated agents of said owners, of multiple-family dwellings are responsible for recycling activities on their property. They will provide occupants with a collection system and adequate storage containers for recyclables, notify occupants how and what to recycle, and ensure that the recyclables are transported to a recycling center, or ensure that all trash generated (including recyclables) is collected and transported to a processing facility that separates and recycles banned items.
This chapter shall incorporate all amendments to the statutes, rules, and regulations of the federal government, as are promulgated by the federal government. Any provision of this chapter that is in conflict with, or is preempted by, said rules and regulations or statutes shall be superseded to the extent of the inconsistency.
Occupants of single-family and two- to four-unit residences, multiple-family dwellings and nonresidential facilities and properties shall separate and the following materials from post-consumer waste and must be recycled through the Waushara County Collection Facility:
Aluminum containers and other aluminum items.
Bimetal containers.
Newspaper and other materials printed on newsprint.
Glass containers.
Corrugated paper or other containerboard.
Rigid plastic containers, including those made of PETE (No. 1), HDPE (No. 2), PVC (No. 3), LDPE (No. 4), PP (No. 5), PS (No. 6), and other resins or multiple resins (No. 7).
Waste oil.
Lead acid batteries.
Major appliances.
Yard waste.
Office paper.
Steel containers.
Waste tires.
Magazines and other materials printed on similar paper.
Foam polystyrene packaging.
The list of specific items of recyclable containers for household, automotive, business and personal care products can be obtained from the Sanitation Department.
Each person disposing of garbage or refuse shall separate recyclable materials as follows:
All household and business garbage shall be bagged in plastic or paper bags placed inside containers provided by the Village and set out properly at the curbside no more than 24 hours before it is picked up.
No recyclable materials may be included with garbage.
Aluminum shall be placed with recyclables.
Newspapers and magazines shall be tied in bundles of not more than 50 pounds.
Cardboard shall be flattened, bundled and tied, with not more than 50 pounds per bundle.
Plastic bottles and containers shall be tied together by handles or bagged in clear or transparent bags with caps removed.
Glass containers shall be rinsed clean, any lids and sealing rings removed, and labels removed.
Office paper shall be bagged in clear or transparent bags.
Rigid plastic containers shall be rinsed clean with the labels and lids removed.
Foam polystyrene packaging shall be bagged in clear or transparent bags.
Any recyclable material may be properly retained by a person and disposed of through other means should he/she so desire.
To the greatest extent practicable, separated the recyclable materials shall be clean and kept free of contaminants such as food or product residue, oil or grease, or other nonrecyclable materials, including, but not limited to, household hazardous waste, medical waste, and agricultural chemical containers. Recyclable materials shall be stored in a manner which protects them from wind, rain, and other inclement weather conditions.
Yard waste.
Lead acid batteries.
Major appliances.
Waste tires.
Hazardous waste.
Building materials/waste.
Any person disposing of garbage or refuse shall comply with the following:
Yard waste. Compostable materials include brush under four inches in diameter; leaves, grass, hedge clippings and garden debris. It does not include stumps, roots, or shrubs with root balls. Leaves, grass, hedge clippings, and garden debris must be bagged and placed by the curb on the appropriate pickup day. Brush should also be placed by the curbside but need not be bagged.
Lead acid batteries. Shall be taken to a designated Waushara County Waste Site. They may also be returned to stores where new batteries are purchased, possible for a fee.
Major appliances. Shall be taken to a designated Waushara County Waste Site or may be returned to an appliance store where new items are purchased, possible for a fee.
Waste tires. Shall be taken to a designated Waushara County Waste Site for a fee. They may also be returned to a store where new tires are sold, also for a fee.
Hazardous waste. Must be disposed of at a designated hazardous waste disposal site.
Building materials/waste. Must be disposed of at a designated disposal site by the property owner or a licensed disposal company.
Shall be taken to a designated Waushara County Waste Site.
No person may dispose of in a solid waste disposal facility, or burn in a solid waste treatment facility, any of the materials which have been separated for recycling, except waste tires may be burned with energy recovery in a solid waste treatment facility.
The Sanitation Department shall maintain a list of recyclable products to assist the community in determining what is, or is not, recyclable, and shall post the dates and times of collection of the various wastes. These lists are subject to change.
When the Sanitation Department determines that there are reasonable grounds that there has been a violation of any provision of this chapter, the Department shall follow the procedures outlined in the Compliance Assurance Plan (CAP).
Pursuant to NR 544.04(9g), Wis. Adm. Code, and this chapter, this Compliance Assurance Plan is made an integral part of this Code.
Purpose. This plan establishes standard guidelines for complying with the Village of Wild Rose Recycling Ordinance.
Responsibility. Enforcement of the Village of Wild Rose recycling program shall be the joint responsibility of the Sanitation Department and the Police Department.
Procedures. Whenever a violation of this chapter is discovered, the Sanitation Department shall give notice of the violation to the person or persons responsible therefor, and to any know agent of such persons, as hereinafter provided. Such notice shall:
Be put in writing;
Include a statement of reasons why it is being issued;
Allow a reasonable time for the performance of any act it requires;
Be served upon the owner of his/her agent or the occupant as the case may require, provided that such notice shall be deemed to be properly served upon such owner or agent, or upon such occupant, if a copy thereof is served upon him/her personally or if a copy thereof is sent by registered mail to his/her last known address or if a copy thereof is posted in a conspicuous place in or about the premises affected by the notice or if he/she is served with such notice by any other method authorized or required under the laws of this state;
Contain an outline of remedial action which, when taken, will effect compliance with the provisions of this chapter.
Initial violations. The notice described in § 6-3-15C(1) through (5) shall be required only for a first violation. A notice, as described above, shall be attached to the improper waste, identifying the infraction, stating corrective actions to be taken, and giving a specific time period to comply. If the corrective action is not taken, the noncompliance shall be seen as a repeat violation of the chapter, which will then be referred to the Village Police Department for issuance of a citation. The tagged waste shall be left at the curbside and not disposed of until the contents of the tagged waste are properly divided.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1-2, Adoption of Code)]
Subsequent and/or flagrant violations. A "flagrant violation" is a violation that constitutes a deliberate and substantial disregard for compliance with the chapter, or constitutes a clear hazard to the environment. Subsequent and/or flagrant violations shall be referred to the Village Police Department and citations for chapter violations may be issued and acted upon by the Municipal Court.
Any person violating any provision of the chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, forfeit an amount as set in § 1-1-8 in the Code of Ordinances, and in default thereof shall be subject to imprisonment in the Waushara County jail as provided by law.
Second offense penalty. Any person found guilty of second and subsequent violations of the same chapter in this Code within one year of the first conviction are subject to fines and forfeitures equal to double that of the first offense inclusive of court costs, surcharges, and assessments.
Third and subsequent offense penalty; continued violations. Each violation and each day a violation continues or occurs shall constitute a separate offense. Nothing in this Code shall preclude the Village from initiating appropriate action to prevent or remove a violation of any provision of this Code.
Other remedies. In addition to assessing fines and forfeitures, plus costs, the Village of Wild Rose, through its Municipal Court, is authorized by state law to apply other forms of remediation to individuals convicted of violating the Code.
The Village of Wild Rose shall provide a schedule of volume-based solid waste fees to generate revenue equal to the responsible unit's costs for solid waste management other than those reimbursed by the state, unless the responsible unit separates for recycling at least 25% by volume or by weight of the solid waste collected within the region by the responsible unit or by any person under contract with the responsible unit.
Repeal of conflicting ordinance. All prior ordinances, or parts of ordinances, regulations, or parts of regulations, in conflict with this chapter are hereby repealed to the extent of the inconsistency.
Invalidation clauses. Invalidity of any section, clause, sentence, or provision in the chapter shall not affect the validity of any other section, clause, sentence, or provision of this chapter which can be given effect without such invalid part or parts.