[Adopted 11-13-2017 by Res. No. 2017-11]
The Board of Supervisors of Newlin Township does hereby ordain, pursuant to the Second Class Township Code (Act of May 1, 1933 P.L. 103, No. 69. Section 3205[1]), an annual tax for purposes of obtaining funds for appropriations and/or contracts with volunteer fire companies servicing the Township and for ambulance services serving the Township.
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 68205.
Said tax shall be for the calendar year 2018 and shall automatically continue in future years.
The tax rate for calendar year 2018 and future years, unless amended by resolution of the Board, shall be in the amount of 0.48 mills imposable on each and every property within the Township as said properties are assessed by the Chester County Tax Assessment Office for purposes of fire protection.
The tax rate for calendar year 2018 and future years, unless amended by resolution of the Board, shall be in the amount of 0.12 mills imposable on each and every property within the Township as said properties are assessed by the Chester County Tax Assessment Office for ambulance services.