[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Clinton 8-12-1965 (Ch. 53 of the 1965 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
The following rules and regulations enacted under the authority of Article II of the Public Health Law, and of the whole thereof, as last amended by Chapter 879 of the Laws of 1953, shall apply to Clinton Reservoir and its tributaries which now serve or which may be developed in the future to serve as sources of the public water supply of the Village of Clinton and to all watercourses tributary thereto or ultimately discharging into said reservoir.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Feces, urine and other excretions, commonly disposed of by so-called "dry systems" as typified by the ordinary privy.
Said body of water serving as the source of the water supply of the Village of Clinton.
Waste liquids containing human excreta and decomposing matter flowing in or from a house drainage system or sewer.
The shortest horizontal distance from the nearest point of the structure or object to the high watermark of a reservoir or to the edge, margin, or precipitous bank forming the ordinary high watermark of such watercourse.
The public water supply of the Village of Clinton.
Every spring, pond (other than reservoirs), stream, marsh, or channel of any kind, the waters of which flow or may flow into this water supply.
Refers to all land situated so that drainage therefrom is towards Clinton Reservoir or its tributaries.
No human excreta shall be deposited, thrown or placed, or allowed to escape into the reservoir or any watercourse.
No human excreta shall be placed or spread upon the surface of the ground at any point on the watershed of the water supply.
No human excreta shall be buried in the soil on the watershed of the water supply, unless deposited in trenches or pits at a distance of not less than 300 feet from the reservoir or within 150 feet from the watercourse and covered with not less than 12 inches of soil in such a manner as to effectually prevent its being washed over the surface of the ground by rain or melting snow.
No privy or receptacle of any kind for the storage or deposit of human excreta shall be constructed, placed, maintained, or allowed to remain within 75 feet from the watercourse, except a properly constructed and operated sewage disposal plant, as hereinafter set forth in § 250-4; provided, however, that the property on which the privy or receptacle is built or is to be built is so located, bounded, or otherwise placed that the distances above named can be obtained within the limits of such property.
Every privy or receptacle of any kind for the storage or deposit of human excreta built or to be built on property which is so located, bounded or otherwise placed that the distances named in Subsection D cannot be obtained shall be placed as far as possible from any reservoir or watercourse and especially constructed of masonry, concrete or metal to form a watertight receptacle from which no outward percolation can take place. Where removable watertight containers are provided, they shall be located as far as practicable from any reservoir or watercourse. All privies or receptacles referred to in this chapter shall be constructed or installed only with the approval and under the supervision of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Clinton and in such manner as effectually to prevent any pollution of the public water supply.
Every privy or receptacle for the storage or deposit of human excreta located within the distances of 75 feet and 120 feet of the watercourse or within 200 feet and 300 feet of the reservoir shall be arranged so that all excreta shall be emptied when filled within six inches of the top. The contents, if disposed of on the watershed, shall be buried as set forth in Subsection C.
Whenever, in the opinion of the State Commissioner of Health, excremental matter from the aforesaid privy, receptacle, trench or place of disposal may be washed over the surface of the ground or through the soil in an imperfectly purified condition into any reservoir or watercourse, the said privy, receptacle, trench, or place of disposal shall be removed after due notices to the owner thereof, to such places as shall be constructed safe and proper by the State Commissioner of Health.
No sewage shall be discharged or allowed to flow into the reservoir or any watercourse, nor deposited on or beneath the surface of the ground, within 120 feet of the watercourse, except into watertight receptacles, the contents of which shall be disposed of as provided for by § 250-3C. If such watertight receptacles are used, they shall not be located within 75 feet of the watercourse or within 200 feet of the reservoir; provided, however, that the property on which the receptacle is built or to be built is so located, bounded or otherwise placed that the distances above named can be obtained within the limits of the property. In such case, the watertight receptacle shall be constructed and maintained as provided for in § 250-3E. These restrictions and limiting distances shall not apply to sewage treatment plants installed under and in accordance with plans which first have been submitted to and approved by the State Commissioner of Health.
No bathwater, sink or laundry wastes or polluted liquid of any kind, except the effluent from a properly constructed and operated sewage treatment plant as hereinbefore provided by § 250-4, shall be discharged or allowed to flow into the lake or any watercourse nor be deposited on or beneath the surface of the ground within 120 feet of the watercourse or within 300 feet of the reservoir.
No garbage, refuse, putrescible matter, decayed fruits or vegetables, dead animals or parts thereof, or any other matter that pollutes water, shall be deposited in the lake or watercourse nor on or beneath the surface of the ground within 300 feet of the reservoir nor within 120 feet from the watercourse nor in such manner that it can be washed by rain, melting snow or otherwise over the surface or through the ground into any reservoir or watercourse.
No person or persons shall bathe or swim or be allowed to bathe or swim in the reservoir or watercourse.
No boating or fishing of any kind, ice cutting or any trespassing whatever shall be allowed in or upon the waters or ice of the reservoir, except by duly authorized employees of the Village of Clinton in the performance of their duties of supervision and maintenance of the water supply.
No animal or poultry shall be allowed to be washed in the reservoir or any tributary.
No stable for cattle or horses, barnyard, hog yard, pigpen, poultry house or yard, hitching place or standing place for horses or other animals shall be so located or maintained in such a manner that the drainage, leachings or washings therefrom may pollute the lake or any watercourse.
No manure pile shall be maintained or allowed to remain within 75 feet of the watercourse.
No camp, tent, building or other structure for the occupancy of transients or for the housing of laborers engaged in construction work or for other use, except as a private camp or dwelling maintained by a person for his own personal use or for the use of his family and friends, shall be located, placed or maintained within a distance of 100 feet of the watercourse.
No interment of human body shall be made within a distance of 300 feet of the reservoir or within 150 feet of the watercourse.
In addition to observing the foregoing requirements, all persons living on or visiting the watershed shall refrain from any act, though not heretofore specified, which may result in contamination of any portion of the water supply.
The Board of Trustees of the Village of Clinton or such other person or persons as may be charged with the maintenance or supervision of the water supply or the duly appointed representative of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Clinton shall make regular and thorough inspections of the reservoir, watercourse, and watersheds tributary thereto for the purpose of ascertaining whether the above rules and regulations are being complied with, and it shall be the duty of said Board of Trustees to cause copies of any rules and regulations violated to be served upon the persons violating the same, together with notices of such violations. If such persons served do not immediately comply with the rules and regulations it shall be the further duty of said Board of Trustees to promptly notify the State Commissioner of Health of such violations. The Board of Trustees of the Village of Clinton shall report to the State Commissioner of Health, in writing, annually, on the first day of January, the results of the regular inspections made during the preceding year, stating the number of inspections which have been made, the number of violations found, the number of notices served, and the general condition of the watershed at the time of the last inspection.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Penalties shall be in accordance with Public Health Law § 1103 for each and every violation of or noncompliance with any of these rules and regulations which relate to a permanent source or act of contamination.
The foregoing rules and regulations of the protection from contamination of the public water supply of the Village of Clinton are hereby duly made, ordained, and established on this August 12, 1965, pursuant to Chapter 45 of the Consolidated Laws (Public Health Law), of the State of New York, and as last amended by Chapter 879 of the Laws of 1953.