[Ord. No. 190408E, 4-22-2019]
The admission into the POTW of any wastewater containing any quantity of pollutant shall be subject to review and approval of the Director. Where necessary, in the opinion of the Director, the owner of the property or premises producing such wastewater shall provide, at their expense, such preliminary treatment as may be necessary to reduce pollution or certain pollutants to within the maximum limits provided for in this Chapter or to control the quantities or rates of discharge of such wastewaters.
Users of the POTW shall provide necessary wastewater pretreatment, as required to comply with these Code Sections, within the time limitations specified by Federal, State, or City, whichever is more stringent. Any facilities required to pretreat wastewater to a level acceptable to the City, shall be provided, operated, and maintained at the user's expense. Detailed plans showing the pretreatment facilities and operating procedures shall be submitted to the City for review and shall be acceptable to the City before construction of the facility. The review of such plans and operating procedures will in no way relieve the user from the responsibility of modifying the facility as necessary to produce an acceptable discharge to the City under the provisions of this Chapter.
[Ord. No. 190408E, 4-22-2019]
All new buildings within the City of Willard or in any area where there is an availability of sewers in a jurisdiction with which the City has an interjurisdictional sewage treatment agreement are required to connect to a public gravity sewer if the sewer is adjacent to the property and located in a public right-of-way, utility or sewer easement immediately abutting the property unless otherwise approved by the Director of Public Works. All new lot splits, subdivisions or land divisions within the City must provide a public gravity sewer adjacent to each proposed lot using the City of Willard design standards, unless otherwise approved by the Director of Public Works. No new building can be constructed, nor can lot splits, subdivisions or land divisions occur unless a public gravity sewer is on-site or adjacent to the property, unless this requirement is waived by the Director. Factors that the Director may consider as justification for such a waiver, may include, but are not limited to:
The new structure is an alteration or addition to an existing, functioning structure that is currently served by an approved on-site septic system and will not significantly increase sewer flows.
The land meets the requirements for an on-site wastewater system.
The new structure or land use will not require public sewer or water.
Connecting to public sewer would be impractical or impossible for reasons such as:
The adjacent right-of-way or easement contains natural or man-made obstructions, such as streams, ravines, elevation changes, solid rock, drainage structures, or other utilities that would be cost prohibitive to cross.
The adjacent right-of-way is owned by another entity that refuses to grant permission to cross property boundaries.
If a public sewer is made available by construction of capital improvements and included in a Board of Aldermen approved sewer district, any existing building that requires a sanitary sewer connection must connect to the sewer within ninety (90) days after the sewer is available, provided that the sewer is on-site or adjacent to the property and is located within a public right-of-way, utility or sewer easement. If a public sewer becomes available to any existing building, that building shall connect the sewer lines, unless they meet certain exceptions. These exceptions, include, but are not limited to:
The land meets the requirements for an on-site wastewater system.
None of the existing structures nor the land use requires public sewer or water.
No person shall make any connection to the POTW, either direct or indirect, without written permission from the Director, or reconnect wastewater services when such services have been disconnected for non-payment of a bill for wastewater services unless such bill for wastewater services, including charges for disconnection, has been paid in full.
No person shall tap into any sanitary sewer line of the POTW except by using an approved tapping machine and an approved connection fitting unless otherwise approved by the Director. The Director shall develop reasonable rules and regulations on tapping and connecting procedures. These rules and regulations shall take force and effect five (5) days after the rules and regulations shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk.
Any person outside the City limits that requests permission to connect to the POTW must: (1) file an application for a special connection permit; and (2) comply with (C) and (D) above; and (3) execute and file with the recorder of deeds an Irrevocable Consent to Annex into the City limits pertaining to their property.
[Ord. No. 190408E, 4-22-2019]
No person shall discharge any wastewater or pollutant directly into a manhole or other opening of the POTW, other than through an approved building sewer, unless he/she shall have been given written permission to do so by the Director.
[Ord. No. 190408E, 4-22-2019]
The Director may, after informal notice to the discharger, take whatever steps are reasonably necessary to immediately temporarily suspend a user's sewer use permit, or impose temporary restrictions on discharges, or halt and prevent the discharge of pollutants to the POTW which reasonably appear to present an immediate endangerment to the health or welfare of persons. If the Director determines that an industrial user's discharge to the POTW does not present an immediate endangerment to the health or welfare of persons, but presents or may present an endangerment to the environment or threatens to interfere with the operation of the POTW, he/she shall notify the discharger, in writing, setting forth sufficient facts to describe the violation and allowing a reasonable period of time, which shall be stated in the notice, to respond or to abate or correct the violation and if the response or actions of the discharger do not result in abatement and correction within such period of time, the Director may take action as reasonably necessary to halt or prevent the discharge.
Any user notified of a suspension of its discharge shall immediately stop or eliminate its contribution.
In the event of a user's failure to voluntarily comply with the suspension order, the Director shall take such steps as the Director deems necessary, including immediate severance of the sewer connection, to prevent or minimize damage to the POTW, its receiving stream, or endangerment to any individuals. The Director shall allow the user to recommence its discharge when the user has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the City that the period of endangerment has passed, unless the termination proceedings in Section 710.580 of this Chapter are initiated against the user.
A user that is responsible, in whole or in part, for any discharge presenting imminent endangerment shall submit a detailed written statement, describing the causes of the harmful contribution and the measures taken to prevent any future occurrence, to the Director prior to the date of any show cause or termination hearing under Sections 710.570 and 710.580 of this Chapter.
Nothing in this Section shall be interpreted as requiring a hearing prior to any emergency suspension under this Section.
[Ord. No. 190408E, 4-22-2019]
Holding tank waste may be introduced into the POTW only at locations designated by the Director, and at such times as are established by the Director. Such waste shall not violate Article III of this Chapter or any other requirements established by the City. The Director may require holding tank waste haulers to obtain wastewater discharge permits.
The Director shall require haulers of industrial waste to obtain wastewater discharge permits, provide proof of vehicle or company liability insurance, and obtain a City business license. The Director may require generators of hauled industrial waste to obtain wastewater discharge permits. The Director also may prohibit the disposal of hauled industrial waste. The discharge of hauled industrial waste is subject to all other requirements of this Chapter.
Industrial waste haulers may discharge loads only at locations designated by the Director. No load may be discharged without prior consent of the Director. The Director may collect samples of each hauled load to ensure compliance with applicable standards. The Director may require the industrial waste hauler to provide a waste analysis of any load prior to discharge.
Industrial waste haulers must provide a waste-tracking form for every load. This form shall include, at a minimum, the name and address of the industrial waste hauler, permit number, truck identification, names and addresses of sources of waste and volume and characteristics of waste. The form shall identify the type of industry, known or suspected waste constituents and whether any wastes are RCRA hazardous wastes.
All wastewater transported to the POTW for treatment shall be transported in a vacuum truck or tanker in compliance with all Federal motor carrier licensing and safety regulations — Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 390 through 397. Vehicles shall be operated by a person holding a valid commercial driver's license with applicable endorsements under State and Federal motor carrier law for the vehicle operated and all contents being transported. Containers such as drums, totes, portable container, other non-permanently mounted containers, or vehicles without value Missouri State Highway Patrol Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division approval are prohibited to access the POTW.
[Ord. No. 190408E, 4-22-2019]
The Director is hereby authorized to determine the cost to receive, test and administer wastewater which is trucked or hauled to the POTW. The Director shall file such cost determinations with the City Clerk, with notice to the Board of Aldermen, and the City thereafter shall charge for such services in accordance with the amount so filed, unless countermanded by a resolution of the Board of Aldermen.
[Ord. No. 190408E, 4-22-2019]
The Director shall dispose of all treated sludges and other by-products of the POTW. He/She may sell such sludges and other by-products to such persons as may desire to purchase the sludges and by-products and shall determine a schedule of charges and provide for the collection of such charges. He/She shall account monthly to the Director of finance for such sales.
[Ord. No. 190408E, 4-22-2019]
Grease, oil and sand interceptors shall be provided at the user's expense when the Director determines that they are necessary for the proper handling of wastewater containing grease or any flammable wastes, sand and other harmful ingredients, except that such interceptors shall not be required for private living quarters or dwelling units. All interceptors shall be of a type and capacity approved by the Director, shall be compliant with the current adopted Plumbing Code, and shall be so located as to be readily accessible for cleaning and inspection. Grease and oil interceptors shall be constructed of impervious materials capable of withstanding abrupt and extreme changes in temperature. They shall be of substantial construction, watertight, and equipped with easily removable covers which when butted in place shall be gastight and watertight. All devices must be installed to meet manufacturer installation requirements for proper operation. When installed, all grease, oil and sand interceptors shall be maintained by the user, at his/her expense, in continuously efficient operation.
[Ord. No. 190408E, 4-22-2019]
Grease traps shall be provided on kitchen drain lines from institutions, hotels, restaurants, school lunch rooms, nursing homes and facilities and other establishments from which significant amounts of grease may be discharged to the treatment facility.
Grease traps should be located as close to the fixtures being served as possible and should receive only the waste streams from grease-producing fixtures. Sanitary waste streams, garbage grinder waste streams and other waste streams, which do not include grease, should be excluded from passing through the grease traps. This separation is mandatory for new construction or replacement facilities. Grease traps must be cleaned on a regular basis and must be readily accessible for this purpose.
Sizing of grease traps is based on wastewater flow and can be calculated from the number and kind of sinks and fixtures discharge to the trap. The following two (2) equations shall be used to determine the capacity of grease traps for restaurants and other types of commercial facilities:
D x G1 x Sc x (Hr/2) x Lf = Size of grease trap in gallons,
Number of seats in dining area;
Gallons of wastewater per meal, normally two (2) to five (5) gallons;
Storage capacity factor, minimum of 1.7;
Number of hours open; and
Loading factor,
1.25 interstate highways
1.0 other freeways
1.0 recreational areas
0.8 main highways
0.5 other highways
Hospitals, nursing homes, other type commercial kitchens with varied seating capacity.
M x G1 x Sc x 2.5 x Lf = Size of grease trap in gallons, where:
Meals per day;
Gallons of wastewater per meal, normally two (2) to four and one-half (4.5);
Storage capacity factor, minimum of 1.7; and
Loading factor,
1.25 garbage disposal and dishwashing
1.0 without garbage disposal
0.75 without dishwashing
0.5 without dishwashing and garbage disposal
Water use data and the number of meals served at similar facilities may be used to determine the gallons of wastewater per meal. Grease traps should not be less than one thousand (1,000) gallon capacity.
Grease traps shall be provided with a manhole or opening sufficient size to permit inspection and cleaning. When the grease trap is located below ground, the access opening shall be extended to grade. The opening shall be fitted with a tight-fitting cover which will prevent the entrance of insects and vermin.
The grease trap should be constructed of materials similar to septic tanks and be properly baffled on both the inlet and outlet.
Grease traps shall be cleaned on a regular basis. Minimum frequency of cleaning shall be once each six (6) months. Frequency of cleaning should be determined by regular measurements of thickness of the floating grease layer. Cleaning should take place in accordance with the trap manufacturer's instructions, when the bottom of the floating grease layer approaches within six (6) inches of the trap outlet elevation or when the sludge layer approaches within twelve (12) inches of the trap outlet elevation, whichever comes first.
The owner of any establishment required to comply with this Chapter shall maintain a log showing dates of FOG or grease removal, the amount of grease removed and the name of the individual and company that removed the grease. The log shall be signed by the owner or operator of the business and the person who does the hauling. The log shall be available for review by the inspector at each site visit.
Grease traps shall not discharge prohibited substances as defined in Article IV in any single event as determined by a grab sample.
City shall have the right to inspect facilities from time to time, during regular business hours, to determine if the facility is in compliance with this provision.
Additives that emulsify greases and oils are prohibited.
Use of hot water, acids, caustics, solvents or emulsifying agents when cleaning grease traps is prohibited.
[Ord. No. 190408E, 4-22-2019]
Compliance by existing sources covered by Categorical Pretreatment Standards shall be within three (3) years of the date the Standard is effective, unless a shorter compliance time is specified in the appropriate Standard. The City shall establish a final compliance deadline date for any existing user not covered by Categorical Pretreatment Standards or for any categorical user when the local limits for said user are more restrictive than the Federal Categorical Pretreatment Standards.
New source and new users are required to comply with applicable pretreatment standards within the shortest feasible time, not to exceed ninety (90) days from the beginning of discharge. New source and new users shall install, have in operating condition, and shall start up all pollution control equipment required to meet applicable pretreatment standards before beginning to discharge.
Any wastewater discharge permit issued to a categorical user shall not contain a compliance date beyond any deadline date established in EPA's Categorical Pretreatment Standards. Any other existing user or categorical user that must comply with a more stringent local limit which is in non-compliance with any local limits, shall be provided with a compliance schedule placed in an industrial wastewater permit to insure compliance within the shortest time feasible.
[Ord. No. 191125D, 12-9-2019]
It shall be unlawful to operate Fats, Oil and Grease (FOG) management equipment without possessing a valid City of Willard FOG permit detailing required cleaning and maintenance frequencies, as detailed in the Willard FOG Management Plan. The FOG permit will be issued annually and will be renewed at the time the business license is renewed. The cost associated for the permit is ten dollars ($10.00) as listed in Section 500.110 of the Willard Municipal Code.