[Adopted as Ch. 12 of the 2011 Code]
Applicability. The provisions of this section are adopted in the interest of public health and safety and shall apply to persons, boats and other objects upon, in and under the waters and ice of Geneva Lake within the jurisdictions of the city, villages and towns which are all the municipalities surrounding, riparian to and having jurisdiction over such lake.
Enforcement. This section shall be enforced by the officers, employees and agents of the Geneva Lake Law Enforcement Agency and by the properly designated and authorized officers and agents of such municipalities.
Water Safety Patrol. The Geneva Lake Water Safety Committee, Inc., through its Water Safety Patrol, shall:
Promote water safety upon Geneva Lake, including water rescue, promulgating and encouraging practices conducive to the safety of persons and property incident to the use and enjoyment of water traffic, pleasure and sports.
Educate in promoting water safety in all of its aspects.
State boating and water safety laws and administrative orders and rules adopted.
Statutes adopted. The statutory provisions describing and defining regulations with respect to water and ice traffic, boats, boating and related water and ice activities in the following enumerated sections of the Wisconsin Statutes, exclusive of any provisions therein relating to the penalties to be imposed or the punishment for violation of such statutes, are hereby adopted and by reference made a part of this section as if fully set forth herein. Any act required to be performed or prohibited by the provisions of any statute incorporated by reference herein is required or prohibited by this section.
Capacity plates on boats
Certificate of number and registration; requirements; exemptions
Certificate of number and registration; application; certification and registration period; fees; issuance
Certification or registration card to be on board; display of decals and identification number
Certificate of origin; requirements; contents; guaranteed asset protection waivers
Certificate of title; requirements; exemptions
Application for certificate of title; hull and engine identification numbers
Contents of certificate of title
Lost, stolen or mutilated certificates
Transfers of boat titles
Report of stolen or abandoned boats
Inspection of boats purchased out-of-state
Transfer of ownership of boats with a certificate of title, certificate of number or registration
Notice of abandonment or destruction of boat or change of address
Classification of motorboats
Lighting equipment
Other equipment
Sale and use of certain outboard motors restricted
Patrol boats
Traffic rules
Speed restrictions
Accidents and accident reports
Distress signal flag
Prohibited operation
Intoxicated boating
Preliminary breath screening test
Implied consent
Chemical tests
Report arrest to Department
Officer's action after arrest for violating intoxicated boating law
Water skiing
Skin diving
Disposal of waste from boats equipped with toilets
Administrative Code provisions adopted. All rules and orders created by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources designated Chapter NR 5, Wis. Adm. Code, modifying or supplementing the foregoing provisions of state law or which may be adopted or made in the future are hereby incorporated in and made a part of this section by reference as though fully set forth herein.
Changes in state laws adopted. All deletions, additions and amendments which may be made to the sections of the state laws enumerated under Subsection B(1) above are hereby adopted and incorporated herein by reference as of the time of their respective effective dates, as if they were to be set out herein verbatim.
Speed limits.
In accordance with the Joint Uniform Lake Law, no person shall operate any boat powered by an engine or any other boat in or upon the waters of Geneva Lake at a speed in excess of the following speeds:
Forty-five miles per hour on weekdays (Monday to Friday 12:00 noon).
Thirty-five miles per hour on weekends (Friday 12:00 noon to Sunday).
Thirty-five miles per hour on all holidays.
Fifteen miles per hour at night (sunset to sunrise).
The speed limit in Subsection B(4)(a) above shall not apply to police patrol boats in situations involving emergencies or while engaged in law enforcement nor to boats participating in an authorized race, regatta or water ski meet authorized by a permit while operating in the designated area authorized by such permit. The speed limit in Subsection B(4)(a) above shall not apply to Water Safety Patrol boats in situations involving emergencies.
Zones, lanes and restrictions.
Zones and lanes defined.
All areas marked by buoys or regulatory markers as swimming zones are so designated as swimming zones.
Traffic lanes for boats shall be those areas designated as such by identifying buoys or other aids to navigation.
Where the traffic lane is not so identified, a traffic lane is hereby established and shall be the greater distance between the shoreline and a line parallel to and 200 feet distant from it and 100 feet from any dock, raft, pier, structure, mooring area or buoyed restricted area.
Any municipality may install and operate boat traffic lights and when so installed and operating they shall be obeyed by all boat or other watercraft operators using such traffic lane.
No water traffic outside the traffic lane shall exceed the "slow-no-wake" speed limit.
Additional safety regulations.
Right-of-way at docks, piers and wharves. Boats leaving or departing from a pier, dock or wharf shall have the right-of-way over all other boats approaching such dock, pier or wharf.
Right-of-way of sailboats over rowboats. Boats propelled entirely by muscular power shall yield the right-of-way to sailboats when necessary to avoid risk of collision.
Mooring lights. No person shall moor or anchor any boat, raft, buoy or other floating object or permit the same to drift in the traffic lane above described between sunset and sunrise unless there is prominently displayed thereon a white light of sufficient size and brightness to be visible from any direction for a distance of two miles on a dark night with clear atmosphere. This provision shall not apply to authorized structures within the pierhead line nor to boats or objects moored or anchored in mooring areas.
Rafts and platforms. No person shall place or maintain any raft or platform more than 50 feet from the shore unless it is so anchored that it has at least six inches of freeboard above the waterline and has attached thereto not less than 12 inches from each corner or projection a red reflector not less than three inches in diameter.
Swimming regulations.
Swimming from boats. No person shall swim from any boat unless such boat is anchored or the boat is manned by a competent person.
Swimming in traffic lane. No person shall swim in the traffic lane unless accompanied by a boat manned by a competent person. Such boat shall stay within 50 feet of and guard such swimmer. This subsection is subject to the provisions set forth in Subsection D(5)(c) below.
Hours. No person shall swim in the traffic lane from sunset to sunrise.
Water skiing.
All water skiing is forbidden outside the traffic lane.
No watercraft which shall have in tow a person or persons on water skis, surfboards or similar devices shall be operated upon Geneva Lake unless such watercraft shall be occupied by at least two competent persons. One person shall operate the boat and observe boat traffic at all times and the second shall observe the towed person.
The drivers or operators of all watercraft by means of which aquaplanes, water skis or similar devices are being towed and the riders of such devices shall conform to the same rules and clearance as provided in this section for motorboats.
Any person using water skis, an aquaplane or a similar device or any person who is towed in any manner by a watercraft or other means shall wear or have on his person a United States Coast Guard approved personal flotation device.
Shooting of projectiles prohibited. No person by use of a contrivance or device or otherwise in any manner shall throw, propel, send forth or shoot any missile, projectile or object toward or in the direction of a person, watercraft or other property.
Buoys to be out by the first day of winter.
All buoys shall be removed from the water by the first day of winter of each year.
Every municipality, the Water Safety Patrol and the Geneva Lake Law Enforcement Agency may remove all buoys, regulatory markers or aids to navigation being privately owned or placed which are not removed before the first day of winter of each year.
Littering or polluting.
No person shall deposit, place or throw any cans, bottles, debris, refuse, garbage, solid or liquid waste, sewage or effluent into the waters of the lake or upon the ice when formed or cause or permit the same to be done by any agent or employee.
Overboard discharge inactivation. No boat equipped with a means of discharging sewage directly from a toilet or holding tank into the water upon which the boat is moored or is moved shall enter inland or outlying waters of the state until such means of discharge is inactivated. An owner or operator of a boat equipped with such means of discharge shall contact a representative of the Department of Natural Resources or a local law enforcement official with respect to inactivation before entering state waters. Overboard discharge inactivation shall include, as a minimum, either disconnection of the toilet piping, removal of the pumping device, securely plugging the discharge outlet, sealing of the toilet bowl with wax or other method approved by the official contacted. The inspecting official shall provide the boat owner or operator with a signed written statement as to the method of inactivation accepted. The owner or operator shall give information as to the inland or outlying waters he plans to navigate and as to the time of stay on such waters. (Pursuant to § SPS 386.07, Wis. Adm. Code.)
Markers and navigation aids.
Duty of Director and Manager. The Director of the Water Safety Patrol and the Manager of the Geneva Lake Law Enforcement Agency are authorized and directed to place and maintain suitable regulatory markers, navigation aids and signs and waterway markers in such areas of the lake as shall be necessary under this section, state law and State Administrative Code provisions and to advise the public of the provisions of this section and such state law and State Administrative Code provisions and they shall post and maintain a copy of this section at all public access points to the lake.
Standard markers. All regulatory markers, navigation aids and other waterway markers placed upon the waters of the lake shall comply with the regulations of the Department of Natural Resources (DNR).
Skin diving and swimming; scuba diving and swimming; skin fishing.
Subsurface activities.
In the interest and protection of the public health, safety and general welfare, the Village Board deems the area comprising Geneva Lake north of a line drawn from the most southerly point of Conference Point on the west and the most southerly point of Cedar Point on the east and the Village Board of Fontana-on-Geneva Lake deems the area comprising such lake west of a line drawn from the north line of Belvidere Park on the north shore and the eastern edge of the public road east of the Club Unique Subdivision on the south shore in the Village and the City Council of Lake Geneva deems the area of Geneva Bay from Geneva Bay Estates east to the lakefront of the Somerset Condominium Association as being highly congested and hazardous for all kinds of water traffic, especially motor-powered watercraft of all kinds, sailboats, water skiers and fishermen, and subsurface activities are especially dangerous in such areas because persons engaged in such activities cannot be seen by observers on the surface of the water.
All skin and other underwater diving and swimming used or performed with self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (scuba diving) or similar devices are hereby forbidden during the period from May 20 to September 15 of each year within the above-described areas, except to recover personal property, bodies and to examine the bottom of the lake for some public authority and then only after making application for and receiving permission from the Water Safety Patrol in writing.
Registration required. No person shall engage in underwater diving and swimming with self-contained under water breathing apparatus without first having registered and been issued a permit card provided by the Water Safety Patrol.
Unassisted scuba diving prohibited. No person shall scuba dive underwater, unless assisted by another competent, properly equipped scuba diver.
Boat required. A scuba diver shall be accompanied when in the water by a boat equipped with an approved dive flag as provided in § 30.70, Wis. Stats. The boat shall be anchored and shall be manned by a competent person.
Scuba diving areas restricted. No person shall scuba dive at any of the public beaches nor shall scuba diving be done in such a way as to interfere with fishermen and their lines or with boats and their anchors.
Prohibited areas. Restricted areas on the lake other than those above designated may be out of bounds for scuba divers as determined by the Water Safety Patrol. These areas shall be properly marked and designated.
Recovered articles. All scuba divers and other users of Geneva Lake who find articles of any value on the bottom of the lake shall deliver them to the Water Safety Patrol for return to their proper owners and, if such owners cannot be found, then for disposal according to law.
Hours. Scuba diving is forbidden between the hours of sunset and sunrise, unless for some emergency and then only if properly authorized as above provided.
Establishment of pierhead line and wharf regulations.
Definitions. The definitions as set forth in § 30.01, Wis. Stats., are hereby adopted and incorporated herein by reference the same as if set forth at length herein. Any future amendment, revision or modification of the statutes incorporated herein is intended to be made a part of this subsection.
Establishment of pierhead line.
Pursuant to §§ 30.11 and 30.13(3), Wis. Stats., and in the interest of the preservation and protection of the public's rights in the waters of Geneva Lake, the Village, within its boundaries, does hereby establish a pierhead line on Geneva Lake which shall be at a distance of 100 feet water ward from the shoreline. The shoreline, for the purpose of this subsection, shall be at the elevation of the spillway crest on the Geneva Lake Dam, which is at the elevation of 864.3 feet mean sea level datum. The pierhead line shall run parallel to the shoreline.
The map pursuant to § 30.11, Wis. Stats., approved by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, indicating the existing shore and pierhead line established in Subsection H(2)(a) above, is incorporated herein and made a part of this section.
Unlawful obstruction prohibited.
Interference with public rights. No wharf or pier shall interfere with public rights in navigable waters. A wharf or pier which interferes with public rights in navigable waters constitutes an unlawful obstruction of navigable waters unless a permit is issued for the wharf or pier by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources under § 30.12, Wis. Stats., or unless authorization for the wharf or pier is expressly provided.
Interference with riparian rights. No wharf or pier shall interfere with the rights of other riparian proprietors. A wharf or pier which interferes with rights of other riparian proprietors constitutes an unlawful obstruction of navigable waters, unless a permit is issued for the wharf or pier by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources under § 30.12, Wis. Stats., or unless authorization for the wharf or pier is expressly provided.
Extension beyond pierhead line; exception.
No wharf or pier shall extend beyond the pierhead line which has been established under Subsection H(2)(a) above. A wharf or pier which extends into navigable waters beyond the pierhead line established above constitutes an unlawful obstruction of navigable waters, unless a valid permit, license or authorization for the wharf or pier is granted or unless it is a permissible preexisting wharf or pier.
A wharf or pier is a permissible preexisting wharf or pier if it existed prior to the establishment of the pierhead line, is not extended or expanded after that date and if the ownership of the land to which it is attached did not change after that date, except that a wharf or pier continues its status as a permissible preexisting wharf or pier for one year after the date of the change of ownership is recorded. The seasonal removal of a wharf or pier does not affect its status as a permissible preexisting wharf or pier if it is reestablished in substantially the same form. The owner of a wharf or pier may submit evidence to the Village that it is a permissible preexisting wharf or pier at any time after the effective date of this subsection.
All piers including removable piers (non-cribbed) are permissible preexisting piers if they existed prior to the enactment of the Joint Uniform Lake Law Ordinance (adopted 1971, as amended), have not been extended or expanded after that date and do not extend beyond the pierhead line. The seasonal removal of the permissible preexisting pier not extending beyond the pierhead line does not affect its status as a permissible preexisting pier not extending beyond the pierhead line, if it is established in exactly the same form and place, irrespective of a change in ownership of the riparian parcel. Status as a permissible preexisting pier not extending beyond the pierhead line does not imply that authorization for the wharf or pier is provided for the purposes of Subsection H(3)(a) and (b). The owner of a pier may submit evidence to the Village that it is a permissible preexisting pier not extending beyond the pierhead line that existed prior to the enactment of the Joint Uniform Lake Law Ordinance in 1971.
Free movement of water. Any wharf or pier shall be constructed so as to allow the free movement of water underneath and in a manner which will not cause the formation of land upon the bed of the water.
Location of wharves and piers regulated.
No wharf or pier shall be located, built, constructed or maintained on a lot or parcel within a distance of 12.5 feet from a riparian proprietor's property line, where such property line intersects the shoreline as defined in Subsection H(2)(a) above.
This restriction shall not apply to permissible preexisting wharves or piers as defined in Subsection H(3)(c)[2] and permissible preexisting piers not extending beyond the pierhead as defined in Subsection H(3)(c)[3] above.
Removal of unlawful obstructions. The Village Board may remove a wharf or pier which constitutes an unlawful obstruction of navigable waters as set forth in Subsection H(3) above as provided under § 30.13(5m), Wis. Stats.
Dilapidated structures in navigable waters prohibited.
Any wharf or pier in navigable waters which is so old, dilapidated or in need of repair that it is dangerous, unsafe or unfit for use may be proceeded against by the Village Board or designated officer thereof in the manner and pursuant to the procedure as provided in § 30.13(5m), Wis. Stats.
Any wharf or pier in navigable waters which is declared so old, dilapidated or in need of repair that it is dangerous, unsafe or unfit for use under § 30.13(5m)(a)2, Wis. Stats., or repair is determined unreasonable under that section is a public nuisance and may be proceeded against under Ch. 823, Wis. Stats.
Wharf and pier permit required.
Permits required.
Riparian proprietors who construct or place a wharf or pier or cause the same to be done shall prior thereto obtain a permit therefor from the Village Board. Once a permit is issued by the Village Board, no future permit is required so long as the structure remains in substantially the same form and location. This subsection shall not apply to a permissible preexisting wharf or pier as defined in Subsection H(3)(c)[2] and permissible preexisting piers not extending beyond the pierhead line as defined in Subsection H(3)(c)[3] above.
No person shall erect, construct, place, extend or maintain any wharf or pier in such a manner that it violates any of the provisions of this section, any applicable laws of the state or any rule, order or regulation of the State DNR. However, any permit granted to a riparian proprietor by the State DNR pursuant to § 30.12, Wis. Stats., shall deem such pier or wharf to be in compliance with this section to the extent of the permit so granted. A copy of any application for a permit from the State DNR pursuant to § 30.12, Wis. Stats., shall be filed with the Village Clerk at the same time such application is filed with the DNR.
Application. The application for such permit shall describe the real estate and the location of the wharf or pier or extension or modification thereof in detail with regard to such real estate, shoreline and pierhead line and setting forth the distances of the wharf or pier to the property lines of any abutting riparian lands, giving the details of the dimensions and kinds of materials to be used in the construction of the same, together with any additional details and specifications which the Village Board may require. Such application shall also state the name and permanent residence or post office address of the applicant.
Investigation and report. Upon filing of such application, the Village Clerk shall refer the same immediately to the Building Inspector or such other person as may be designated by the Village Board for investigation and report, which such report shall indicate that all of the requirements of this section, applicable laws of the state and rules and orders of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources will be complied with. The Building Inspector or other designated official shall thereafter file with the Village a report of his findings, which such report shall also include a recommendation and the reasons therefor.
Issuance, denial or revocation of permits; appeals; fees.
After the filing and review of the application by the Building Inspector or other designated person, the Village Board shall act on the application. No permit shall be granted until the Village Board determines all requirements of this section and all the applicable laws of the state and rules and orders of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources have been complied with. The reasons for the granting or denial of such permit shall be stated in the minutes.
If the wharf or pier for which a permit has been granted is not erected, constructed or placed in accordance with the application, plans, specifications, details and drawings submitted by the applicant therefor or if the wharf or pier for which a permit has been issued violates any laws of the state or rules or orders of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, the Village Board may revoke such permit. The provisions of this subsection shall not affect the Village Board's rights to pursue any other legal remedies it may have as provided in this section or otherwise by law.
Any person having a substantial interest which is adversely affected by a decision of the Village Board or an officer, employee or agent thereof relating to the issuance, denial or revocation of a permit as provided in this subsection may have such determination reviewed pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 5, Administrative Review, of the Code of the Village of Williams Bay.
The Village Board may provide for the payment of a reasonable fee for the issuance of a permit under this subsection.
Marinas and lagoons. No lagoon or marina shall be constructed or expanded unless a permit for the same has been obtained from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources as provided by law. At the time an application is filed with the Department of Natural Resources, a copy of such application shall be filed with the Village Clerk.
Wharf and pier number required. Owners of riparian property who construct or place a wharf or pier or cause same to be done shall obtain a number for such wharf or pier from the Geneva Lake Association. Once obtained, the number shall immediately be fastened to the end of the wharf or pier which extends into the navigable water and be properly maintained in a manner so as to be plainly seen from the navigable water.
[Added 3-7-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-04]
Safety regulations affecting the use of water circulators and protection against dangers created by ice openings.
Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any opening in the ice caused by cutting or sawing or by use of a water circulator to remove the ice or prevent it from forming in order to reach and use the water in Geneva Lake for the purpose of fishing, obtaining minnows or other bait, scuba diving, or to protect a boat, pier, wharf, seawall or other structure from possible ice damage.
A motor, pump or other device which rotates a propeller or other apparatus which causes the circulation of water used to keep the ice from forming around a boat, pier or other structure.
No person shall operate a water circulator in the waters of Geneva Lake without first obtaining a permit therefor from the municipal authority within which the area where the circulator to be used is located.
No such circulator shall be used unless the owner or operator places around the margin of the opening made by such circulator and maintains at a place where the ice is sufficiently thick to hold at least 300 pounds per square foot a snow fence or its equivalent with closely spaced slats extending not less than 3 1/2 feet above the surface of the ice, and shall place signs on the same at intervals of not less than 25 feet within the word "Danger" in red letters at least one foot high.
Ice openings caused by methods other than the use of a water circulator, when not covered by a building, enclosure, shelter, tent, shanty, or similar structure, shall be protected against accidents by a notice and warning by using fencing, wooden horses, "Danger" signs, warning flags or similar devices to alert the general public of the opening until such time as the water in the opening has frozen to a thickness sufficient to hold 300 pounds per square foot at which time such notice and warning shall be removed to prevent accidents by collision. Such warning devices shall have on them the name of the person who caused the opening.
Regulation of snowmobiles and other motor vehicles on the ice. In the interest of public health and safety, the following laws and regulations are adopted:
State snowmobile laws adopted. Except as otherwise specifically provided in this article, the statutory provisions describing and defining regulations with respect to snowmobiles in the following enumerated sections of the Wisconsin Statutes are hereby adopted by reference and made part of this section as if fully set forth herein. Acts required to be performed or prohibited by such statutes are required or prohibited by this section:
Safe use and transportation of firearms and bows
Operation of snowmobiles on or in the vicinity of highways
Snowmobile races, derbies and routes
Public utility exemption
Local ordinance to be filed
Operation by youthful operators restricted
Safety certification program established
Driving animals
Owner permitting operation
Head lamps, tail lamps and brakes, etc.
Miscellaneous provisions for snowmobile operation
Registration of snowmobiles; trail use stickers
Uniform trail signs and standards
Accident and accident reports
Local ordinances
Liability of landowners
Operation forbidden on public property. Except as provided in §§ 350.02 and 350.03, Wis. Stats., no person shall operate a snowmobile upon the path around the lake or any other public right-of-way, or street, or in any public park or on any other public property unless the same or any parts of them have been designated as snowmobile routes and the trails have been clearly marked by municipal authorities.
Rules of road adopted. If snowmobile routes are designated over public highways, operators of vehicles upon them shall observe the rules of the road for motor vehicles set forth in Ch. 346, Wis. Stats., in addition to any special rules adopted by this section, and where operated over parks or other recreational areas, the speed shall not be in excess of the posted speed limit.
Unattended vehicles. No person shall leave or allow a snowmobile owned or operated by him to remain unattended while the motor is running or with the starting key left in the ignition.
Operation on private premises restricted. No person shall operate a snowmobile on any private property not owned or controlled by him without the express consent and permission of the owner or occupant of such land.
Restricted use on lake. No person shall operate or ride upon a snowmobile on Geneva Lake at any time or place when the ice is unsafe.
Accidents and accident reports.
Definition. "Snowmobile accident" means a collision, accident or other casualty involving a snowmobile.
Rendering help. If he can do so without serious danger to his own snowmobile or to persons on board, the operator of a snowmobile involved in a snowmobile accident on Geneva Lake shall stop his snowmobile and render to other persons affected thereby such assistance as may be practicable and necessary to save them from or minimize any danger caused by the accident and shall give his name, address and identification of his snowmobile to any person injured and the owner of any property damaged in the accident.
Reporting accident.
If the snowmobile accident results in death or injury to any person or total property damages in excess of $200, every operator of a snowmobile involved in such accident shall as soon as possible notify the police department having jurisdiction over the area in which the accident occurred of the accident and shall, within 10 days after the accident, file a written report thereof with such department on forms prescribed by it.
If the operator of a snowmobile is physically incapable of making the report required by this subsection and there is another occupant in the snowmobile at the time of the accident capable of making it, he shall make such report.
Right-of-way. Every pedestrian, skater, ice-boater and operator of a vehicle which is not motor-driven shall have the right-of-way over a snowmobile and other motor vehicles. The operator of a snowmobile or other motor vehicle shall yield the right-of-way to all pedestrians, skaters, ice-boaters and operators and occupants of vehicles which are not motor-driven. Every pedestrian shall have the right-of-way over a skater and ice-boater. Every skater shall have the right-of-way over ice-boaters.
Any person convicted of a violation of Subsection B(1) of this section as described in § 30.67(1) or (2) or 30.68(2), Wis. Stats., shall forfeit not more than $200, together with the costs of prosecution and penalty assessment, and in default of payment of such forfeiture and costs shall be imprisoned in the county jail not exceeding six months. Any person convicted of a violation of Subsection B(1) of this section as described in § 30.68, Wis. Stats., shall, in addition to the penalties above, be required to obtain a certificate of satisfactory completion of a safety course under § 30.74(1), Wis. Stats.
Any person convicted of a violation of Subsection B(1) of this section as described in § 30.681(1) or 30.684(5), Wis. Stats., shall forfeit not less than $150 nor more than $300, together with the costs of prosecution and penalty assessment, and shall be required to obtain a certificate of satisfactory completion of a safety course under § 30.74(1), Wis. Stats., and in default of payment of such forfeiture and costs shall be imprisoned in the county jail not exceeding six months.
In addition to any other penalty imposed, any person convicted of a violation of Subsection B(1) of this section as described in § 30.681(1) or 30.684(5), Wis. Stats., shall be ordered by the court to submit to and comply with an assessment by an approved public treatment facility for an examination of the person's use of alcohol or controlled substances. Intentional failure to comply with an assessment ordered under this subsection constitutes contempt of court, punishable under Ch. 785, Wis. Stats.
Any person convicted of a violation of Subsection B(1) of this section as described in § 30.71, Wis. Stats., or any rule promulgated under that section, shall forfeit not more than $100 for the first offense and not more than $200 upon conviction of the same offense a second and subsequent time within one year, together with the costs of prosecution and penalty assessment, and in default of payment of such forfeiture and costs shall be imprisoned in the county jail not exceeding six months.
Except as otherwise provided above, any person convicted of a violation of Subsections B through G of this section shall forfeit not more than $50 for the first offense and not more than $100 upon conviction of the same offense a second and subsequent time within one year.
Penalties for violations involving the use of snowmobiles are set out in § 350.11, Wis. Stats., but forfeitures for such offenses shall be as set out in § 1-4 of this Code.
Violations of any provision of this section not described in Subsection L(1) through (6) above shall be as provided in § 1-4 of this Code.
Any person convicted of a violation of Subsection H(9) of this section shall forfeit $50 upon conviction together with the costs of prosecution and penalty assessment.
[Added 3-7-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-04]
Establishment of bulkhead line.
The bulkhead line along the north shore of Williams Bay of Geneva Lake, described as follows and as shown by the map on file with the Village Clerk, is established subject to the approval of the Department of Natural Resources:
Located in the South 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 and the Northeast 1/4 of Section 6, Town 1 North, Range 17 East, in the Village of Williams Bay, County of Walworth, State of Wisconsin, described as follows:
Commencing at a 2 inch iron pipe in the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of said Section 6, said pipe marking the Northwest corner of "Cedar Point Park Second Addition", a recorded subdivision; thence South 71° 21' 00" West along the North line extended of Cedar Point Park Second Addition, 21.16 feet to the Point of Beginning of the following bulkhead line; thence North 64° 21' 59" West, 111.27 feet; thence North 67° 34' 48" West, 204.27 feet; thence North 72° 37' 20" West, 233.08 feet; thence North 78° 06' 06" West, 384.28 feet; thence North 82° 12' 33" West, 290.00 feet; thence South 89° 32' 35" West, 487.10 feet; thence South 81° 59' 29" West, 154.20; thence South 75° 49' 55" West, 137.83 feet; thence South 68° 41' 44" West, 64.16 feet; thence South 65° 27' 35" West, 135.85 feet; thence South 61° 46' 44" West, 139.39 feet; thence South 49° 49' 39" West, 83.88 feet; thence South 36° 03' 40" West, 125.72 feet to the point of ending of said bulkhead line.
This subsection shall become effective and said bulkhead line shall be established upon approval of the Department of Natural Resources, and upon the filing of the approved ordinance and map with the Department of Natural Resources, the Clerk of the Village of Williams Bay and the Register of Deeds for Walworth County.
Docking of a boat or vessel as specified herein or for a period longer than as specified herein, except by those persons holding valid leases as tenants and only for the slip described in their respective leases, is prohibited:
Maximum 15 minutes on the east side of the Center Municipal Pier (also known as the "T" Pier).
Maximum two hours on the east sides of both the East Municipal Pier and the West Municipal Pier.
No docking at any time upon any portion of the East, Center or West Municipal Piers not referred to in Subsection A(1)(a) and (b) above, including specifically any part of the south and west sides to include all slips or portions of slips.
Pulling alongside or docking on the south end of the Center Municipal Pier to put on or discharge passengers is permitted. Docking for a period longer than is necessary to put on or discharge passengers is prohibited.
Docking of a boat on any municipally owned pier after 11:00 p.m. and prior to sunrise is prohibited.
Penalties shall be as follows:
For a violation of Subsection A(1)(a) and (b) above: a minimum forfeiture of $25.
For a violation of Subsection A(1)(c) above: a minimum forfeiture of $25 unless docked in a slip or portion of a slip which shall be subject to a minimum forfeiture of $50.
For a violation of Subsection A(2): a minimum forfeiture of $25.
For a violation of Subsection A(3): a minimum forfeiture of $50.
Persons cited for violation of docking offenses described and defined in this subsection may discharge their penalty and avoid court prosecution by forwarding within 72 hours of the issuance of the citation to the Village Police Department the minimum penalty specified for the violation. When payment is made as provided in this subsection, no court costs shall be charged.
If the alleged violator does not deliver or mail a deposit as provided in Subsection A(4)(b) as specified in the citation, the Chief of Police shall proceed with prosecution pursuant to law.
Citations for violations of Subsection A, Docking, may be issued by the Chief of Police or his designate, the Harbor Master or the Village Board or its designate.
Definitions. As used in this Subsection A, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Every description of watercraft used or capable of being used as a means of transportation on water, except a seaplane on the water and a fish raft.
A boat that is alongside and physically attached to any portion of a municipally owned pier by any means including, without limitation, ropes, lines, wires, straps, bumpers or manually being held to the pier by the boat's occupants.
Removal of illegally moored boats.
Hazard to public safety. Any boat moored in violation of any of the provisions of this Subsection A is declared to be a hazard to marine traffic and public safety.
Removal by operator. Such boat shall be removed by the operator in charge, upon request of a Village officer having authority to issue citations herein, to a position where docking is permitted or to a private or public mooring premises.
Removal by Village officer. Any Village officer, after issuing a citation for illegal mooring of an unattended boat in violation of this Subsection A, is authorized to remove such boat to a position where mooring is permitted.
Removal by private service. The officer may order a marine service which performs boat towing and storage services to remove and store such boat in any facility of the person providing the marine towing and storage services.
Towing and storage charges. In addition to other penalties provided by this Subsection A, the owner or operator of a boat so removed shall pay the actual cost of moving, towing and storage. If the boat is moved or towed by the Village official, a charge as set forth on a schedule of charges established by the Village Board shall be paid. If the boat is towed or stored by a private marine service, actual charges regularly paid for such services shall be paid.
Registration record of boat as evidence. When any boat is found in violation of any provision of this Subsection A regulating the docking of boats and the identity of the operator cannot be determined, the owner, as shown by the registration of the boat supplied by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources or a comparable authority of any other state, shall be deemed to have committed the violation for purposes of enforcement of this Subsection A and shall be subject to the applicable forfeiture penalty, provided that the defenses defined as described in § 346.485(5)(b), Wis. Stats., shall be defense for an owner charged with such violation with references therein to "vehicle" to refer to "boat" throughout.
Fueling regulations.
[Amended 7-15-2013; 6-20-2016 by Ord. No. 2016-7]
No person shall fuel watercraft with gasoline by pouring gasoline from a portable can or container into the watercraft's fuel tank while being located at the Village-owned lakefront or at any municipally owned pier in the Village. Watercraft with on-board gasoline fuel tanks must be removed from the water for fueling or be fueled at a commercial gasoline facility.
This subsection is adopted pursuant to the police power of the Village and is designed to prevent hazardous and dangerous conditions that are created by persons fueling their watercraft with handheld gasoline cans, thus exposing themselves to the presence of gasoline fumes and the potential for the pollution of Geneva Lake by spillage of gasoline into the lake.
Launching. Launching of any boat or any type of water vehicle from any part of the Village-owned shoreline, including those areas that have been leased by the Village, except in the areas provided especially for launching by the Village, is hereby prohibited.
[Amended 5-16-2016 by Ord. No. 2016-5]
Temporary mooring/anchoring. No one may attach or tether their watercraft to any Village property, including, but not limited to, benches, trees, signs, and monuments.
Operator or owner responsible.
Definitions. As used in this Subsection D, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
When used with reference to a motorboat, means the manipulation of any of the boat controls which would be used to put the boat in motion or engage the motor in operation.
The person who has lawful possession of a motorboat by virtue of legal title or equitable interest therein which entities him to such possession.
The registration card and sticker or decal issued by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources or a comparable authority of any other state or country.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Violation. Whenever a motorboat, boat or any other type of water vehicle is found within the jurisdiction of the Village in violation of any provision of this section and the identity of the operator cannot be determined, the owner as shown by the ownership registration of the boat supplied by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources or a comparable authority of any other state or country shall be deemed to have committed the violation for purposes of enforcement of this section and shall be subject to the applicable forfeiture provisions as provided for in this section.
No person other than duly authorized and constituted governmental personnel shall place a bathing beach marker, speed zone marker, information marker, mooring buoy, fishing buoy or any other type of marker or buoy in the waters of Lake Geneva within the boundaries of the Village without making a written application and receiving a permit therefor.
Any person desiring to place a marker or buoy described above in the waters of Lake Geneva within the boundaries of the Village shall first make a written application therefor to the Village Board which shall be referred to the Village Harbor Commission for examination, inspection and approval or rejection, and if approved, a permit shall be issued by the Harbor Commission.
Any marker or buoy placed in areas described above shall be deemed to be an unlawful obstruction to navigation and as trespassing and may be summarily removed by any duly constituted authority representing the Village, county or state.
Lifeline required. There shall be established upon every public or quasi-public beach or area upon Geneva Lake within the limits of the Village a lifeline throughout the length of such beach in such manner and at such direction as the Trustees may from time to time determine. Such lifeline shall consist of a rope of a diameter of not less than one inch and shall be securely fastened at each end opposite each end of such beach or area and shall be kept afloat by floats strung or otherwise fastened thereto at the intervals of not more than 20 feet.
All public and quasi-public swimming beaches and areas shall be marked upon the water by floats painted or colored white which may bear the emblem consisting of the Red Cross of the American National Red Cross painted thereon.
Such floats to be securely anchored to the bottom of the lake at intervals of not less than 300 feet between the ends of such beaches and areas parallel to the direction of such beach and not more than 200 feet on the lakeward side of and parallel to the lifelines upon such beaches and areas. There shall be similarly anchored not less than one float marked as aforesaid between the mean water level of such beach and the float at each end of the above-described floats marking the length of such beach parallel to the shore.
Littering of beaches prohibited. No person shall place, deposit or leave upon any public beach within the limits of the Village any paper, garbage, refuse, trash or other discarded thing, substance or article.
Operation of boats within swimming areas prohibited. No person shall moor, anchor, operate, propel, or cause to be moored, anchored, operated, or propelled any boat in any manner within any or upon any part of Geneva Lake lying within the boundaries of the Village designated and marked as a swimming beach. A Water Safety Patrol boat may enter a swimming area at any time.
Water Safety Patrol boats. Every boat assigned to or used by any officer, employee, or lifeguard of the Geneva Lake Water Safety Patrol upon any beach within the Village shall have conspicuously painted or marked thereon the words "Water Safety Patrol" or other similar words designating that such boat is in the use or control of the Geneva Lake Water Safety Patrol, and no unauthorized person shall use, operate or occupy any such boat.
Qualification of lifeguards. No person shall be eligible for employment as a lifeguard upon any public or quasi-public beach within the Village until they shall have taken and passed the senior life-saving test, so called, as the same is now or may hereafter from time to time be prescribed by the American National Red Cross or tests prescribing equal standards by the Director of the Geneva Lake Water Safety Patrol. The Village Trustees may require proof of this certification.
Lifeguards hours of duty. The schedule for lifeguards on duty at the beach shall be published on an annual basis at the beach house where the public may view it.
Swimming prohibited except in designated areas. No person shall swim in Geneva Lake within the Village except within the limits of a designated swimming area. This subsection does not apply to an owner, occupant, licensee, or lessee, or guest of any thereof, of any privately owned real estate abutting upon said lake, the frontage of which private owner, lessee, or occupant is not marked and designated as a quasi-public beach, nor to any lifeguard acting in the line of duty.
Shoreline established. The shoreline of Geneva Lake is established and determined as set forth on the Official Shoreline Map on file with the State Public Service Commission, which is adopted by reference and made a part of this section.
Permit required. No person shall hereafter construct, place, extend, modify or change the location of a slip not in cribs, shore station, ramp or mooring whip on, into or over the water of Geneva Lake without first applying for and obtaining a permit from the Village.
Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A spring loaded device, one end of which is secured to a wharf, pier, or slip and the other end is secured to a vessel so as to hold the vessel away from the wharf, pier, or slip. Used in pairs.
A structure installed on the lake shore not exceeding eight feet in width along the shore and 16 feet in length extending from the shore toward the lake, constructed of wood, metal or similar framing with a deck of wood or similar planking material and inclined toward the water surface or into the water upon which a vessel is pulled from the water and stored thereon, generally installed on the shore toward or in the water in the spring and removed in the fall. A ramp may exceed eight feet in width but each eight feet or portion thereof constitutes a separate ramp.
A boat cradle or other lifting or holding device for vessels placed directly on the lake bed or lake shore.
A three-sided part or portion of a wharf or pier or dock extending out into the water from the wharf or pier to serve as a landing or mooring place for vessels.
Application and plans. Any person desiring to erect, construct, place, extend, modify, change the location of or add any slip, shore station, ramp or mooring whip in or upon Geneva Lake along or beyond the shore line as it is defined in § 281-1H(2)(a) and shown in § 281-1H(2)(b) of this article shall make and file in the office of the Village Clerk a written application for a permit. The application shall state the name, address and telephone number of the applicant, describe the riparian real estate owned or occupied by the applicant, together with a plan showing the proposed location, extension or modification of the said slip not in cribs, shore station, ramp or mooring whip in detail, together with its location with regard to the shore line, the pierhead line and with the distances to the property lines of the abutting neighboring riparian lands giving the details of the dimensions and kinds of materials proposed together with drawings and any additional details and specifications the Building Inspector and Harbor Commission might require. It shall also state the name, post office address and telephone number of any lessee proposed by the applicant to rent the applied for slip, shore station, ramp or mooring whip.
Delegation of authority to Harbor Commission to issue permits and the Building Inspector to enforce the provisions of said permits.
The Village Board does delegate to the Harbor Commission of the Village of Williams Bay the authority to issue permits and authorize the Building Inspector to enforce the provisions of the permits for the construction, placement or modification of slips, shore stations, ramps or mooring whips in accordance with the provisions of this section.
No permit shall be granted until the Harbor Commission determines that all requirements of this section, applicable laws of the State of Wisconsin and rules and orders of the State DNR have been complied with. The Harbor Commission shall state the reasons for denying said permit, which shall be stated in writing and mailed by U.S. mail to the applicant and which shall also be stated in the minutes of the meeting. The Harbor Commission may also place restrictions or conditions on any permit so issued under this section in order to effectuate the provisions of this section.
Placement requirements. The following requirements shall control the placement and location of slips, shore stations, ramps and mooring whips:
A side line shall be established on Geneva Lake between the riparian property of the applicant and that of the abutting riparian properties as fairly as possible considering the curvature of the shoreline.
No part of any slip not in cribs, shore station or ramp shall extend to within 12.5 feet of such established side lines. Mooring whips shall not be located so as to permit boats moored thereto to extend within 12.5 feet of such established side lines.
In establishing the side lines between adjacent riparians, the guidance in § NR 326.07, Wis. Adm. Code, will be used.
If applicable, permissible preexisting wharves or piers as defined in § 281-1H(3)(c)[2] and permissible preexisting piers not extending beyond the pierhead line as defined in § 281-1H(3)(c)[3] of this article may create an exception to this subsection if a slip was a portion of such a wharf or pier at the time it qualified as such a wharf or pier.
Revocation of permit. The Building Inspector or Harbor Commission shall revoke a permit if the permittee's placement of the permitted structure or item subsequently violates the terms of the permit, is changed or modified as to location or placement without first obtaining a new permit, or violates any provision of this section.
Duration of permit and permit fee. Each permit to be issued hereunder will be valid as follows:
[Amended 12-21-2015]
For new placement of a slip on piles or cribs or modified or changed placement of a slip on piles or cribs, the permit shall be valid for as long as the placement location or configuration of the supporting piles into the lake does not change.
For structures without piles or cribs that are required to be reinstalled annually to specifically include a slip not on piles or cribs (removable slips) and shore stations, ramps and mooring whips, the permit shall be valid for one seasonal year or portion thereof with such seasonal year to begin on the first day of spring or the date of the granting of the permit if later than the first day of spring and to end on the first day of winter for each year.
Applications for permits shall be accompanied by a non-refundable permit fee in the amount to be determined by the Village Board from time to time by resolution, which charge shall be sufficient to defray the costs of processing of such applications and the issuance of permits. A late fee in the amount of two times the permit fee would be imposed for any permit fee not paid by the date specified in the permit application. The late fee is in addition to the application fee.
Definitions. The following terms have the meanings indicated:
An inclined platform without any roof or cover, extending to the edge, over or into the water of Lake Geneva, usually with rollers at the water's edge, to accommodate small boats during the boating season and removed when the boating season is over.
An enclosed barrier made of wood, stone, wire, posts or other material or a planted hedge intended to prevent intrusion from without or straying from within or to obstruct vision.
A platform supported by a framework resting on the bottom of the lake extending into Geneva Lake for use as a landing place for and harboring of boats and for swimming and fishing and may or may not be attached to the shore.
A wall, embankment or piling used to resist the encroachment or washing by the waves or the wearing away of the shore.
The land between the high waterline or mark of Geneva Lake and the setback line.
A number of steps built into the land itself or constructed of cement, stone, wood or other building material and uncovered for the purpose of reaching a pier or ramp from higher ground.
Setback line. There is hereby established a setback line from the high waterline or mark of Geneva Lake in the Village which shall be at least 75 feet, or 25 feet from the public path away from the lake, whichever is greater, from the high watermark. The measurement shall be made in a horizontal plane from the nearest point of the structure to the high waterline extended vertically to meet the horizontal plane.
Structures limited. Only piers, boats, ramps, seawalls and stairways may be built and/or located within the setback area, but not over or within two feet of the public path.
Fences. If any fences are built, they must be kept five feet back of the setback line away from the lake.
[Amended 1-21-2013]
Pursuant to § 30.79, Wis. Stats., a Water Safety Patrol Unit to be known as the "Geneva Lake Law Enforcement Agency" is hereby created for the purpose of enforcing §§ 30.50 to 30.80, Wis. Stats., and the Uniform Geneva Lake Boating Regulations upon the waters of Geneva Lake.
The Geneva Lake Law Enforcement Agency shall be governed by a Board of Administrators to consist of the respective Town Board Chairperson, Village President and Mayor from each of the municipalities. Each administrator may appoint one alternate official from his or her municipality to act on his or her behalf in the event of his or her absence at meetings of the Board of Administrators. The alternate elected official so designated shall be kept on file with the Board of Administrators. The Board of Administrators shall have the power to hire any personnel necessary for the operation of the unit. It shall also have the power to establish any staff to directly supervise the operation of the unit. Such staff shall be directly responsible to the Board of Administrators.
Slow-speed zone. No watercraft shall operate at a speed in excess of the slow-no-wake speed north of a line running from the southeast corner of Lot No. 6 of the plat of the original town on the west shore of Williams Bay as indicated by a post marker east to the northwest corner of Lot No. 191 in the Second Addition to Cedar Point Park Subdivision as indicated by a post marker on the east shore of Williams Bay.
Slow-no-wake markers. Markers stating "Slow-No-Wake" shall be placed along such line at intervals of approximately 200 feet.
Penalties. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be subject to the penalties set out in § 1-4 of this Code.
Intent. The intent of this section is to provide safe conditions for the mooring of boats consistent with public rights and interest and the capability of the water resource of Geneva Lake.
State mooring and safety laws adopted by reference. State mooring regulations and regulations applicable to moorings as found in the following sections of the Wisconsin Statutes are adopted by reference as if the same were set forth at length herein. Any future amendment, revision or modification of the statutes incorporated herein is intended to be made a part of this subsection and is automatically adopted by reference herein.
Penalty for unlawful obstruction of navigable waters
Removal of obstructions to navigation
Uniform navigation aids
Placement and use of moorings; restrictions; permits
Designated mooring areas
Moorings prohibited. No person shall place a mooring or moorings for boats or watercraft of any type upon those waters of Geneva Lake within the corporate limits of the Village without first obtaining a permit therefor from the Village in accordance with the provisions of this section.
Applications for buoys to be placed 200 feet or less from the ordinary high watermark of Geneva Lake are subject to the regulations of this section and are not required to be submitted to the Department of Natural Resources for approval.
Applications for buoys to be placed greater than 200 feet from the ordinary high watermark of Geneva Lake require the application to be acted on by the Village and the Department of Natural Resources. Applications for buoys greater than 200 feet from the ordinary high watermark of Geneva Lake will first be acted on by the Village to determine if a permit will be issued independent of the Department of Natural Resources investigation. If a permit will be allowed by the Village, then the conditionally granted permit by the Village will be submitted to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources for its investigation and approval. Upon DNR approval, the permit will become effective.
Permits. Applications for permits shall be in the form prescribed by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Waterway Marker Placement Application - in Water, Form 8700-58, and necessary attachments thereto as prescribed by the Village to comply with the requirements of this section. Completed forms are to be filed with the Village Clerk and shall contain the following information:
Name, address and telephone number of the applicant.
The name, address and telephone number of the owner of the land in front of which the mooring is to be placed.
The description of the real estate in front of which the mooring is to be placed.
The written consent of the aforesaid landowner to the placing of such mooring.
A sketch or chart showing the proposed location of the mooring, its distance from the ordinary high watermark and its relationship, if any, to other existing mooring, established traffic lanes, marked swimming or bathing areas and structures, including piers, rafts, docks, shore stations, boat hoists and wharves located within the riparian space of the consenting riparian owner.
A description of the type of mooring, including its physical description, markings, approximate depth of water and the approximate length of rope, cable or chain connecting the mooring buoy to its mooring anchor and connecting the mooring buoy to the boat to be attached thereto.
Duration and conditions of permit to be issued; addendum to permit. Each permit to be issued hereunder will be valid for one seasonal year only or portion thereof with such seasonal year to begin on the first day of spring or the date of the granting of the permit if later than the first day of spring and end of the first day of winter for each year. Such permit's duration shall also be limited to that period during which the riparian owner's consent continues for the placement of such mooring in front of such riparian owner's property. A riparian owner can object and cancel his consent at any time during the permit term, at which point the permit will be immediately rendered null and void.
The definitions as set forth in § 30.01, Wis. Stats., are hereby adopted and incorporated herein by reference as if the same were set forth at length herein. Any future amendment, revision or modification of the definitions incorporated herein is intended to be made a part of this subsection.
In response to a complaint relating to the rights of an adjacent riparian, the guidance in § NR 326.07, Wis. Adm. Code, will be used.
Ordinary high watermark as used herein is elevation 864.30 feet above sea level.
Restrictions. No mooring permits shall be issued for any of the following:
Any mooring which obstructs or interferes with public rights or interests in the navigable waters.
Any mooring for which the riparian owner has not given written permission for the placement and use.
Any mooring which interferes with or encroaches upon the rights of adjacent riparian owners.
Any mooring which adversely affects critical or significant fish or wildlife habitat.
Any mooring which is determined by the Village to be a safety hazard because of its proximity to any other mooring, any properly marked and established lane, any properly marked swimming or bathing area or any structure, including any pier, raft, dock, wharf, shore station or boat hoist.
Any mooring which will have more than one boat attached. Star docks are specifically excluded as moorings.
Any mooring which would be in violation of or in conflict with the Uniform Navigation Aids rules established by the Department of Natural Resources.
Delegation of authority to Harbor Commission to issue mooring permits in accordance with the provisions of this section. The Village Board does delegate to the Harbor Commission of the Village the authority to receive applications for and issue permits for moorings in accordance with the provisions of this section. No permit shall be granted until the Harbor Commission determines that all requirements of this section, applicable laws of the state and rules and orders of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources have been complied with. The Harbor Commission shall state the reasons for denying such permit, which shall be stated in writing and mailed by U.S. Mail to the applicant and which shall also be stated in the minutes of the meeting. The Harbor Commission may also place restrictions or conditions on any permit so issued under this section in order to effectuate the provisions of this section.
Applications for the placement of moorings more than 200 feet from the ordinary high watermark of Geneva Lake. No person shall place a mooring or moorings more than 200 feet from the ordinary high watermark of Lake Geneva within the corporate limits of the Village without first obtaining a permit therefor from the Village and the Department of Natural Resources. The procedure for the issuance of such permits shall be in accordance with Subsection B(2) and this subsection:
Pursuant to § 30.74, Wis. Stats., and the pertinent provisions of the Wisconsin Administrative Code pertaining thereto, no mooring buoy shall be installed or placed more than 200 feet from the ordinary high watermark of Geneva Lake, unless a permit is first conditionally granted for the placement and use of the mooring buoy by the Village and such conditionally granted permit is then subsequently approved by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. If the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources fails to subsequently approve such conditionally granted permit by the Village, such conditionally granted permit shall become null and void.
Applications for more than 200 feet buoys shall be on forms prescribed and approved by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources in accordance with Subsection C.
Such applications shall be initially filed with the Village and acted upon first by the Village in accordance with the requirements and procedures set forth in this section as far as practicable. A copy of the permit shall, after approval by the Village, be transmitted to the Department of Natural Resources for its consideration and investigation. If the Village fails to approve the application and conditionally grant the permit, such application shall not be forwarded to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. The Department of Natural Resources will only review a conditionally approved permit after favorable action by the Village.
Revocation of permit. The Village Board may revoke a permit if the permittee's placement of a mooring buoy subsequently violates any provisions of this section or applicable laws of the state or rules and orders of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
Appeals. Any person aggrieved by a decision of the Harbor Commission of the Village may appeal such decision to the Village Board for final determination. The procedure for such appeals shall be as follows:
Within 30 days of the decision and the mailing of the letter stating the reasons for granting or denying such permit by the Harbor Commission regarding the placement of a mooring, such aggrieved applicant shall file with the Chairperson of the Harbor Commission a request for a hearing on the matter. The Chairperson of the Harbor Commission shall schedule a hearing of the Harbor Commission within a reasonable time of the filing of the request for same, but not later than 30 days after such filing, providing reasonable notice of the date, time and place of such hearing to the requesting applicant therefor. The Harbor Commission hearing will have as its objective the resolution of the matter. If the matter is resolved to the satisfaction of the applicant, then all matters including the findings and reasons of the Harbor Commission shall be turned over to the Village Board for appropriate action. The Village Board will review the findings and reasons of the Harbor Commission and make a final determination with regard thereto. The Village Board may at its sole option schedule a second hearing before it to attempt to resolve the matter.
For any person aggrieved by a decision of the State DNR with regard to applications for buoy permits more than 200 from the high watermark, appeal rights will be satisfied by the issuance by the DNR of a notice of appeal rights substantially in the following form:
If you wish to challenge this decision, you should know that Wisconsin Statutes and administrative rules establish time periods within which requests to review Department decisions must be filed.
For judicial review of a decision, pursuant to §§ 227.52 and 227.53, Wis. Stats., you have 30 days after the decision is mailed or otherwise served by the Department to file your petition with the appropriate circuit court and serve the petition on the Department. Such a petition for judicial review shall name the DNR as the respondent. To request a contested case hearing, pursuant to § 227.42, Wis. Stats., you have 30 days after the decision is mailed or otherwise served by the Department to serve a petition for hearing on the Secretary of the DNR. The filing of a request for a contested case hearing is not a prerequisite for judicial review and does not extend the 30-day period for filing a petition for judicial review.
This notice is provided pursuant to § 227.48(2), Wis. Stats.
Permit fee. Applications for permits and addendums to permits shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable permit or addendum fee in the amount determined by the Village Board from time to time by resolution, which charge shall be sufficient to defray the costs of processing of such applications and the issuance of permits or the processing of addendums to such permits provided for in this section.
No person shall launch at the Village launch site any motorized watercraft in excess of 30 feet in overall length.
[Amended 4-16-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-5]
Notwithstanding the general prohibition of trailer parking and boat launching, there is created an exception to such general prohibitions as follows:
Trailer parking is permitted for vehicles and trailers engaged in Village-sponsored functions or events.
Boat launching is permitted if such launching is being engaged in connection with a Village-sponsored function or event in Edgewater Park.
Definition. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A person using the Village municipal launch parking area and ramp as a bulk handling area for the loading or unloading of construction materials from or onto watercraft from or to locations on Geneva Lake. Such construction materials include building materials, landscaping materials, earth, stone, timbers and pier lumber.
Prohibition. The commercial use of the Williams Bay municipal launch parking area and ramp is prohibited without a permit. Every person shall obtain a permit prior to the commercial use of the Williams Bay municipal launch parking area and ramp. The permit shall be issued by the Village Clerk upon the filing of an application and the payment of the required fee. The application shall contain the name, address, telephone number and gross vehicle weight of the loads proposed to be handled by the commercial user at the municipal launch parking area and ramp. The exact nature, including the weight thereof, of the construction materials to be handled and the equipment proposed for handling, must be stated in the application. The applicant is responsible for all damage to the Village-owned launch facility, including the pier, parking lot and ramp area, and will promptly reimburse the Village for any such damages. Any violation of this provision will result in the immediate revocation of the permit, the commencement of an action for the imposition of the standard penalties of this Code and/or an action for money damages.
[Amended 4-16-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-5]
Fishing tournament or contest definition. Any event held at a Village facility in which caught fish are scored, weighed, tabulated or calculated on-site, and/or a prize of any kind (monetary, merchandise or recognition by plaque or trophy) is given to a person or persons, or use of the facility requires any arrangements above and beyond the normal function of the facility (tent construction, extra electricity, etc.) shall be considered a fishing contest or tournament.
[Amended 11-7-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-14]
Rules. The following rules apply to all fishing contests or tournaments involving up to 50 boats. For fishing tournaments or contests involving 51 boats and greater, additional rules apply as described in Subsection C(2). All fishing tournaments or contests held at any Village facility must abide by the rules set forth by the Village Parks and Lakefront Committee, Village staff and the Village Harbor Master.
Permit requirement. All individuals or groups hosting a fishing tournament or contest originating at the Williams Bay boat launch must apply for and receive a permit issued by the Village for each day the tournament or contest is held. This is required regardless of whether a DNR permit is required. All DNR regulations must be followed and a valid DNR permit is required when applicable.
Purpose and intent. The requirement of a permit is designed to minimize the impact to Village lakefront operations as well as to Village residents and guests using the lakefront. Issuance of a permit to an individual or group does not authorize deviation by the individual or group from instructions issued by an authorized Village representative, i.e., Village staff, police, trustees, etc. Any individuals or group members issued a permit who are not following all instructions and requirements of the Village will be asked to immediately cease their activities and exit Village property. All permit fees and launch fees are nonrefundable for any reason.
Village permit. The following permit requirements apply to fishing tournaments or contests:
Permit for up to 50 boats.
Permits can be issued up to the day of the tournament or contest. A valid permit is required to use Village facilities during a tournament or contest. Permits can be obtained from the office of the Village Clerk or from the Harbor Master.
Parking and weigh-in must be performed in such a manner as to limit the impact on residents, guests and members of the general public as well as normal launch operations at the Village boat launch. Complying with all Village launch staff instructions will ensure a pleasant outcome for all. Weigh-in areas will be assigned to the contact person designated in the permit application by the Harbor Master based on launch activities occurring on the day of the tournament or contest.
The responsible person must be designated as the contact person for the persons or entity sponsoring the tournament or contest, on the permit application. The contact person will be held responsible for the implementation of all tournament or contest and park rules and regulations for all tournament or contest participants. Additionally, the contact person is expected to follow and share with the tournament or contest participants any requests made by Village staff.
Permit for 51 or more boats (large tournament or contest).
Large tournaments or contests may not be held between the first Saturday in May and June 25 of any year. No tournament or contests of any size shall be held or permitted during the 4th of July holiday and during the three days constituting the Labor Day weekend. Permit applications must include a detailed map of the proposed layout for all large tournament or contest activities.
Large tournament or contest permit applications must receive approval first from the Village Parks and Lakefront Committee and second from the Village Board. The process for approval can be time-consuming as both the Committee and Board review the applications. Tournament or contest contact persons are advised to submit their permit application at least 90 days prior to the date the tournament or contest is to be held.
Permit applicants will be required to provide insurance indemnification to the Village in an amount determined based upon the size of the tournament or contest and the projected impact on normal operations of the Village boat launch, the adjacent parks and adjacent area used by the public. The contact person for the applicant is required to do a walk through of tournament or contest activities with Village staff or the Harbor Master no later than 24 hours prior to the start of the tournament or contest.
No changes to permit requirements or other arrangements with the Village can be made without approval from the Harbor Master and a member of the Parks and Lakefront Committee.
Permit fees. The permit fee shall be based upon the number of boats involved in the tournament or contest. The amount of the fees shall be as set forth on a schedule established by resolution of the Village Board.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
This section is recommended by the Geneva Lake Environmental Agency and is adopted by the Village under the authority of § 61.34, Wis. Stats.
Purpose and intent. The Village finds that Geneva Lake and its streams are a natural asset which enhance the environmental, recreational, cultural and economic resources of the area and contribute to the general health and welfare of the public. The Village further finds that regulating the amount of nutrients and contaminants, including phosphorus contained in fertilizer, entering the surface waters will improve and maintain lake and stream water quality.
Applicability. This section applies in all areas of the Village of Williams Bay.
Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this section, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this subsection, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
Beekeeping; dairying; egg production; floriculture; fish or fur farming; forest and game management; grazing; livestock raising; orchards; plant greenhouses and nurseries; poultry raising; raising of grain, mint and seed crops; raising of fruits, nuts and berries; sod farming; and vegetable raising.
Has the meaning set forth in § 94.64(1)(e), Wis. Stats.
Any fertilizer, whether distributed by property owner, renter or commercial entity, distributed for nonagricultural use, such as for lawns, golf courses, parks and cemeteries. Lawn fertilizer does not include fertilizer products intended primarily for garden and indoor plant applications.
Regulation of the use and application of lawn fertilizer.
Effective October 1, 2008, no person shall apply any lawn fertilizer within the Village that is labeled as containing more than 0% phosphorus or other compound containing phosphorus, such as phosphate, except as provided in the exemptions in this section.
No lawn fertilizer shall be applied when the ground is frozen.
No person shall apply fertilizer to any impervious surface including parking lots, roadways, and sidewalks. If such application occurs, the fertilizer must be immediately contained and either legally applied to turf or placed in an appropriate container.
Exemptions. The prohibition against the use of fertilizer under Subsection D shall not apply to:
Newly established turf or lawn areas during their first growing season.
Turf or lawn areas that soil tests, performed within the past three years by a state-certified soil testing laboratory, confirm are below phosphorus levels established by the University of Wisconsin Extension Service. The lawn fertilizer application shall not contain an amount of phosphorus exceeding the amount and rate of application recommended in the soil test evaluation.
Agricultural uses, vegetable and flower gardens, or application to trees or shrubs.
Yard waste compost, biosolids or other similar materials that are primarily organic in nature and are applied to improve the physical condition of the soil.
Sale of fertilizer containing phosphorus.
Effective October 1, 2008, no person shall sell or offer for sale any lawn fertilizer within the Village that is labeled as containing more than 0% phosphorus, or other compound containing phosphorus, such as phosphate, except such fertilizer may be sold for use as provided in the exemptions of this section.
Effective October 1, 2008, no person shall display lawn fertilizer containing phosphorus. Signs may be posted advising customers that lawn fertilizer containing phosphorus is available upon request for uses permitted by the exemptions of this section.
Effective October 1, 2008, a sign containing the regulations set forth in this section and the effects of phosphorus on Geneva Lake and its streams must be prominently displayed where lawn fertilizers are sold.
Enforcement. Violations of this section will be enforced by the Village Building Inspector or code enforcement officer.
Penalty. Any person who violates this section in the application of fertilizer at his or her residence shall be subjected to a forfeiture of $25 per violation. Any commercial fertilizer applicator, residential or commercial developer, industrial or commercial owner, or other person who violates Subsection D and any person who violates Subsection F shall be subject to a forfeiture of $50 for the first violation within a twelve-month period, $150 for the second violation within a twelve-month period, and $300 for the third and each subsequent violations within a twelve-month period.
Severability clause. If any subsection, provision or portion of this section is ruled invalid by a court, the remainder of the section shall not for that reason be rendered ineffective or invalid.
[Added 8-19-2013]
Purpose. The purpose of this section is to provide regulations that will enable the Harbor Commission to hear and decide requests for permitted variations from the placement requirements of § 281-1H(3)(e) for removable (non-cribbed) piers and § 281-5F as will not be contrary to the public interest where, due to special factors, literal enforcement of the provisions of § 281-1H(3)(e) for removable (non-cribbed) piers and § 281-5F would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship, so that the spirit of this article shall be observed, public safety and welfare secured, and substantial justice done.
Initiation of request. Proceedings for approval of a variance may be initiated by an application of the owner(s) of the subject property.
Application. Variance applications shall be printed on an application form provided for that purpose and filed with the Village Clerk. The application shall be accompanied by a fee as may be established by resolution of the Village Board on file in the office of the Village Clerk. In addition to the information required on the application form, the applicant shall supply the following:
A current survey prepared by a professional land surveyor of the subject property showing the location of any pier adjacent to the subject property, the side lines extending from the subject property, the proposed location for the structure for which the variance is requested and the location of piers and associated structures adjacent to the riparian properties on either side of the subject property.
[Amended 8-7-2017 by Ord. No. 2017-6]
Written justification for the requested variance consisting of the reasons why the applicant believes the proposed variance appropriate, as evidenced by an application of the factors set out in Subsection D below.
The following factors shall be considered by the Harbor Commission in evaluating a proposed variance:
The hardship or difficulty peculiar to the subject property and different from that of other properties.
The historical pattern of use of the subject property and neighboring riparian properties.
Whether the proposed variance would hinder the use of adjacent properties and/or their access to Geneva Lake.
Such other factors as the Harbor Commission deems relevant.
Self-imposed hardship shall not be grounds for a variance.
Within 45 days of filing of a complete application, the Harbor Commission shall hold a public hearing to consider the request. Notice of the public hearing shall specify the date, time and place of the hearing and be published as a Class 1 notice. Copies of the notice shall be mailed to all adjacent property owners.
[Amended 6-19-2017 by Ord. No. 2017-4]
Within 30 days after the hearing, the Harbor Commission shall make its determination regarding the application for variance. The Harbor Commission may request further information from the applicant. Final action on the application for the variance may be taken at the time immediately following the public hearing or the proceedings may be continued from time to time for further consideration. The Harbor Commission shall make a written report of its determination on the application. If the Harbor Commission fails to make a determination within 30 days after the public hearing, the request for variance shall be considered denied.
Effect of denial. No application for a variance that has been denied (either wholly or in part) shall be resubmitted for a period of three seasonal years from the seasonal year in which the application was denied, unless the application contains material changes from the application that was denied, as determined by the Harbor Commission.
[Amended 6-19-2017 by Ord. No. 2017-4]
Duration of variance. A variance shall remain in effect for so long as the applicant remains the principal property owner, provided that should the Harbor Commission receive a written complaint either that the applicant is not in compliance with any of the conditions attached to the variance or that there is a substantial change in circumstances such that the variance results in interference with the navigational rights of an adjacent riparian property owner, the Harbor Commission shall hold a hearing on whether to continue, terminate or modify the variance. Written notice of the hearing is to be given by the Harbor Commission to the applicant and to any party that has submitted a written complaint to the Harbor Commission of either the applicant's noncompliance with the conditions of the variance or of interference with the navigational rights of adjacent riparian property owners. Such notice is to be sent by mail at least 10 days prior to the hearing. The Harbor Commission shall issue a written decision on the complaint within 30 days of the hearing and provide a copy to the applicant and the complainant. This subsection shall apply to all variances issued and in effect as of June 19, 2017, in addition to all variances issued after that date.
[Amended 6-19-2017 by Ord. No. 2017-4; 10-16-2017 by Ord. No. 2017-7]
No precedential effect. An application for a variance is based on the unique factors associated with each application. The granting or denial of an application for a variance shall not have any precedential value in the consideration of any other application for a variance.
Appeal. The determination of the Harbor Commission concerning the application for a variance may be appealed pursuant to Chapter 5, Administrative Review, of this Code.
[Added 3-18-2024 by Ord. No. 2023-12]
Prohibition against the transport of aquatic invasive species. No person shall operate a vehicle or transport any boat or any other watercraft to or from a public highway if aquatic invasive species are attached to said vehicle, boat or personal watercraft. All aquatic invasive species shall be removed from a vehicle, boat or personal watercraft prior to placing such equipment into navigable waters.
All persons shall decontaminate their vehicle, boat or personal watercraft at a portable boat cleaning station located near the public boat launch in the Village of Williams Bay, if said boat cleaning station is available for use.
As used in this § 281-16, the term "aquatic invasive species" shall have the definition set forth in § NR 40.02(3m), Wis. Adm. Code., and any future amendments thereto.
Except as otherwise provided herein, any person found in violation of any provision of this article or any order, rule or regulation made hereunder shall be subject to a penalty as provided in § 1-4 of this Code.