[HISTORY: Adopted by the Village Board of the Village of Williams Bay as §§ 7.01 to 7.03, 7.05 to 7.07 and 7.10 of the 2011 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Adoption. The minimum requirements for the construction of new public streets, the reconstruction of existing streets and the construction or reconstruction of sidewalks and driveway approaches within the Village shall be as set forth in the Specifications for Street Construction as adopted by the Village Board and on file in the office of the Clerk.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Street reconstruction and improvement program. Each year the Director of Public Works, in consultation with the Village Engineer, shall review the condition of all public streets within the Village.
Financing. All construction or reconstruction work performed in connection with this section shall be paid for as decided by resolution of the Village Board.
The official map, as amended, for the streets and highways in the Village is hereby adopted as the Official Map of the Village pursuant to § 62.23(6), Wis. Stats. There is also adopted an Official Zoning Map and an Official Address Map for the Village. All three official maps shall be permanently on file at all times in the office of the Village Clerk.
The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to file with the Register of Deeds a certificate showing that the Village has established such Official Map, together with a copy of the same.
For the purpose of preserving the integrity of the Official Map, as amended, no permit shall hereafter be issued for any building in the bed of any street or highway shown or laid out on the map, except as provided in § 62.23(6)(d), Wis. Stats. Any person desiring to construct a building in the bed of a street or highway so shown may apply for a building permit and unless such application is made and the permit granted or not denied within 30 days, such person shall not be entitled to compensation for damage to such building in the course of construction of the street or highway.
No public sewer or other municipal street utility or improvement shall be constructed in any street or highway until such street or highway is placed on the Official Map.
No permit for the erection of any building shall be issued unless a street or highway giving access to such proposed structure has been placed on the Official Map.
The official street and highway map shall additionally show thereon whether a street as designated thereon is publicly or privately owned and such designation shall be conclusive on such question. Any street designated as a private street on such Official Map shall not receive any maintenance or improvements, including snow removal, at public expense.
The Official Address Map shall control the assignment and use of street names and numbers in the Village. Any attempted use of nonofficial numbers or nonofficial street names shall be unlawful.
Permit required. No person shall make or cause to be made any construction opening or excavation or any other type of opening in any street, alley, highway, sidewalk or other public way within the Village without first obtaining a street opening permit.
Fee. The fee for such permit shall be as set forth on the then current fee schedule approved by the Village Board and shall be paid to the Treasurer who shall issue a receipt.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Regulations governing street and sidewalk openings.
Frozen ground. No opening in the streets or sidewalks for any purpose shall be permitted when the ground is frozen, except where necessary as determined by the Village Board or in an emergency by the Director of Public Works.
Removal of paving. In opening any street or other public way, all paving or ballasting materials shall be removed with the least possible loss of or injury to surfacing material and together with the excavated materials from trenches shall be placed so as to cause the least practicable inconvenience to the public and permit free flow of water along gutters.
Protection of public.
Every person shall enclose with sufficient barriers each opening which he may make in the streets, sidewalks or public ways of the Village. All machinery and equipment shall be locked or otherwise effectively safeguarded from unauthorized use when not being used by the permittee, his agents or employees.
Warning lights or torch lamps are to be placed at each end of the opening in the street or way and other lights sufficient in number and properly spaced to give adequate warning. Except by special permission from the Village Board, no trench shall be excavated more than 250 feet in advance of pipe laying nor left unfilled more than 50 feet where pipe has been laid. All necessary precautions shall be taken to guard the public effectually from accidents or damage to persons or property through the period of work. Each person making such opening shall be held liable for all damages, including costs incurred by the Village in defending any action against it for damages, as well as the cost of any appeal, that may result from the neglect by such person or his employees of any necessary precaution against injury or damage to persons, vehicles or property of any kind.
Replacing street surface. In opening streets or sidewalks, the openings must be saw cut before the surface repair process begins and the paving materials, sand, gravel and earth or other material moved or penetrated and all surface monuments or hubs must be removed and replaced as nearly as possible to their original condition or position and the same location to the remainder as before. Any excavated materials shall be replaced with compacted granular backfill materials. All rubbish shall be immediately removed, leaving the street or sidewalk in perfect repair, the same to be so maintained for a period of one year. In refilling the opening, the earth must be puddled or laid in layers not more than six inches deep and each layer rammed, tamped or flushed to prevent caving. No timber, bracing, lagging, sheathing or other lumber shall be left in any trench. The Village may elect to have the Village make the pavement repair for any street or sidewalk opening, in which case the cost of making such repair and of maintaining it for one year shall be charged to the person making the street opening.
The owner or occupant of any lot abutting a sidewalk in the Village shall keep the same clear of snow and ice at all times at his or her own expense. The owner or occupant of any lot abutting a sidewalk in the Village shall keep the same in good repair at his or her own expense.
Any person failing to remove snow or ice from the sidewalk within 24 hours after a snowfall or sleet storm shall be subject to a forfeiture and the Village may have the sidewalk cleared and the cost thereof levied as a special tax against the property. Any person, upon notification from the Village Public Works Director, failing to keep their abutting sidewalk in good repair shall be subject to a forfeiture and the Village may have the sidewalk repaired and the cost thereof levied as a special tax against the property.
No person clearing snow or ice shall place, deposit or cause to be placed or deposited any snow or ice upon any public street in the Village.
No person shall place, or cause to be placed, snow or ice that is being removed from his or her property into any street or alley or onto any other public property.
No person shall place, or cause to be placed, snow or ice that is being removed from his or her property onto the property of another person unless prior permission has been obtained from the owner of that property. Snow or ice being so removed shall not be placed in such a way as to block or obstruct access to adjacent parcels of property, mailboxes, fire hydrants, sidewalks, or driveways.
All individuals and/or companies performing snow and or ice removal services shall comply with the above regulations.
Address map.
The Village has caused a survey to be made and there is hereby assigned to each house and building located on any street, alley, highway or avenue in the Village its respective number under the uniform system provided for in this section as shown on the map designated as the "Official Address Map of the Village of Williams Bay," adopted herein by reference and kept on file in the office of the Clerk. This map shall be opened to inspection by all persons during the office hours of the Clerk. Within 60 days after the effective date of this chapter, the owner, occupant or agent shall place or cause to be placed upon each house or building controlled by him the number or numbers assigned under the uniform system provided for in this section.
The cost of such number or numbers shall be paid for by the property owner.
The number shall be conspicuously placed immediately above, on or at the side of the property door of each building so that the number can plainly be seen 75 feet from the street. Whenever any building is situated more than 75 feet from the street line, the number of each building shall be conspicuously displayed on an appropriate post within 75 feet from the street line so as to be easily discernible.
Multiunit dwellings.
Where only one number can be assigned to any house or building, the owner, occupant or agent of such house or building, who shall desire distinctive numbers for the upper and lower portion of any such house or building, or for any part of such house or building fronting on any street, the suffix "A," "B," "C," etc., may be used.
Where only one number is assigned to a group of buildings such as a cluster development, the owner, occupant or agent of such group of buildings, who shall desire distinctive numbers for each building, may use the suffix "Bldg. 1," "Bldg. 2," etc., as may be required. Where separate unit numbers are desired within a building within a group, the suffix "Bldg. 1, Unit A," "Bldg. 1, Unit B," etc., may be used as required.
Responsibility of Building Inspector. It shall be the duty of the Building Inspector to inform any party of the number or numbers belonging to or embraced within the limits of the lot or property as provided in this section. In case of doubt as to the proper number to be assigned to any lot or building, the Building Inspector shall determine such number.
Responsibility of owner.
Whenever any house, building or structure shall hereafter be erected or located in the Village, it shall be the duty of the owner to produce the number so assigned upon the building as provided by this section. No building permit shall be issued for any house, building or structure until the owner has procured from the Building Inspector the official number of the premises.
If the owner or occupant of any building required to be numbered by this section shall neglect for more than 30 days to attach and maintain the proper number of such building, the Building Inspector shall cause to be served upon him the notice requiring such owner or occupant to properly number the same and, if he neglects to do so for 10 days after the serving of such notice, he shall be deemed to have violated this section. Upon conviction thereof, he shall be subject to a penalty as provided in § 314-8 of this chapter.
Purpose and scope. The Village Board does hereby declare it to be the policy of the Village to require underground transmission facilities. The purpose of this chapter is to create the legal framework for a comprehensive and balanced exercise of police power to facilitate greater harmony between people and their environment and to prevent and remedy the exposure of the people to the hazards of overhead public utility or cable television transmission lines. This section is adopted to require the underground construction of certain future transmission lines. With this purpose in mind, it is the intent of this section to preserve and to protect the following values and benefits that the Village Board finds will be harmed in the absence of this section:
Scenic, aesthetic and other recreational values.
The improvement of general civic appearance.
Harmony between man's surroundings and activities.
The removal of safety hazards to pedestrians and motorists.
Protecting the integrity of trees and other vegetation.
Overcoming the loss of service and the attendant hazard to people and wildlife because of downed lines due to windstorm, ice, accident or equipment failure.
Eliminating damage to overhead lines and poles caused by vandalism, wildlife or accident.
Eliminating damage to wildlife caused by the presence of poles and overhead lines.
Definitions. All terms are to be broadly construed to effectuate the purposes of this section.
The building, erection or placement of a transmission line, but shall not be construed to mean:
Maintenance and repair activity on a transmission line, including the replacement of part of the transmission line for maintenance or repair purposes.
The addition of an overhead transmission line to poles which already exist.
The use of a machine for trenching, back-hoeing or plowing or for tunneling or boring under existing highway pavements or railroad tracks to excavate for the installation of an underground transmission line.
Construction requiring excavation by other than conventional construction methods.
Above ground level.
Any tower or other structure of any material designed for the purpose of supporting aloft overhead transmission lines.
The meaning prescribed in § 196.01, Wis. Stats., and shall not be construed to include the operations conducted under Chapter 160, Cable Television, of this Code.
To substitute a new transmission line for an already existing transmission line.
To increase the capacity of existing transmission lines to existing transmission poles.
Any wire or coaxial cable used for the transmission of electrical energy, radio or television signals or telephone or other voice communication and any equipment appurtenant thereto, except a conductor of energy which with associated facilities is designed for operation at a nominal voltage of 138 kilovolts or more, but shall not mean wire, coaxial cable or appurtenant equipment between a distribution transmission line and a customer's premises.
Below the surface of the earth in conformity with any other applicable ordinance or statute.
Any natural undisturbed soil conditions where underground transmission facilities cannot reasonably be installed by trenching, back-hoeing or plowing or where the following depths of workable soil do not exist above the water table or above the top of an area previously used for waste disposal:
120 to 240 volts
7.2 kilovolts
12.4 kilovolts
13.8 kilovolts
69 kilovolts
See "public utility."
Area of application. All territory within the corporate limits of the Village shall be subject to the provisions of this section.
Underground construction required.
All transmission lines hereinafter constructed in the Village shall be constructed underground and no person shall construct any transmission line in the Village above the ground level or maintain a transmission line constructed in violation of this section; provided, however, that the grantee of the franchise described in Chapter 160, Cable Television, of this Code shall be permitted to construct overhead facilities where such installation is permitted by Chapter 160, Cable Television, and agencies of the Village shall be permitted to construct overhead facilities where such construction is installed on an existing pole or poles.
Provided further, the provisions of this subsection shall not apply:
Where the construction of a temporary overhead transmission line is necessary to restore service to one or more customers in the event the loss of service was caused by defective plant, but this exception shall not apply for longer than five months.
Where an existing transmission line is being reinforced.
Where unusual subsoil conditions restrict underground transmission line construction using conventional construction methods and render underground construction economically unfeasible.
Where overhead service is needed to provide temporary service to construction sites until an occupancy permit is issued for the premises served or until the construction work performed on the construction site is substantially completed.
Where it has been determined by the Village Board or its designee that such underground construction will have an adverse environmental or economic impact upon a part or all of the Village.
Location and construction of transmission lines to be approved by the Village or its designee.
No person shall construct any overhead transmission line or its appurtenant poles, pipes or conduits therefor within the Village unless they shall have first submitted to the Village Clerk an application therefor showing the precise route of the proposed transmission line or its appurtenant poles, pipes or conduits and stating precisely the proposed area to be occupied; a description of the construction work; and the estimated duration thereof, and no such transmission line or its appurtenant poles, pipes or conduit therefor shall be constructed or laid until a permit for such construction work shall have been first obtained from the Village Board or its designee.
The Director of Public Works is hereby designated to act for the Village Board on all such applications filed. The Director of Public Works shall review, approve, conditionally approve or reject all such applications.
The administrative determination of the Director of Public Works as provided herein shall be set forth in writing and if such determination either conditionally approves or denies the application, the reasons therefor shall be set forth in writing upon such conditional approval or denial which shall be delivered in person or mailed by first class mail to the applicant. Any administrative decision of the Director of Public Works as provided for herein shall be reviewable in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 5, Administrative Review, of this Code.
Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, any person who shall violate any provision, rule or order hereunder, upon conviction thereof, shall be subject to a penalty as provided in § 1-4 of this Code.