[HISTORY: Adopted by the Village Board of the Village of Williams Bay as Ch. 6 and § 8.10 of the 2011 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Except as otherwise specifically provided in this chapter, the statutory provisions in Chs. 340 to 348 and §§ 350.01 to 350.99, 941.01 and 23.33, Wis. Stats., describing and defining regulations with respect to vehicles, snowmobiles, traffic and all-terrain vehicles, including procedure for prosecution and penalties to be imposed, are hereby adopted and by reference made a part of this chapter as if fully set forth herein. Any act required to be performed or prohibited by any regulation incorporated herein by reference is required or prohibited by this chapter. Any future amendments, revisions or modifications of the statutes incorporated herein are intended to be made part of this chapter to secure uniform statewide regulation of traffic on the highways, streets and alleys of the state.[1]
Editor's Note: Original § 6.02, Speed limits, which immediately followed this section, was repealed 3-6-2017 by Ord. No. 2017-1.
[Amended 4-18-2016 by Ord. No. 2016-3]
Through highways. In the interest of public safety and pursuant to authority granted by Wisconsin law, the following highways or portions thereof are declared to be through highways:
Name of Street
All state trunk highways
Cedar Point Drive
Cherry Street
Conference Point Drive
Congress Street
Collie Street at its intersection with Congress Street
Geneva Street
Walworth Avenue
Williams Street at its intersection with Cherry Street
Stop signs. In the interests of public safety, stop signs shall be installed by the Chief of Police in conformity with the Wisconsin Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices at all controlled intersections. Placement and location of stop signs shall be enumerated by Village resolution and adopted by the Village Board. All motor vehicles shall stop at the posted stop signs pursuant to § 346.46, Wis. Stats.
Duty of the Chief of Police to erect and install uniform traffic control devices. Whenever traffic regulations created by this chapter, including a Wisconsin traffic regulation adopted by reference herein, require the erection of traffic control devices for enforcement, the Director of Public Works, with the cooperation of the Police Department, shall procure, erect and maintain uniform traffic control devices conforming to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices promulgated by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, giving notice of such traffic regulation to the users of the streets and highways on which such regulations apply. Whenever state law grants discretion to local authorities in erecting or placement of a uniform traffic code device, devices shall be erected in such locations and in such a manner as in the judgment of the Chief of Police will carry out the purposes of this chapter and give adequate warning to users of the streets and highways of the Village.
Operators to obey traffic control devices. Every operator of a vehicle approaching an intersection at which an official traffic control device is erected in accordance with this chapter shall obey the direction of such official traffic control device as required by the Wisconsin Statutes incorporated by reference in this chapter. Operators of vehicles approaching a stop sign shall stop before entering a highway as required by § 346.46, Wis. Stats.
Prohibited signs and markers in highways. No person other than an officer authorized by this chapter to erect and maintain official traffic control devices, or his or her designee, shall place within the limits of any street or highway maintained by the Village any sign, signal, marker, mark or monument unless permission is first obtained from the Department of Public Works, in consultation with the Chief of Police, or, where applicable, the State Department of Transportation. Any sign, signal, marker, mark or monument placed or maintained in violation of this subsection shall be subject to removal as provided in Subsection F of this section.
Removal of unofficial signs, markers, signals, and traffic control devices. The Department of Public Works or Chief of Police, or their designee, may remove any sign, signal, marking, item or other device which is placed, maintained or displayed in violation of this chapter or state law.
Name of Street
Walworth Avenue
Between Geneva Street and Cherry Street
Boat launch parking. No person shall park or leave standing a vehicle or trailer in the boat launch parking lot in a manner that is contrary to the restrictions that the Village Board may impose on the parking of vehicles and trailers and which are listed on the official signs that are posted in that parking lot by the Village of Williams Bay.
Penalty for violation of § 345-4A(1) shall be as follows: the penalty provisions of this Code of Ordinances, § 1-4 herein, shall apply except for a violation of § 345-4A(1) a minimum forfeiture of $25.
Walworth Avenue parking. No person shall park a vehicle on Walworth Avenue between Geneva Street and Cherry Street except at an angle on the east side of the street and parallel to the west side of the street between the marked lines. Parking on Walworth Avenue between Geneva Street and Cherry Street shall be limited to not more than two hours in duration and shall be marked by official "two-hour parking zone" signs.
[Amended 4-17-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-05]
Other regulations.
Parking meters. When any vehicle is parked in a parking meter zone, the vehicle operator shall deposit or cause to be deposited a coin of the denomination indicated and put such meter in operation. Failure to deposit such coin and put the meter in operation is prohibited.
One- or two-hour zones. When signs have been erected upon any street indicating that stopping, standing and parking is limited to one hour, limited to two hours or is prohibited during designated hours as specified thereon, no person shall park any vehicle on such street in violation of any such signs.
Double parking. No operator of any vehicle shall stop, stand or double park in a roadway other than parallel with the edge of curb of the roadway headed in the direction of lawful traffic movement.
Blocking alley. No operator of any vehicle shall stop, stand or park such vehicle within an alley in such position as to block the driveway or entrance to any abutting property.
Blocking driveway. No operator of any vehicle shall stop, stand or park at any place where the standing of any vehicle will block the use of any driveway.
Wrong side of street. No person shall stand or park a vehicle in a roadway other than parallel with the edge of curb of the roadway headed in the direction of lawful traffic movement.
Winter night parking restrictions. No person shall park, stop or leave standing any vehicle on any Village street between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. from November 15 of each year to April 15 of the following year. Signs shall be erected at or reasonably near the corporate Village limits as provided in § 349.13, Wis. Stats., advising of the existence of this subsection. Permission for parking for guests of residents may be granted by the Police Department on a per-night basis for not more than 14 consecutive days for any one person or vehicle. Such permission may be granted by the Police Department upon a phone notification for not more than three days. If request is made for permission to park for more than three days, applicant shall complete an appropriate application at the Police Department for such purpose.
Parking during snow emergencies. Whenever the Chief of Police shall, by reason of heavy snow storm or blizzard, proclaim a snow emergency pursuant to § 323.11, Wis. Stats., no person shall park, stop or leave standing any vehicle upon the streets or any portions of the streets during the hours as set forth in the proclamation.
Fire hydrant. No operator of any vehicle shall stop, stand or park such vehicle at any curb within 10 feet of a fire hydrant.
[Amended 9-7-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-09]
No-parking zone. No operator of any vehicle shall stop, stand or park at any place where official signs have been erected indicating a no-parking zone.
Improper parking. No person shall park any vehicle upon a street in such manner or under such conditions as to leave available less than 18 feet of the width of the roadway for free movement of vehicular traffic on a two-way street or less than 10 feet of the width of the roadway for free movement of vehicular traffic on a one-way street.
Yellow line. No operator of any vehicle shall stop, stand or park in any area along the curbing that has been striped yellow.
Official signs. No person shall park a vehicle contrary to the notice specified on such sign.
Parking on crosswalk or intersection. No operator of any vehicle shall stop, stand or park within 15 feet of a crosswalk or intersection, except in a roadway marked with lines designating parking spaces.
Parking at or opposite fire station. No operator of any vehicle shall stop, stand or park such vehicle at any place within 20 feet of the entrance to any fire station, and on the side of any lot opposite the entrance to any fire station within 75 feet of such entrance.
Parking on sidewalk. No operator of any vehicle shall stop, stand or park such vehicle on any sidewalk.
Parking in private parking lot. No person not so entitled shall park a vehicle in a private parking lot unless authorized by order of the custodian.
Parking in public parking lot. No person shall park a vehicle upon any property owned by a company or the Village and used for the transaction of public business where such parking is prohibited by order of the custodian of such property.
Parking obstructing traffic. The operator of a vehicle shall not operate such vehicle to allow the same to remain upon any street in such a manner as to form an unreasonable obstruction to the traffic thereon.
Handicapped parking. Except for a motor vehicle used by a physically disabled person as defined under § 346.503(1), Wis. Stats., no person may park, stop or leave standing any vehicle, whether attended or unattended and whether temporarily or otherwise, upon any portion of a street, highway or parking facility reserved, by official traffic signs indicating the restriction, for vehicles displaying special registration plates issued under § 341.14(1), (1a), (1e), (1m) or (1q), Wis. Stats., or a special identification card issued under § 343.51, Wis. Stats., or vehicles registered in another jurisdiction and displaying a registration plate, card or emblem issued by the other jurisdiction which designates the vehicle as a vehicle used by a physically disabled person. The penalty provisions of this Code, § 1-4 herein, shall apply, except the minimum forfeiture upon conviction of this § 345-4C(20) shall be $150 and the maximum forfeiture shall be $300, together with cost of prosecution.
[Amended 9-7-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-09]
Semi-tractor, trailer parking. Semitrailers, tractor semitrailers or truck tractors, as defined in § 340.01, Wis. Stats., shall not park on any Village street, except that such vehicles may park on the street for the purpose of loading or unloading and only during such time while actively engaged in loading or unloading the vehicle.
Payment of municipal fees required. No person shall park or leave standing any vehicle on any street or public parking area belonging to or leased by the Village after having obtained a municipal benefit or a municipal service without first paying the required fee for the use or benefit thereof. The owner of a vehicle involved in a violation of this subsection shall be liable for a violation hereof subject to the defenses to the owner defined and described in § 346.485(5)(b), Wis. Stats. This subsection shall be enforced using the nonmoving traffic violation procedure set forth in § 345.28, Wis. Stats., with the forfeiture to be $55 for a violation of this subsection.
Terrace or parkway. No person shall park, stop or leave standing any vehicle or trailer on any Village terrace or parkway where curb and gutter are installed. "Terrace or parkway" is defined as the area between the curb and the sidewalk or, if sidewalk is not installed, the area between the curb and the abutting property line.
Street maintenance.
Whenever it is necessary to maintain, repair or restore a Village street or highway or any part thereof, the Chief of Police shall post appropriate signs bearing the words "No Parking - Street Maintenance Work."
Such signs shall be erected at least two hours prior to the time street or highway maintenance, repair or restoration work is to be commenced and shall remain in place until all maintenance, repair or restoration work is completed. The street or highway shall include the berm, shoulder, terrace and all areas within the public right-of-way involved in the maintenance, repair or restoration of the street or highway. No person shall park a motor vehicle in violation of such signs.
Resident parking lots. No person shall park a vehicle in a parking lot or other parking area marked by official signs indicating that lot or parking area is restricted for use by residents vehicles properly displaying resident parking permits. Resident parking permits shall be affixed to the vehicle for which they are issued in the manner prescribed by the Village at the time of issuance.
Extended parking of trailers prohibited. No person shall park, stop, or leave standing a trailer as defined by § 340.01(71), Wis. Stats., on any Village street for a period of time in excess of 24 hours.
Parking permitted along Collie Street adjacent to school. Parking in designated parking spots along the west side of Collie Street is permitted during the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. during school days from the intersection of Hickory Street north to a point 139 feet south of the intersection of Collie Street and Congress Street.
Removal of illegally parked vehicles.
Hazard to public safety. Any vehicle parked, stopped or standing in violation of any of the provisions of this chapter is declared to be a hazard to traffic and public safety.
Removal by operator. Such vehicle shall be removed by the operator in charge, upon request of any traffic officer, to a position where parking is permitted or to a private or public parking or storage premises.
Removal by traffic officer. Any traffic officer, after issuing a citation for illegal parking, stopping or standing of an unattended vehicle in violation of this chapter, is authorized to remove such vehicle to a position where parking is permitted.
Removal by private services. The officer may order a motor carrier holding a permit to perform vehicle towing services, a licensed motor vehicle salvage dealer or a licensed motor vehicle dealer who performs vehicle towing services to remove and store such vehicle in any public storage garage or rental parking grounds or any facility of the person providing the towing services.
Towing and storage charges. In addition to other penalties provided by this chapter, the owner or operator of a vehicle so removed shall pay the actual cost of moving, towing and storage. If the vehicle is towed by the Police Department, a charge as set forth on a schedule of charges established by the Village Board shall be paid for such towing. If the vehicle is towed or stored by a private motor carrier, motor vehicle salvage dealer or licensed motor vehicle dealer, actual charges regularly paid for such services shall be paid. If the vehicle is stored in a public storage garage or rental facility, customary charges for such storage shall be paid. Upon payment, a receipt shall be issued to the owner of the vehicle for the towing or storage charge.
Registration record of vehicle as evidence. When any vehicle is found in violation of any provision of this chapter regulating the stopping, standing or parking of vehicles and the identity of the operator cannot be determined, the owner as shown by the ownership registration of the vehicle supplied by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, or a comparable authority of any other state, shall be deemed to have committed the violation for purposes of enforcement of this chapter and shall be subject to the applicable forfeiture penalty; provided, the defenses defined and described in § 346.485(5)(b), Wis. Stats., shall be a defense for an owner charged with such violation.
Removal of parking citations prohibited. No person, other than the owner or operator thereof, shall remove a parking violation or citation from a motor vehicle.
The Chief of Police is hereby authorized and directed to procure, erect and maintain appropriate standard traffic signs, signals and markings conforming to the rules of the State Department of Transportation giving such notice of the provisions of this chapter as required by state law.
Signs shall also be erected in such locations and manner as authorized by the governing body as to give adequate warning to users of the street, alley or highway in question.
[Amended 2-2-2015]
No person shall start or accelerate any motor vehicle, motor-driven cycle or motor-driven machinery with unnecessary exhibition of speed or power on any public or private way within the Village.
Prima facie evidence of such unnecessary exhibition of speed or power shall be unreasonable squealing or screeching sounds emitted by the tires, the throwing of sand or gravel by the tires, the spinning of tires, or excessive noise of the engine.
An "unnecessary exhibition of speed" shall mean speed greater than needed to accelerate into the traffic flow.
In addition to the state snowmobile laws adopted by § 345-1 of this chapter, the following special provisions are hereby adopted:
Operation of snowmobiles and recreational vehicles prohibited. No person shall operate a minibike, all-terrain vehicle (ATV) or any other recreational vehicle not registered as a motor vehicle within the Village. Snowmobiles may be operated upon a snowmobile trail or route as designated herein.
Snowmobile routes designated. Operation of snowmobiles within the Village limits is prohibited except as provided in §§ 350.02 and 350.04, Wis. Stats., or for snowmobile events authorized in accordance with § 350.04, Wis. Stats., and only upon the following designated routes of travel for snowmobiles:
On the official snowmobile trail or route as established, properly marked and shown on the snowmobile trail or route map on file with the Village Clerk and approved by the Village Board.
On a private snowmobile trail located upon private property with the annual consent of the owner or lessee as provided herein and approved by the Village Board. The private snowmobile trail permitted herein must be conspicuously marked at all times as a private trail for use only by consent of owner. Written consent of owner required under § 350.10(1)(f), (k), (l) and (m), Wis. Stats., shall be an annual consent, dated and limited to the season for which the consent is given. If the property is owned or leased by more than one person, the consent of each shall be obtained. All such consents shall be approved by the Village Board.
Additional regulations applying to the operation of snowmobiles within the Village limits.
Unattended snowmobiles. No person shall leave or allow a snowmobile to remain unattended on any public highway or property while the motor is running or with the starting key in the ignition.
Snowmobile renter's license.
No person shall engage in the business of renting or leasing of snowmobiles to the public, or of renting or leasing the use of a snowmobile track or other private property to the public for the operation of snowmobiles thereon, unless he has a license therefor as provided in this section.
The application for a snowmobile renter's license shall be filed with the Village Clerk and shall include the name of the owner of the premises upon which such business will be conducted, the proposed period and hours of operation, the name of the person who will conduct the business, the state registration of such commercial owner, if any, and the registration number of any snowmobiles to be leased by such operators and such information as the Village Board may require. The application shall be accompanied by a fee as provided in the Village Fee Schedule,[1] which shall be refunded to the applicant in the event a license is denied.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Editor's Note: The current Fee Schedule is on file in the Village office.
No license shall be issued unless approved by the Village Board after a public hearing on the application. Notice of such hearing shall be given by publication of a Class 1 notice under Ch. 985, Wis. Stats. The Village Board shall approve issuance of a license only if it determines that the public health, safety and welfare will not be adversely affected thereby, and that the following terms and conditions are met:
The applicant must file proof of liability insurance in force covering the premises to be licensed and any snowmobiles to be rented or offered for use to the public, with limits of $50,000/$300,000/$10,000.
The use of the premises must conform with the requirements of the Village Zoning and Building Codes and be approved by the Building Inspector.
The licensing period shall be for one year or portion thereof, expiring June 30, with no proration of the fee for a period of less than one year.
The Clerk shall issue a new license to any person holding a valid license for the preceding season under this section upon payment of the annual license fee; provided, however, that any such applicant has not been convicted within the preceding 12 months of violation of this section or any state statute regulating or restricting the use of snowmobiles or snowmobile renters. If any such applicant has been so convicted, he will have to make a new application for consideration.
[Added 1-4-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-01; amended 8-21-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-06]
It is unlawful for any person while operating a motor vehicle within the corporate limits of the Village to use an engine braking system, also referred to as a "Jake Brake®," not utilizing engine brake mufflers which effectively prevent excessive noise.
Editor's Note: Former § 345-8, Absolute sobriety, was repealed in 2010. See § 345-1.
Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Every two-wheeled and three-wheeled vehicle in or upon or by which any person may be transported or drawn upon any public highway or street except devices moved by human power or used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks.
License required. No person shall rent or offer to rent any motor-driven cycle within the Village without first having obtained a license to rent the same as hereinafter provided.
Application. Application for such license shall be made to the Village Clerk upon forms furnished by the Village requiring the full name and address of the applicant, the location at which the cycles will be kept, and the make, model and license number of each cycle to be rented out.
Insurance. Prior to the issuance of such license, the applicant shall file with the Village Clerk a policy of insurance by a company licensed to do business in Wisconsin covering the use, operation and maintenance of such cycles in the amount of $10,000 because of bodily injury to or death of one person in any one accident, $20,000 because of bodily injury or death of two or more persons in any one accident and in the amount of $5,000 because of injury to or destruction of property of others in any one accident.
Fees. The license fee shall be as provided in the Village Fee Schedule.[1] The license year shall commence June 1 of each year. If less than six months remain of the license year, the fee shall be reduced by 50%.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Editor's Note: The current Fee Schedule is on file in the Village office.
Approval. The Village Clerk shall present each license application to the Village Board at its next regular meeting after the filing. The Board may approve such application, provided that the following tests are met:
That the applicant is financially responsible and has a written lease for or owns a site from which to operate a cycle rental business and that such site is zoned properly for such use. Copy of such lease or deed shall be filed with the application.
The applicant or one employee has a sound knowledge of the operation, repair and maintenance of motor-driven cycles.
The applicant agrees to properly instruct each prospective renter as to the use and operation of the cycles, all traffic and safety regulations and that cycles will not be rented to persons under 18 years of age or to persons not having a valid driver's license.
Conduct of renters. It shall be the responsibility of the licensee to ensure that all renters of such cycles operate the same only on public highways and in a prudent and safe manner. Repeated violations of any safety rule, regulation, ordinance or statute shall be grounds for recision of the license. In addition, the Village Board may revoke such license for failure to maintain the cycles so licensed in good working condition.
Records. The licensee shall prepare and maintain a registration card for each renter containing the license number, type of cycle, and name and address and driver's license number of each person renting the cycle. Such cards shall be available at all times for the inspection and information of the Police Department of the Village.
The penalty for violation of any provision of this chapter shall be a forfeiture and penalty assessment if required by § 757.05, Wis. Stats., a jail assessment if required by § 302.46, Wis. Stats., plus any applicable fees prescribed in Ch. 814, Wis. Stats.
State forfeiture statutes. Forfeitures for violation of any statute adopted by reference for which the penalty is a forfeiture shall conform to the forfeiture permitted to be imposed for violation of the statutes adopted by reference, including any variations or increases for subsequent offenses.
State fine statutes. The forfeiture for violation of any statute adopted by reference hereunder for which the penalty is a fine shall not exceed the maximum fine permitted under such statute.
Local regulations. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the penalty for violation of this chapter shall be as provided in § 1-4 of this Code.
Parking violations. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter or any other traffic regulation of the Village, the forfeiture for a violation of any parking regulation or restriction shall not be more than $100, except for a handicapped parking violation. The person to whom the ticket has been issued may settle the Village's claim by paying the minimum forfeiture stated on the ticket to the Village within three days of issuance.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
Snowmobile violations. Any person who shall violate any provision of Ch. 350, Wis. Stats., except §§ 350.08 and 350.10(1)(c), shall, upon conviction thereof, forfeit not more than $250 together with costs of prosecution, and in default of payment thereof may be imprisoned in the county jail not to exceed 90 days, and any person who shall violate §§ 350.07, 350.08 and 350.10(3), Wis. Stats., shall, upon conviction thereof, forfeit not more than $200, together with the costs of prosecution, and in default of payment thereof may be imprisoned in the county jail not to exceed 90 days.
Procedure. This chapter shall be enforced according to §§ 23.33, 66.0114, 345.11 to 345.61 and 350.17 and Ch. 800, Wis. Stats.
Any person arrested for a violation of this chapter may make a deposit of money as directed by the arresting officer at the police station or at the office of the Clerk of Court or by mailing the deposit to such places. The arresting officer or the person receiving the deposit shall notify the arrested person, orally or in writing, that:
If the person makes a deposit for a violation of a traffic regulation, the person need not appear in court at the time fixed in the citation and the person will be deemed to have tendered plea of no contest and submitted to a forfeiture and penalty assessment if required by § 757.05, Wis. Stats., a jail assessment if required by § 302.46, Wis. Stats., plus any applicable fees prescribed in Ch. 814, Wis. Stats., not to exceed the amount of the deposit that the court may accept as provided in § 345.37, Wis. Stats.
If the person fails to make a deposit for a violation of a traffic regulation or appear in court at the time fixed in the citation, the court may enter a default judgment finding the person guilty of the offense or issue a warrant for his arrest.
The amount of the deposit shall be determined in accordance with the State of Wisconsin Revised Uniform State Traffic Deposit Schedule established by the Wisconsin Judicial Conference and shall include the penalty assessment established under § 757.05, Wis. Stats., jail assessment and court costs. If a deposit schedule has not been established, the arresting officer shall require the alleged offender to deposit the forfeiture established by the Police Chief, which shall include the penalty assessment established under § 757.05, Wis. Stats. Deposits for nonmoving violations shall not include the penalty assessment.
The arresting officer or the person receiving the deposit shall issue the arrested person a receipt therefor as required by § 345.26(3)(b), Wis. Stats.
Petition to reopen judgment. Whenever a person has been convicted in this state on the basis of a forfeiture of deposit or a plea of guilty or no contest and the person was not informed as required under § 345.27(1) and (2), Wis. Stats., the person may, within 60 days after being notified of the revocation or suspension of the operating privilege, petition the court to reopen the judgment and grant him an opportunity to defend on merits. If the court finds that the petitioner was not informed as required under § 345.27(1) and (2), Wis. Stats., the court shall order the judgment reopened. The court order reopening the judgment automatically reinstates the revoked or suspended operating privilege.