[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the Township of Hamiltonban 10-7-1963 by Ord. No. 1963-02. Amendments noted where applicable.]
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation owning or having a present interest in any real estate in the Township of Hamiltonban as owner, lessor, lessee, occupant or otherwise to use or to permit or suffer to be used any portion of said real estate for the establishment and/or maintenance of a junkyard or salvage yard or other place used and maintained for the collection, accumulation, storage or disposal of used or secondhand goods or materials should any portion of the land so used for said purpose be within 500 feet of a church, cemetery, school, playground, ball park, public road, highway, alley or place of public resort, and within 100 feet of a neighbor's property line, or in any manner that would constitute a nuisance. The provisions of this section shall not be effective where all of the goods and materials of a junkyard or salvage yard or other place used and maintained for the collection, accumulation or storage or disposal of used or secondhand goods and materials are contained and stored entirely within a substantial building or other structure which is not of unsightly appearance.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation owning or having a present interest in any real estate in the Township of Hamiltonban as owner, lessor, lessee, occupant or otherwise to use or to permit or suffer to be used any portion of said real estate for the establishment and/or maintenance of a junkyard or salvage yard or other place used and maintained for the collection or storage or disposal of used or secondhand goods and materials without the person, firm or corporation carrying on said business first having obtained from the President of the Board of Supervisors of Hamiltonban Township a license issued under the provisions of § 216-3 hereof, after the President of the Board shall have obtained a favorable recommendation of the Ordinance Committee of the Township as to the issuance of the same.
[Amended 2-1-1971 by Ord. No. 1971-01]
Any person, firm or corporation intending to establish or maintain a junkyard or salvage yard or other place used and maintained for the collection or storage or disposal of used or secondhand goods and materials shall apply to the President of the Board of Supervisors of Hamiltonban Township for a license to establish and maintain the same whereupon the President of the Board shall cause inspection to be made by the Ordinance Committee of the premises described in said application, and should it appear by investigation that the establishment and maintenance of the same will not violate provisions of § 216-1 hereof, the President of the Board shall issue a license to the applicant for a period of one year from date of issuance for the annual license fee of $75. This license shall be renewed annually by the Secretary at the same rate should the President of the Board, upon investigation by the Ordinance Committee of application filed, find that the provisions of this chapter have not been violated.
A license issued under the provisions of § 216-3 hereof shall be conspicuously displayed on the interior of a building on the licensed premises during the entire term of existence of license.
All junkyards or salvage yards or other places used and maintained for the collection or storage or disposal of used or secondhand goods and materials established or maintained under the provisions of this chapter shall be kept in a neat and orderly manner.
All junkyards or salvage yards or other places used and maintained for the collection or storage or disposal of used or secondhand goods and materials established or maintained under the provisions of this chapter and having obtained a license as herein provided shall upon violation of the provisions of this chapter have the license revoked in the discretion of the Ordinance Committee.
The term junkyard or salvage yard or other place used and maintained for the collection or storage or disposal of used or secondhand goods and materials are expressly included within the terms and meaning of this chapter even though the same may be in conjunction with, or as a part of, a garage or service station operation.
No such yard or business shall be established within any block or area which is predominantly residential.
No water may be permitted to accumulate.
Grass or weeds shall not be permitted to grow higher than one foot from the ground.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation owning or having a present interest in any real estate in the Township of Hamiltonban as owner, lessor, lessee, occupant or otherwise to use or to permit or suffer to be used any portion of said real estate for the burning of wrecked or junked motor vehicles, or parts thereof, without special permission from the Board of Supervisors.
Any junkyard or salvage yard or other place used and maintained for the collection or storage or disposal of used or secondhand goods or materials established and maintained in violation of the provisions of this chapter is hereby declared to be obnoxious and offensive business detrimental to the health, safety and comfort of the inhabitants of this Township and the public in attendance at places of public resort mentioned herein and shall be deemed to constitute a public nuisance.
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate the provisions of any section of this chapter shall be subject to a fine of not less than $10 nor more than $100 upon conviction before any Magisterial District Judge and, in addition thereto, shall be liable to pay the costs of removal of the materials deposited in violation of the provisions hereof. In default of payment of the fine and costs and cost of removal of materials aforesaid, shall undergo imprisonment in the Adams County jail not exceeding 30 days. Each day of violation shall be considered a separate offense.