[Adopted 2-5-2019 by Ord. No. 01-2019[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also repealed former Art. V, Board of Recreation Commissioners, derived from Sec. 2-16 of the 1975 Code, as amended.
There is hereby established in the Borough of Franklin a Recreation Committee. The Recreation Committee members shall be appointed by the Mayor, with advice and consent of the Council. The members of any subcommittees of the Recreation Committee shall be appointed by the Recreation Committee.
The Recreation Committee shall consist of up to nine members.
The Recreation Committee shall select a Chairperson by a majority vote of the membership of the Recreation Committee. The Chairperson shall serve as Chair for a term of one year.
Each member of the Recreation Committee shall serve for a term of three years. Any vacancies to the Recreation Committee shall be filled by appointment by the Mayor, with advice and consent of the Council, for the unexpired term.
No member of the Recreation Committee shall receive any compensation for serving on the Recreation Committee or any subcommittee.
The Recreation Committee shall be responsible for all Franklin Borough recreation activities. It shall conduct and oversee forms of recreation and/or cultural activities for the residents of Franklin Borough. The Recreation Committee may conduct such activities on properties under the control and/or ownership of Franklin Borough, as well as on private properties.
The Recreation Committee shall have full control, supervision and scheduling of all events held at Franklin Borough's parks, playgrounds, playfields, and other recreation and leisure areas ("facilities") owned or controlled by Franklin Borough.
The Recreation Committee, with the consent of the Mayor and Council, may charge and collect fees for the usage of such facilities. All fees are to be approved by the Mayor and Council. The Recreation Committee by majority vote of the members of the Recreation Committee may waive or reduce such usage fees, for good cause.
The Recreation Committee may adopt rules as may be necessary. All rules and regulations are subject to the prior approval of the Mayor and Council. All participants shall adhere to all approved rules and regulations promulgated by the Recreation Committee.
The Mayor and Council will appropriate sums which, in their opinion, are satisfactory for the Recreation Committee to enable it to pay its expenses. The Recreation Committee may also solicit or receive any gifts or bequests of money, other personal property or any donation, to be applied toward temporary or permanent use of parks, playgrounds and recreational facilities. All monies received by the Recreation Committee shall be paid over to the CFO and shall be kept in a special fund dedicated for park and recreational facilities.