[Ord. No. 68-1977, § 1, 5/10/1977]
Unless the context specifically and clearly indicates otherwise, the meaning of terms and phrases used in this article shall be as follows:
South Hanover Township Sewer Authority, a Pennsylvania municipality authority.
The extension from the sewage drainage system of any structure to the service lateral of a collection sewer.
The authority's collection sanitary sewers located under highways, roads, streets, and rights-of-way with branch service laterals that collect and convey sanitary sewage or industrial wastes or a combination of both and into which storm, surface, and ground waters or industrial wastes are not intentionally admitted.
Each individual building or house whether constructed as a detached unit or as one of a pair or row which is designed or adaptable to separate ownership for use as a family dwelling unit or for commercial or industrial purposes. A school, factory, apartment house, office building, or other multiple unit structure whose individual apartments or units are connected to a common internal sewage system and which are not commonly subject to separate ownership shall be considered as one connection unit.
Any property located within this Township upon which there is erected a structure intended for continuous or periodic habitation, occupancy or use by human beings or animals and from which structure sanitary sewage and/or industrial wastes shall be or may be discharged.
Any room, group of rooms, building, or other enclosure used or intended for use, in whole or in part, in the operation of a business enterprise for the manufacturing, fabricating, processing, cleaning, laundering, or assembling of any product, commodity or article, or from which any process waste, as distinct from sanitary sewage, shall be discharged.
Any solid, liquid or gaseous substance or water borne wastes or form of energy rejected or escaping in the course of any industrial, manufacturing, trade or business process or in the course of the development, recovery, or processing of natural resources, as distinct from sanitary sewage.
Any person vested with ownership, legal or equitable, sole or partial, of any improved property.
Any individual, partnership, company, association, society, trust, corporation or other group or entity.
Normal water-carried household and toilet wastes discharged from any improved property.
That part of the sewer system extending from a collection sewer to the curbline or, if there shall be no curbline, to the property line or, if no such service lateral shall be provided, then "service lateral" shall mean that portion of, or place in, a collection sewer which is provided for connection of any building sewer.
All facilities, as of any particular time, for collection, transporting, pumping, and disposing of sanitary sewage and industrial wastes, situated in or adjacent to this Township, owned by the authority and leased to this Township for operation and use.
Any pipe, main, or conduit constituting a part of the sewer system used or usable for sewage collection purposes.
The Township of South Hanover, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, a municipal subdivision of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, acting by and through its authorized representatives.
[Ord. No. 68-1977, § 2, 5/10/1977]
The owner of any improved property accessible to and whose principal building is within 150 feet from the sewer system shall connect such improved property with and shall use such sewer system, in such manner as this Township may require, within 60 days after notice to such owner from this Township to make such connection, for the purpose of discharge of all sanitary sewage and industrial wastes from such improved property subject, however, to such limitations and restrictions as shall be established herein or otherwise shall be established by this Township, from time to time.
All sanitary sewage and industrial wastes from any improved property, after connection of such improved property with a sewer shall be required under Subsection 1 of this section shall be conducted into a sewer, subject to such limitations and restrictions as shall be established herein or as otherwise shall be established by this Township, from time to time.
No person shall place or deposit or permit to be placed or deposited upon public or private property within this Township, any sanitary sewage or industrial wastes in violation of Subsection 1 of this section. No person shall discharge or permit to be discharged to any natural outlet within this Township any sanitary sewage or industrial wastes in violation of Subsection 1 of this section except where suitable treatment has been provided which is satisfactory to this Township.
No privy vault, cesspool, sinkhole, septic tank or similar receptacle shall be used or maintained at any time upon any improved property which has been connected to a sewer or which shall be required under Subsection 1 of this section to be connected to a sewer. Every such privy vault, cesspool, sinkhole, septic tank or similar receptacle in existence shall be abandoned and, at the discretion of this Township, shall be cleansed and filled at the expense of the owner of such improved property and under the direction and supervision of this Township; and any such privy vault, cesspool, sinkhole, septic tank, or similar receptacle not so abandoned and, if required by this Township, cleansed and filled, shall constitute a nuisance and such nuisance may be abated as provided by law, at the expense of the owner of such improved property.
No privy vault, cesspool, sinkhole, septic tank, or similar receptacle at any time shall be connected with a sewer.
The notice by this Township to make a connection to a sewer, referred to in Subsection 1 of this section shall consist of a copy of this article, including any amendments and/or supplements at the time in effect, or a summary of each section hereof, and a written or printed document requiring the connection in accordance with the provisions of this article and specifying that such connection shall be made within 60 days from the date such notice is given. Such notice may be given at any time after a sewer is in place which can receive and convey sanitary sewage and industrial wastes for treatment and disposal from the particular improved property. Such notice shall be served upon the owner either by personal service or by registered mail or by such other method as at the time may be provided by law.
[Ord. No. 68-1977, § 3, 5/10/1977]
No person shall uncover, connect with, make any opening into or use, alter or disturb in any manner any sewer or any part of the sewer system without first obtaining a permit, in writing from this Township.
Application for a permit required under Subsection 1 of this section shall be made by the owner of the improved property served or to be served.
No person shall make or cause to be made a connection of any improved property with a sewer until such person shall have fulfilled each of the following conditions:
Such person shall have notified this Township of the desire and intention to connect such improved property to a sewer.
Such person shall have applied for and obtained a permit as required by Subsection 1 of this section.
Such person shall have given this Township at least 24 hours' notice of the time when such connection will be made so that this Township may supervise and inspect the work of connection and necessary testing.
Such person shall have furnished satisfactory evidence to this Township that any tapping fee charged and imposed by the authority against the owner of each improved property who connects such improved property to a sewer has been paid.
Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, each improved property shall be connected separately and independently with a sewer through a building sewer. Grouping of more than one improved property on one building sewer shall not be permitted except under special circumstances and for good sanitary reasons or other good cause shown and then only after special permission of this Township, in writing, shall have been secured and subject to such rules, regulations, and in the event a single house connection is permitted to serve a double house, it will be necessary for both property owners to sign an agreement relieving the authority and Township of any responsibility or obligation caused by or resulting from installation of a single house connection. The agreement shall provide that any disagreement between the two parties concerning maintenance of the common sewer will be sufficient cause for the authority and/or this Township to install an additional connection to the sewer main to provide individual service to houses. The installation of such separate service lateral from the sewer main to the curb, as well as the house connection from the curb to the property, shall be made at the joint expense of the property owners signing the agreement.
All costs and expenses of construction of a building sewer and all costs and expenses of connection of a building sewer to a sewer, including testing, shall be borne by the owner of the improved property to be connected; and such owner shall indemnify and save harmless this Township from all loss or damage that may be occasioned, directly or indirectly, as a result of construction of a building sewer or of connection of a building sewer to a sewer.
A building sewer shall be connected to a sewer at the place designated by this Township and where the service lateral is provided. The invert of a building sewer at the point of connection shall be at the same or a higher elevation than the invert of the sewer. A smooth, neat joint shall be made and the connection of a building sewer to the service lateral shall be made secure and watertight.
After construction of the sewer system has been completed, the service lateral shall be constructed from the collection sewer to the building sewer, by and at the expense to the owner, who has obtained a permit, and upon installation shall become the property of the authority. Connections to the collection sewer where no branch or wye (Y) fitting has been previously provided shall be made and a service lateral provided by this Township.
Connections to service laterals, if of the same pipe size, shall be made by properly joining to the bell end of the service lateral provided. Where different types or sizes of materials are to be joined, an approved adapting fitting shall be used. Projecting the smaller pipe into the larger and sealing will not be permitted. This applies also to the connection of a house drain to the building sewer pipe.
As the sewer system is constructed or extended and sewer service becomes available, if the owner of any improved property located within the Township and accessible to and whose principal building is located within 150 feet from the sewer system, after 80 days' notice from this Township requiring the connection of such improved property with a sewer, in accordance with Subsection 1 of this section shall fail to connect such improved property, as required, this Township may make such connection and may collect from such owner the costs and expenses thereof by a municipal claim, an action in assumpsit or such other legal proceeding as may be permitted by law.
[Ord. No. 68-1977, § 4, 5/10/1977; Ord. No. 87-1978, § 2, 8/22/1978; Ord. No. 3-1995, 9/12/1995]
A building sewer shall be no less than four inches in internal diameter.
All service laterals and building sewers shall be constructed of one of the following types of pipes:
Extra-strength vitrified clay sewer pipe conforming to ASTM C-200, minimum six inch diameter.
PVC gravity sewer pipe conforming to ASTM D-3034.
Ductile-iron centrifugally cast soil pipe at least four inches in internal diameter conforming to ANSI A21.51, AWWA C151, Class 51.
Service weight cast-iron centrifugally cast bituminous concrete soil pipe at least four inches in internal diameter conforming to ANSI A21.11, AWWA C111.
Jointing materials for the various types of pipe shall be as follows:
Vitrified clay pipe shall have compression-type joints conforming to ASTM C-425, Type III.
PVC gravity pipe shall have joints consisting of a rubber gasket and conforming to ASTM D-1869, C361 or C443.
Ductile-iron pipe shall have single neoprene rubber gaskets conforming to ANSI A21.11 (AWWA C111).
Service weight cast-iron pipe bituminous coated shall have single neoprene rubber O-ring. Adapter gasket conforming to ASTM #443.
Sewer joint compound shall be Atlastic 77 or equal, and shall be installed as follows:
Pipe joint surfaces must be clean and dry, apply a prime coat and allow to dry overnight; trowel a one-half inch thick layer of joint compound on the groove end of the pipe set in place in the trench covering about two-thirds of the joint face around the entire pipe circumference.
Uniform bearing shall be provided along the entire length of a building sewer by the use of six-inch stone bed, 1-B stone, and all joints of a building sewer shall be watertight and root-proof. No cement mortar joints shall be used.
Where an improved property, at the time of securing a permit under Subsection 1 of § 18-203 to connect to a sewer shall be served by its own sewage disposal system or device, the existing house sewer line shall be broken on the structure side of such sewage disposal system or device and attachment shall be made with proper fittings to continue such house sewer line, as a building sewer, undiminished in inside diameter, but not less than four inches, to the service lateral.
It shall be the duty of every person constructing or owning any building connected to the sewer system to assure that their building sewer, house drain and plumbing fixtures are adequate for the purpose and will allow free passage of any material that enters or should enter the system. No change of the building sewer of any building shall be permitted unless notice thereof shall have been given the Township and approval of the Township thereto obtained in writing.
Fittings in a building sewer shall conform to the type of pipe used in construction.
Changes in direction in a building sewer must be made only by use of "Y" branches or of 1/8 or 1/16 bends. No 1/4 bends will be permitted. Caulking of lead joints or alignment of self-sealing joints to angles of less than 1/16 bend equivalent only shall be permitted.
Fittings or connections in a building sewer which have an enlargement, chamber or recess with a ledge or shoulder reduction of pipe area that shall offer any obstruction to flow, shall not be allowed.
Ductile-iron pipe joints will be push-on type, consisting of a single rubber gasket joint as described in ANSI A21.11 (AWWA C111).
The building sewer must be tested and approved as provided in Subsections 16, 17 and 18 of this section.
Service weight cast-iron pipe joints will be push-on type consisting of a single neoprene gasket joint conforming to ASTM C-564-70.
Basement floor drains shall not be permitted to be connected to the building sewer except where it can be shown to the satisfaction of the Township that their connection is absolutely necessary.
A permit shall be obtained from the Township before any floor drain may be attached to the building sewer drainage system.
No permit for a basement floor drain shall be granted until the owner of the building or his agent has executed, signed and filed with the Township a written statement releasing the Township from any damage or personal injury that may result.
Cleanouts. Generally, cleanouts shall be provided in each building sewer and at intervals to permit complete rodding with a 100-foot long auger or tape. Cleanouts shall be constructed by using a "Y" fitting in the run of pipe with a 45° bend and riser to the ground surface. The riser pipe must be provided with a standard four-inch screw type ferrule and plug.
Special conditions. Wherever in the opinion of the Township the trenching conditions require either a specific type of pipe, jointing material or encasement in concrete, such materials, as it may direct, shall be installed to protect the property owner and/or the Township for special conditions as follows:
Where the trench is over 12 feet deep, extra-strength V.C. pipe or Class 51 ductile-iron pipe must be used.
Where the trench is less than four feet deep in a traveled roadway, special bedding, consisting of crushed stone or concrete cradle, as directed by the Township, must be used.
Where lines are laid in full, ductile-iron with concrete encasement and neoprene rubber gaskets shall be used at the direction of this Township.
Where foundation conditions are poor due to ground water or subsurface materials, a bedding of PennDOT II2A modified crushed stone at least eight inches in depth shall be installed beneath the pipe.
Where rock is encountered, the trench shall be excavated to a depth of four inches below the bottom of the pipe and the trench refilled to the grade line with crushed stone.
A building sewer may be provided with a horizontal trap, known as a house trap, of not less than four inches inside diameter, of cast iron equivalent to cast iron soil pipe. Such trap shall be provided with a vent and clean-out openings, each to be at a level of at least equal to the finished grade level and to be provided with bent cowls. Lines from such trap to such finished grade level shall be of the same size and material as the building sewer.
The house trap described under Subsection 14 of this section shall be located at a point approved by the Township in accordance with rules and regulations applicable thereto as adopted by this Township. Such trap and its vent shall be on the property side of the curb.
The slope or grade of a building sewer, when the inside diameter is four inches or more, shall be no less than one-fourth inch per foot of length and shall be downward in the direction of flow; provided, however, that when a commercial or industrial establishment requires a building sewer with an inside diameter of six inches or more, the slope shall be no less than one-eighth inch per foot of length. When physically required in order to connect with the sewer lateral, the slope of the building sewer may be reduced to one-eighth inch per foot but only with the permission of this Township.
This Township shall observe all testing of a building sewer. All equipment and material required for testing shall be furnished by the owner of the improved property to be connected to a sewer. In the event that a building sewer is not approved by this Township, further test or tests shall be made following completion of necessary corrections. A fee in an amount as established from time to time by resolution will be charged by this Township for observation of each test subsequent to the initial test.
No building sewer shall be covered until it has been inspected, tested (as provided in Subsection 17 of this section) and approved. If any part of a building sewer is uncovered before so being inspected, tested and accepted, it shall be uncovered for inspection and testing at the cost and expense of the owner of the improved property.
Every building sewer shall be tested by filling the same with water, completely, so that every section shall be tested with not less than a ten-foot head of water. Water shall be kept in the building sewer for 15 minutes before inspection starts and no leakage shall be observable at the time of inspection. Upon approval of the test of a building sewer by this Township, a certificate of approval will be issued to the owner of the improved property to be connected to a sewer.
Whenever this Township has reason to believe any building sewer has become defective, such building sewer shall be subject to test and inspection. Defects found upon such test and inspection shall be corrected, as required by this Township in writing, at the cost and expense of the owner of the improved property served through such building sewer.
Every building sewer of any improved property shall be maintained in a sanitary and safe operating condition by the owner of such improved property.
Every excavation for a building sewer shall be guarded adequately with barricades and lights to protect all persons from damage and injury. Streets, sidewalks and other public property disturbed in the course of installation of a building sewer shall be restored, at the cost and expense of the owner of the improved property being connected, in a manner satisfactory to this Township.
Street opening permits and restoration of surface. Whenever the surface of any public street, sidewalk, or cartway is disturbed by construction of the building sewer, the surfacing material must be restored in kind and maintained to the satisfaction of this Township. Any and all construction in a public street of this Township shall be in compliance with the ordinances of this Township and any and all construction in a state highway shall be in compliance with Pennsylvania Department of Transportation requirements and specifications and all necessary permits shall be obtained from this Township before construction is commenced, including the permit required for opening or disturbing the surface of a street.
The construction of building sewers shall, at all times, be subject to supervision and inspection by this Township, or its representatives, and shall conform to this Township's specifications. The building sewer shall not be covered until permitted by this Township and all backfilling of trenches shall be under its supervision and shall be thoroughly compacted by tamping in six inch layers to a minimum height of 12 inches above the top of the pipe.
Connections with sewers where same are run through private property shall in all respects be governed by these rules and regulations or subsequent revision.
No roof drainage, cellar, surface water, waste from hydrants or ground water from underground drainage fields shall be permitted to drain into the sewer system. The sewer system is intended to convey sanitary sewage and liquid wastes only.
This Township shall have the right to close up or disconnect from the sewer system any service lateral or building sewer used for carrying rain, cellar drainage, surface water, ground water or objectionable matter or whenever any violations of these rules and regulations are committed.
This Township shall not be liable for any damage or expense resulting from leaks, stoppages, or defective plumbing or from any other cause occurring to any premises or within any house or building; and it is expressly stipulated by and between this Township and the owner that no claims shall be made against this Township on account of the breaking or stoppage of, or any damage or expense to, any lateral, building sewer, or house connection when the cause thereof is found to be in the lateral, building sewer, or house connection.
This Township shall not be liable for a deficiency or failure of service when occasioned by emergency, required repairs, or failure from any cause beyond control. This Township reserves the right to restrict the use of sewer service whenever the public welfare may require it. In consideration of the right to connect to the sewer system, this Township shall not be liable for any damage or expense resulting from leaks, stoppages or defective plumbing or from any other cause occurring to any premises or within any building and it is hereby expressly agreed by all persons making connection with the sewer system that no claims shall be made against this Township on account of the breaking or stoppages of, or any damage or expense to, any service lateral or building sewer where the cause thereof is found to be in such service lateral or building sewer.
[Ord. No. 68-1977, § 5, 5/10/1977; Ord. No. 3-1995, 9/12/1995]
Any person desiring to carry on or work at the business of installing a building sewer for any improved property shall obtain from the Township a certificate to engage in or work at said business. A certificate fee in an amount as established from time to time by resolution to defray in part the administrative and enforcement costs shall be imposed annually. The certificate shall be effective only for the year in which it is issued.
A homeowner may secure a certificate to undertake plumbing work on his own property after registration for such work with the Township. A fee in an amount as established from time to time by resolution shall be imposed for a homeowner's certificate which will be effective only for the year in which it is issued.
No person not certified, as herein provided, shall be allowed to carry on, or engage in, the business relating to connections, unless he or they have first secured a certificate registered in the Township office; nor shall any person or persons other than a certified person be allowed to alter, repair, or make any connection with any facilities related to connections.
Certificates, other than homeowners, will be issued only to those persons or corporations earning their livelihood in the plumbing business and having a bona fide place of business.
Every certified person, firm or corporation shall give notice of any change in his, their, or its place of business.
No person, firm, or corporation carrying on the business of plumbing and house drainage, shall allow his or their name to be used by any person, directly or indirectly, either to obtain a permit or permits, or to do any work under his or their certificate.
The Township reserves the right to revoke any certificates issued under this section for just cause; such notice of revocation to be given in writing to the certificate holder, stating the reasons for the action.
[Ord. No. 68-1977, § 6, 5/10/1977]
If any person shall fail or refuse, upon receipt of a notice of this Township, in writing, to remedy any unsatisfactory condition with respect to a building sewer, within 45 days of receipt of such notice, this Township may refuse to permit such person to discharge sanitary sewage and industrial wastes into the sewer system until such unsatisfactory condition shall have been remedied to the satisfaction of this Township.
This Township reserves the right to refuse to any person the privilege of connection of any improved property to a sewer, or to compel discontinuance of use of a sewer by any person, or to compel the pretreatment of industrial wastes, in order to prevent discharge into the sewer system of wastes which may be deemed by this Township to be harmful to the sewer system or to have a deleterious effect on sewage treatment process.
[Ord. No. 68-1977, § 7, 5/10/1977; Ord. No. 3-2000, §§ 1, 2, 11/14/2000]
Procedure for construction of a sanitary sewerage system or extension.
In cases where a builder or developer desires or is required to install collection sewers, service laterals and building sewers to every housing unit within a housing development prior to their individual sale, he may do so upon meeting all conditions as set forth in this section and in other sections of this article. Plot plans for such a development must be submitted to the authority for approval prior to any construction. Sewer plans conforming to all original specifications established by the authority, as to type of pipe, location of mains, size of pipe, grades, all necessary appurtenances, will be reviewed by the authority's engineer prior to approval from the necessary state agencies. The engineering fees and charges for this review shall be paid by the builder or developer to the authority. In no case will lesser standards than exist in the presently constructed sewer system and as outlined in these provisions be permitted for any future extensions.
Upon approval of such plans by the authority, the extensions may be constructed by and at the expense of the builder or developer, but only under the inspection of an inspector designated by the authority and/or its engineer. The cost of such inspections, including salaries and expenses, shall be borne by the builder or developer making the extensions.
When a person who develops and/or subdivides land within the Township is required by any ordinance of the Township to provide for the installation of public sanitary sewer facilities within a land development area and/or subdivision and to provide for connection lines or when a person not so required desires to provide for such installation and connection to existing Township collection lines, he shall install such public sanitary sewer facilities at his own expense with his own forces, or under separate contract provided that he first applies for and obtains written authorization from the authority to proceed with such construction in conformity with approved plans and specifications.
Plan requirements and processing procedures. The following procedures shall govern the submission of plans for approval to the authority:
Preliminary meeting. Prior to his submission of plans for the construction of public sanitary sewer facilities, the developer shall consult with the authority and engineer as well as the South Hanover Township Board of Supervisors for the purpose of preliminarily discussing the preparation of sewer design plans. The developer should, at the preliminary meeting, present any available data or preliminary drawings he has concerning the nature of the development proposal and the approximate number of units to be connected to the sanitary sewer system.
Preparation of plans and specifications. Sewer design plans for the proposed sanitary sewer shall be prepared at the expense of the developer and may be prepared by the developer's engineer. The sewer design plans shall meet all requirements of the Department of Environmental Resources of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and shall further be prepared in accordance with the design standards and specifications as set forth in this chapter and in accordance with such additional specifications and requirements as the authority engineer shall deem appropriate or necessary.
Land development planning module. Prior to completion and submission of sewer design plans to the authority, the developer shall submit approved copies of the land development planning module and the soil erosion and sedimentation control plan to the authority and the Township. Upon receipt of the above items in form satisfactory to the authority, written notification shall be given to the developer that he is authorized to proceed with completion of the sewer design plans and applicable water quality modules.
Final sewer design plan and applicable module. Upon completion of the final sewer design plan and the modules required under the rules and regulations of the Department of Environmental Resources of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the same shall be submitted to the authority with such permit application fees as may be required by the department of environmental resources prior to its issuance of a permit to the authority for construction of the proposed public sanitary sewage collection system. The authority shall, after review and approval of the final sewer design plan and applicable module, submit its application for issuance of required water quality management permit, to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Environmental Resources.
Written authorization to proceed with construction.
No construction work shall be commenced until written authorization is received by the developer from the authority. Upon receipt by the authority of the requisite permits from the department of environmental resources authorizing construction of the proposed public sanitary sewerage system, the authority shall advise the developer in writing that the developer is authorized to proceed to construct the proposed public sanitary sewerage system, provided that the developer has complied with all other requirements imposed by the authority pursuant to these rules and regulations. Construction shall commence and proceed in strict accordance with the final sewer design plan, all applicable specifications or regulations of the authority and of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Any deviation from the final sewer design plan; applicable specifications or regulations during any phase of construction shall be justification for the revocation by the authority of the developer's authorization to proceed with construction and upon written notification of such revocation all construction shall immediately cease.
In the event that construction of the proposed public sanitary sewerage system or any section thereof is not completed within one year after the date of the issuance of written authorization to proceed by the authority as provided for in this section, such written authorization to proceed may be revoked by the authority or the Township Board of Supervisors, giving notice of such revocation in writing to the developer. Thereafter, the developer must secure renewed written authorization from the authority and Board of Supervisors to proceed to complete the project. No construction or work of any nature may be performed on the project subsequent to the supervisors and authority giving written notice of revocation or authorization to proceed or prior to issuance of a renewed written authorization.
Performance bond or escrow deposit. Prior to issuing written authorization to the developer to commence construction and as a prerequisite to such authorization, the developer shall provide a performance bond or shall deposit an escrow with the authority in an amount equal to the cost of construction as estimated by the authority's engineer.
Construction schedule. Immediately prior to commencement of construction, the developer shall provide the authority with an estimated construction schedule so that the progress and performance inspections required to be made by the authority under the provisions of these rules and regulations may be performed.
Tests and final inspection. Upon completion of construction and prior to the discharge of any sewage into the lines, the authority shall conduct a final inspection, which inspection shall include such tests as the authority deems necessary to insure that the construction conforms in all respects to the sewer design plans, specifications and regulations. Any deficiencies noted at the time of final inspection by the authority shall be reported in writing to the developer who shall correct such deficiencies at his expense. Therefore, the developer may request that a reinspection be made by the authority.
Approval and acceptance of system. After completion of the final inspection and any re-inspections that are necessary, and upon receipt of a maintenance bond if required pursuant to Subsection 11 of this section, the authority shall, upon the recommendation and acceptance of its engineer made in the form of an engineer's certificate of completion, certifying that the improvements have been constructed in accordance with the Township specifications, notify the developer in writing that the constructions is approved, and that the public sanitary sewage system will be accepted by the authority upon proper dedication to it by the developer. The developer shall then take such steps as are necessary to dedicate the system to the authority free of all liens and encumbrances.
No sewage to be discharged into lines prior to approval. No sewage shall be permitted to be discharged into the newly constructed public sanitary sewerage system until the developer has been notified in writing of the authority's approval and intent to accept the system pursuant to Subsection 7 of this section.
Applications for house connections and service lateral connections. All house connections and service lateral connections to any newly constructed public sanitary sewer shall be made in accordance with the rules and regulations applicable to such connections including, but not limited to, those rules and regulations prescribing permit applications. Such application shall be required for each connection to be made to a collecting sewer even though such connection is to be made by a unit within a planned development, the main collection lines for which are being constructed or have been constructed by or at the expense of the developer and even though the authority has waived the connection charge and must be completely filled out in all parts, and signed by the customer. The initial application shall be accompanied by the proper connection charge.
Maintenance bonds or cash deposits. If required, prior to issuing written approval of the system to the developer and as a prerequisite to such approval, the developer shall provide the authority with a one year maintenance bond in the amount of 100% of the construction cost of the public sanitary sewerage system constructed by him, or shall deposit with the authority cash in such amount as is estimated necessary and sufficient by the authority's engineer.
Inspections and inspection fees. In all instances where new main sanitary sewer collection system lines are being installed, the authority's engineer or his designee shall be on the job site during periods of actual work as determined by the authority's engineer or his designee to be necessary to inspect the materials and construction methods being used to insure that the same conform to all applicable regulations. The authority shall collect an inspection fee based on cost and out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the authority's engineer, which sum shall be paid to the authority by the developer or owner of the land upon which the said line is being constructed for each hour or part thereof which the authority's engineer or his designee expends at the construction site performing such inspections. The authority's engineer shall estimate the total cost of such inspection fee and said estimated inspection fee shall be paid by the developer to the authority prior to the issuance of a written authorization to proceed with the installation of the proposed sewerage system. Upon completion of all necessary inspections by the authority's engineer, or his designee, any inspection costs in excess of the estimated amount previously posted by the landowner or developer shall be billed by the authority to the landowner or developer which inspection costs shall be paid to the authority before it shall issue written authorization to discharge sewage into the system. If the authority's engineer's estimate exceeds the actual cost of inspection, then the balance on hand shall be refunded to the landowner or developer.
Design standards, specifications, plans. Sewer construction design shall be in accordance with the design standards and specification requirements as set forth in the "Standard Construction and Material Specifications for Wastewater Collection System Extensions" prepared by Gannett Fleming, Inc., and dated 1993, which sewer construction specifications are incorporated into this chapter and made a part hereof as if more fully set forth at length. All drawings submitted to the authority in conjunction with any application for a permit under this section shall conform in every respect to the drawing criteria as set forth in the aforementioned sewer construction specifications. Wastewater pumping station construction design shall be generally in accordance with the "Guidelines Regarding Material and Construction Specifications for Wastewater Pumping Stations" dated as of August 8, 2000, which guidelines are incorporated into this chapter and made a part hereof as if more fully set forth at length.
[Ord. No. 68-1977, § 8, 5/10/1977]
Access. This Township shall have the right of access at reasonable times to any part of any improved property served by the sewer system as shall be required for purposes of inspection, measurement, sampling and testing and for performance of other functions relating to service rendered by this Township through the sewer system.
Variance from rules. No officer or employee of the Township is authorized to vary these rules and regulations without action by the Township.
Control of service. The Township shall not be liable for a deficiency or failure of service when occasioned by an emergency, required repairs, for any cause beyond control. The Township reserves the right to restrict the use of sewer service whenever the public welfare may require it.
Property owner vacating premises. When premises are vacated, the owner must give notice at the Township office, and he will be responsible for the sewage charges until such notice is given.
Notice of change of ownership. Each property owner must give the Township written notice of any change of ownership of any improved property.
[Ord. No. 68-1977, § 9, 5/10/1977]
This Township reserves the right to adopt, from time to time, additional rules and regulations as it shall deem necessary and proper relating to connections with a sewer and the sewer system, which additional rules and regulations, to the extent appropriate, shall be and shall be construed as a part of this chapter.
[Ord. No. 68-1977, § 10, 5/10/1977; Ord. No. 3-1995, 9/12/1995]
Any person who shall violate any provision of this article shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding $1,000 and costs and, in default of payment thereof, shall be subject to imprisonment for a term not to exceed 30 days. Each day that a violation of this article continues shall constitute a separate offense.
[Ord. No. 68-1977, § 13, 5/10/1977]
It is declared that the enactment of this article is necessary for the protection, benefit and preservation of the health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of this Township.