[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Council of the Town of New Canaan 6-18-2014. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The Town of New Canaan hereby adopts Connecticut General Statutes, §§ 4-124l through 4-124p, as amended, providing for the formation of a Regional Council of Governments, and does hereby join such Regional Council of Governments when and as such council is duly established in accordance with said statutes, upon the adoption of said statutes by not less than 60% of all municipalities within the Western Connecticut planning region as defined or redefined by the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management or his designee, and upon certification by the Secretary or his designee that a Regional Council of Governments has been duly established.
The First Selectman shall represent the Town on the Regional Council of Governments. The Board of Selectmen shall appoint one of its members as an alternate representative to the Regional Council of Governments. An alternate representative shall serve a term of two years or for the term of their elected office, whichever is sooner.
Upon the establishment of a Regional Council of Governments and the expiration of a transitional period provided for in Connecticut General Statutes § 4-124l, the Town does hereby repeal Chapter 50 of the Code, entitled "Regional Planning Agency," that authorizes the Town's participation in the South Western Regional Planning Agency.