There shall be a Parking Commission of five members who shall be electors of the Town, together with the First Selectman as an ex officio member, who shall vote only in the case of a tie. With the exception of the First Selectman, the members shall serve without compensation and shall hold no other office of trust or emolument in the Town government. Service on committees of the Town government is not prohibited by this section, provided that such service does not create a conflict of interest as defined in the Town Code of Ethics.
The Selectmen shall on or promptly after the first day of December in each year appoint the necessary number of members of the Parking Commission to fill the vacancies occurring by reason of the expiration of the term of office of any member. Such appointment shall be for a term of three years from the first day of December and until their successors have been appointed and shall have qualified. There shall be minority representation on the Commission in accordance with § 9-167a of the General Statutes.
On or promptly after the first day of December in each year, the Parking Commission shall meet at the call of the First Selectman to choose one of its appointed members to be Chairman and one of its appointed members to be Secretary. The Chairman shall, when present, preside at all meetings of the Commission and shall have a vote as a member thereof. In the absence of the Chairman, the Board shall choose one of its members Chairman pro tempore. The Secretary shall file in the office of the Town Clerk a full and detailed record of all proceedings, acts and resolutions of the Commission, including the vote of each member on all actions taken, and such record shall be a public record. Three members shall be a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting.
The Parking Commission shall:
Recommend to the Board of Selectmen such policies, rules and procedures as may be applicable to the maintenance and operation of all public off-street parking facilities owned or controlled by the Town.
Recommend to the Board of Selectmen the acquisition of land and other property necessary for or incidental to the establishment, maintenance and operation of public off-street parking facilities by purchase, lease or condemnation.
Consider offers of gifts or devises of land or money to be used for purposes of this article and recommend to the Board of Selectmen acceptance or rejection thereof.
Recommend to the Board of Selectmen the establishment of such fees and such rules as may be appropriate for the parking of vehicles on public off-street parking facilities owned or controlled by the Town, and make similar recommendations to the Police Commission for the parking of vehicles on any public street. Such fees shall be collected under the direction of the Board of Selectmen and shall be turned over by the Board of Selectmen to the Town Treasurer for deposit in the Town General Fund, unless the use or disposition of such fees are subject to the terms and provisions of a bond indenture relating to the issuance of revenue bonds.
Recommend to the Board of Selectmen the installation of parking meters on public off-street parking facilities owned or controlled by the Town, and on public streets. No contract requiring the expenditure of money for the purchase or installation thereof shall be submitted to the Town Council by the Board of Selectmen unless accompanied by a recommendation by the Board of Finance.
The Parking Commission shall prepare and submit to the Board of Selectmen and to the Planning and Zoning Commission plans for the provision of public off-street parking facilities, which plans shall be completed on or before the 15th day of November next after the Parking Commission's appointment. Annually thereafter, the Parking Commission shall update such plans and submit the same to the Board of Selectmen and to the Planning and Zoning Commission on or before the 15th day of November.
Consider and recommend to the Police Commission such rules and regulations as it deems advisable for improvement of traffic circulation and parking within the Town of New Canaan.
Hear parking citation appeals if authorized by ordinance.
The Board of Selectmen shall prepare annually an itemized estimate of expenses for the maintenance or operation of public off-street parking facilities for the ensuing fiscal year and of expenses of the Parking Commission, including such professional assistance to the Commission as may be approved by the Board of Selectmen, and shall submit such estimate and its request for an appropriation to cover such expenses to the Board of Finance and expend such appropriation, all in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Town Charter. The Board of Selectmen shall present to the Board of Finance promptly after the effective date of this article an estimate of expenses for the remainder of the fiscal year and a request for an appropriation therefor.
Nothing in this article shall be constructed to abrogate or render invalid any existing contract to which the Town or the Board of Selectmen as the Parking Commission were parties and which relate to leases or to the duties or functions to be performed by the Town, and all such leases and contracts shall be carried out on behalf of the Town by the Board of Selectmen.