[Adopted 10-6-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-4 (Ch. 18, Part 7, of the 2006 codification)]
Any sewage taps connected to the Borough's sewage system may not be sold, transferred or assigned to any entity, except that the sewer tap connection shall run with the land upon which the sewer tap connection is located so that any transfer of land includes transfer of the existing sewer tap connection.
Any sewage tap permits issued by the Borough shall not be sold, transferred or assigned to any entity besides the entity to whom the Borough issued the sewer tap permit.
Any application for a Borough building construction permit must also include an application for a tap permit for the same parcel of land. If construction pursuant to the building construction permit has not been started within 90 days of the issuance of the building construction permit, the sewer tap permit will be nullified by the Borough at the end of this ninety-day period or July 2, 2016, whichever occurs later, and 50% of the original permit application fee will be returned to the permit applicant at that time. "Start of construction," for the purposes of this article, shall be defined as breaking ground for construction.
Borough Council may approve a time extension for start of construction due to extenuating circumstances upon request of the applicant; and if the Borough extends the time for use of the permit based on extenuating circumstances, the applicant shall be required to pay the rate of the monthly service fee commencing with the fourth month following the original issuance of the permit. In no event shall the permit be extended for more than one additional year from the original date of issuance or July 2, 2016, whichever occurs later.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
The Borough shall charge a sewer tap permit application fee, which shall be payable in full at the time of application of the sewer tap permit. The charge for said fee shall be set by the Borough by ordinance and shall be amended by the Borough from time to time in accordance with 53 Pa.C.S.A. § 5607.[1]
Editor's Note: Original § 18-704 of the 2006 codification, Waiting List, which immediately followed this section, was repealed at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
[Added at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
As of the effective date of this section, every owner of real property, whether for personal use, rental or profit or not for profit located with inside the boundaries of the Borough, which has a sewer flap connection to the Borough sewage system and is not being used shall pay a monthly maintenance fee to the Borough. The maintenance fee established under this section shall apply to the owners of properties that:
Were never connected to the Borough's sewage system and are currently paying a full monthly payment to the Borough;
The owners of properties that have a sewer tap connection to the Borough's sewer system who are currently paying no monthly fee to the Borough for the tap;
The owners of real property with a sewer tap connection where a building that formerly utilized the sewer tap connection has been demolished; and
The owners of lots located within mobile home parks with a sewer tap connection where no trailer is attached.
The charge for said fee shall be set by the Borough by resolution and shall be amended by the Borough by resolution from time to time at the Borough's pleasure.
In the event that an owner does not pay a maintenance fee as required under this subsection for a period of 12 months, the owner's sewer payment shall automatically be revoked and the owner's right to reconnect to the Borough's sewage system shall terminate. If the owner of the property wishes to reestablish a sewer tap connection to the Borough's sewage system, the owner would be required to reapply for a sewage permit in accordance with Article VI of this chapter. The availability of sewer connection permits will be issued on a first come, first served basis and the owners of a revoked sewer permit under this section shall not receive any preference.
[Added at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
An owner of land with a sewage tap connected to the Borough's sewage system may relinquish the tap by completing and submitting a sewer tap relinquishment application on a form supplied by the Borough. In the case of relinquishment, the sewer tap shall be cut off and sealed with an approved cap and/or cemented at the main sewer line by the Borough. The Borough reserves the right to set a relinquishment fee, which shall be payable in full at the time of application. The charge for said fee shall be set by the Borough by resolution and shall be amended by the Borough by resolution from time to time at the Borough's pleasure.
[Added at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
An owner of land with a sewage tap that has been allocated to that land but not applied for by the owner must make application to connect to the Borough's sewer system within 12 months. If the application is not submitted within 12 months, the tap will be revoked and nullified by the Borough unless the Borough Council has approved the time extension due to extenuating circumstances.
Any owner who has an allocated sewer connection which the Borough has had to subsequently revoke for failure to apply for a sewage tap shall:
Be prohibited from obtaining any new connection permit for the remainder of that allocation year; and
Only be allowed to obtain one new sewer connection permit during the next allocation year.
Any owner who has had a permit revoked pursuant to this article may appeal from the penalty set forth in Subsection B(1) and (2)and may be relieved from the penalty set forth above by Borough Council upon ensuring of good cause for failure to apply for a sewage tap.