[G.O. No. 1985, 3-13-2012; amended 12-11-2012 by G.O. No. 1996; 12-17-2013 by G.O. No. 2014; 12-16-2014 by G.O. No. 2034; 2-8-2022 by G.O. No. 2022-01; 2-13-2024 by G.O. No. 2024-03]
There shall be an annual sewer user fee for each property based on the uses of the property in accordance with the following schedule:
Single-Family Uses. The sewer user fee for a single-family residence shall not exceed $565 per annum.
Commercial and Industrial Uses. The sewer user fee for commercial and industrial properties shall not exceed $1,610 per annum.
Multifamily Uses. The sewer user fee for each multifamily unit on a property shall not exceed $355 per annum.
The term "multifamily unit" shall mean each unit in a building containing two or more separate dwelling units. The term "single-family residence" shall mean a building consisting of only one dwelling unit within said building.
[G.O. No. 1985, 3-13-2012]
Owners of all properties who are senior citizens or permanently and totally disabled persons and who qualify for a senior citizen or disabled person tax deduction pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 54:4-8.40 et seq. shall receive a deduction of $25 from their fee.
[G.O. No. 1985, 3-13-2012; amended 12-11-2012 by G.O. No. 1996; 12-17-2013 by G.O. No. 2014; 12-16-2014 by G.O. No. 2034; 2-8-2022 by G.O. No. 2022-01; 2-13-2024 by G.O. No. 2024-03]
By no later than the second regularly scheduled Town Council meeting in February of each year, the Town Council, by resolution, shall determine the sewer fee for the then current calendar year, subject to the maximum amounts set forth in § 20-23. The bill for the sewer user fee shall be forwarded by the Town to the property owner, or other party designated in writing by the property owner, on or before end of the month of February of each year and shall be due no later than April 1 of each year. There shall be a ten-day grace period from the due date. Sewer user fees shall be a lien upon the property until paid, and the Town shall have the right to exercise the same remedies it has for the collection of taxes upon real estate with interest, cost and penalties as provided in N.J.S.A. 54:4-67.