The following policies are established with respect to the applicability
of the term "subdivision" and "re-subdivision" in the Town under Chapter
126 and these Regulations.
For the purpose of the definition of "subdivision" any lot,
parcel, tract, or acreage owned separately from any adjoining lot,
parcel, tract, or acreage on September 30, 1958, as evidenced by deed
or deeds recorded in the Office of the New Milford Town Clerk, is
considered to be a "tract." Further definition is governed as well
by the Connecticut General Statutes.
The Record Subdivision Map need only show the part which is
the third or any subsequent division of the tract. It is recommended,
however, that all divisions, to the degree practical, be shown on
the Record Subdivision Map in order to clarify land records and property
assessment records and to build up the available survey data in the